(I've been taking time out to go to the gym every day recently, it's really tiring.)

Roy stood in the Vatican Palace wearing a cardinal robe, holding information about the Italian"Seven Sisters Magic Society Alliance" in his hand. The

Vatican Palace was originally the Pope's residence, but after Roy reigned over the Cross as the"Son of God", this became his residence.

The ceiling and walls of the Sistine Chapel preserve the famous murals"Genesis" and"The Last Judgment" that Michelangelo spent four years to paint. The magnificent hall filled with the works of many famous artists is brewing a sacred atmosphere.

"Seven sisters... Aren't these the seven sisters during the heyday of Italian football, known as the Little World Cup? I don't remember the content of"God Slayer" very clearly, and I haven't finished reading it, but I really can't help but complain."

Roy secretly complained in his heart. His current body age is only sixteen years old. In the sixteen years of life in the Magic Index, his memories of those before the time travel have long been vague.

"The copper-black cross is AC Milan, the bronze-black cross is Inter Milan, the old lady is Juventus, the lily capital is Florence, the she-wolf is Roma, and the blue eagle is Lazio.……"

Roy put down the information in his hand with a smile, and then fell into deep thought. Although these seven magic societies conflicted with Roy's memory and made him feel very interesting, these seven magic societies were indeed the strongest forces in the mysterious field of Italy.

"Aiwass, how is your analysis of Pandora's Dark Sacrifice and the God of Disobedience going?"

Standing under the famous painting"The Last Judgment", Roy began to ask Aiwass's shining figure behind him.

"The existence form and general origin of the disobedient gods have been concluded. Humans created the concept of gods due to their fear and belief in the unknown, and then wove myths to put the gods in their proper places. However, due to some special reasons of"magic", a very small number of the concept of gods broke away from the myths and became the disobedient gods on earth."

"……The God of Disobedience is more like the incarnation of God, existing because of the"core". Pandora's Dark Festival is to merge this"core" with humans, so that humans can gain the power of God. The God Slayer can be completely called a"mimic god".’"

Aiwass tells us about his research on the relationship between the God of Disobedience and the God Slayer.

"In other words, the God of Disobedience is actually like a heroic spirit, except that the incarnation of God is far more powerful than those humans who have been elevated to heroic spirits due to their great achievements. The conceptual information of gods exists in mythology, and the advent of the God of Disobedience is the process of using this information to become a physical being under the joint action of the rules and magic of this world."

Roy nodded slightly, fully understanding the existence of the God of Disobedience. This is almost the same as the concept of Heroic Spirits in the 'Fate' game he played in the past, except that the information of Heroic Spirits is on the 'seat', while the information of Gods is in mythology.

They all come in the form of incarnations, and the core is the 'spiritual base'. Under normal circumstances, whether it is a Heroic Spirit or an incarnation of the God of Disobedience, they will disappear and return after being destroyed, but Pandora's Dark Festival left the spiritual base of the God of Disobedience, and then let it merge with humans, thus giving birth to the God Killer.

In fact, there are no real gods in the world of God Killers. They are just conceptual information sublimated by human beliefs in mythology. When these concepts have consciousness and come to the earth, they are Gods of Disobedience. When they do not come to the earth, they are Gods bound by mythology. This is a paradox. Gods can never appear in front of mortals. The only ones who can appear in front of mortals are Gods of Disobedience.

"Therefore, it is not difficult to completely destroy the gods, because the gods exist because of the myths woven by humans. We must understand the cause and effect and the order of events. Gods exist only after myths exist, not myths after gods exist. As long as humans are destroyed or human history is exterminated, the gods will naturally disappear."

(Note: This is the original words of the God Slayer. If you want to make the gods disappear completely, you must make humans disappear.)

This information is very important to Roy. He is not obsessed with killing disobedient gods to gain power, but will explore more fundamental things.

Roy's goal is to raise the sword of rebellion against his"beautiful father". With the so-called power of the God Slayer he now possesses, it is actually as ridiculous as a child's toy in front of Aleister Crowley.

Therefore, Roy must turn these toys into real weapons.

""Evans, what do you think of the flaws of the God Slayer?"

Roy asked again.

Although the God Slayer can make mortals ascend to heaven in one step and directly transcend countless years of hard work to achieve great deeds, the upper limit of the God Slayer is too low.

No matter how many disobedient gods you kill, the cursed power you have is the same, and the cursed power will not accumulate at all, and the power you have will not evolve, only the quantity will change.

The difference between the oldest God Slayer and the newly born God Slayer is not only the amount of power, but also the experience. The God Slayer will not become stronger with time, and has long lost the"infinite possibilities" in the future.

If it is compared to a game, the God Slayer is equivalent to making a level 1 mortal directly become level 50, but that's it. Even if the God Slayer is given a hundred powers, the upper limit of these powers is only There are 50 levels, but apart from allowing you to perform various tricks, you actually don't get stronger at all.

This is the huge flaw of Pandora's Dark Festival mentioned by Aiwass. Except for the qualitative change caused by the first godslayer, no matter how many gods are killed afterwards, the godslayer can only gain new powers. There is no change in essence, and the limit of 50 levels can never be broken.

This is not what Roy wants. If he relies on himself alone, Roy will naturally find it difficult to break through the shackles of the godslayer in a short period of time, but he has the help of Aiwass. As a"secret leader" with the same status as the demon god, Aiwass is far more powerful than all the gods in this world combined.

Compared to the mysterious space that allows him to travel through the world, Roy believes that Aiwass is actually the"plug-in" that helps him the most.’

"I need the knowledge of this world to be combined with my knowledge to improve Pandora's Dark Festival and let you, Roy, break through this limitation."

Aiwass responded to Roy.

"Well, please, Aiwass! I will also work hard to acquire knowledge so that your knowledge can be applied."

Roy exhaled lightly.

Although he had Aiwass's help, he couldn't do nothing. It was like a primary school student facing a university teacher. Although he didn't need to calculate those complicated math problems, he only needed to write down the formulas according to the teacher's dictation. But a primary school student didn't even know the basic math symbols. Even if the teacher dictated, he couldn't write a single word.

Roy was equivalent to a primary school student in front of Aiwass. He didn't ask to reach the same amount of knowledge as Aiwass, but at least his knowledge had to be rich enough to be able to write down and recognize what Aiwass dictated.

‘Transform the god of disobedience into one that can make���The material that has broken through the shackles of the level cap, isn't this the return of the spirit base, or is it the same as in various mobile games?……’

Roy self-deprecating

"Well, knowledge needs to be supplemented slowly, and things need to be done one by one. I'd better go and see the 'Seven Sisters Alliance' in Italy. Those magic societies must be hesitating now. It's not that they are not afraid of the God Slayers daring to disobey my orders, but the existence of Salvatore Tony, the 'King of Swords', makes them afraid to make a choice between the two God Slayers."

He snorted lightly, put his right hand in his pocket, and the cardinal robe swayed. The red figure left the Sistine Chapel.

"Tell me where the leaders of the Italian Seven Sisters Alliance are. I want to go meet them!"

Roy said this to the astonishment and horror of the clergy at the door.

The clergyman never thought that the"king" would go out in person!

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