(My dad has had a myocardial infarction and is in the intensive care unit. I'm in the hospital now, I'll try to update……)

"It's just a physical injury, it's just so-called pain, what's there to be afraid of! Don't cut off your pain nerves, it will make you weak. The human body has undergone countless evolutions, and the pain nerves have their important role, which will allow you to understand the damage to your body more clearly!"

"……Only by getting used to pain, enduring pain, and enjoying it, and turning pain into a factor that motivates you to become stronger, can you become stronger! Even if your performance power is strong, if you don't have the willpower and endurance to match it, if the enemy can't shield you from the pain, you will be defeated even if you are so powerful!"

Scathach shouted, and the magic gun in her hand drew a mysterious trajectory, piercing Roy's body again at an incredible angle. The magic of the magic gun and the original rune engraved on the gun took effect, greatly stimulating Roy's pain nerves, causing him to groan in pain, and then the pain spread from the nerves to the brain, until it poured into his soul, making Roy scream out in pain.


The heart-wrenching pain, like millions of ants gnawing at him, and the intense pain that seemed to tear his soul apart made Roy wish he could die. However, the brain function could not affect the soul, and even the coma mechanism could not be activated. It just tore at Roy's will as a human being.

Under this pain, Roy began to swing his fists like crazy, and the terrifying curse power rushed out from the deepest part of his body without regard for his life. The terrible magic hurricane whirled and roared to the sky and the earth, hammering the earth of the Shadow Kingdom and filling the sky of the Shadow Kingdom with magic.

It seemed that only in this way could Roy vent a little of the uncontrollable pain.

This violent outburst even made Scathach take two steps back, and then the Celtic female warrior's slender and powerful legs were stationed on the ground like two heavy clamps, and she did not move at all despite the violent wind and rain.

"Even if you are in great pain, do not give up control of your body, and do not let yourself completely give in to the instincts of wild beasts. Although the Celts fought desperately, they did not turn into wild beasts. The romance of the Celts is poetry and wine, glory and blood. There is no glory for wild beasts who eat raw meat and drink blood! Do not misunderstand the killing method of the Celts. They fought with their own will, not turning into wild beasts!"

"……Ancient humans exterminated many species that threatened their survival.

They had a strong killing instinct, but that was only eliminated.

The real development of human civilization relied on wisdom rather than the instinct of beasts.

Roy, my disciple, remember that your best way of fighting is not to transform into a beast.

No matter how painful it is, no matter how unbearable it is, you must maintain a trace of reason, otherwise you will fall into Shura.

If so, I will use the gun in my hand to completely take your life!


"Don't let me down, Roy!"

In the agony of excruciating pain, Roy seemed to hear Scathach's words intermittently. He tried to maintain a clear mind and forged an island of reason of his own in the sea of despair and pain.

Seeing that Roy's waving fists gradually became more methodical, Scathach praised him while dodging leisurely:"……Well done. Although your fists are still weak and powerless, and you still can't get the real meaning, you have gradually learned how to control your reason under pain. The fighting skills are a topic for later. Now I want to teach you the qualities of a warrior and the will of a hero. You have the potential to become a hegemon. Don't underestimate yourself, Roy!"

In battle, in education, Scathach would never show her gentle side. She was like an instructor in the army training new recruits, stimulating Roy with extremely harsh and cold words.

Scathach was a qualified teacher, otherwise she would not have taught so many great Celtic heroes.

She knew clearly what it meant to teach students in accordance with their aptitude.

She knew that Roy was not the kind of person who relied on the instinct of beasts to fight, so she guided him in the direction of 'wisdom'.

The fighting instinct of beasts is strong, and the fighting of wisdom is also strong.

In theory, there is no difference between high and low, only whether it is suitable for oneself.

Therefore, Scathach would belittle the instinctive fighting method, just to let Roy walk on the path that suits him.

The pain gradually faded, and Roy's reason became stronger and stronger. His shaky body barely stood up, sweating all over, and said weakly to Scathach:"……"Master, Master! I can't do it anymore... I just thought I almost lost consciousness."

If Roy loses his consciousness, he will become a vegetable, which is no different from being dead.

"I have been watching you. Even if the pain of tearing your soul is approaching your limit, I will let you break through the limit, but I will never kill you... As a teacher, if you teach your students to die, you are the worst teacher. If I see such a person, I think I will not be able to help but stab him to death. This is an insult to the title of teacher."

Scathach said lightly, which roughly means 'You are dying' This is just your illusion, anyway, I will never let you die

"Men can't say no! Especially in front of women, come on, keep shaking your fist at me, you have to believe that this is not your limit!"

"Who says I can't do it... I'm still very confident in men and women."

When a person is in absolute pain, he will not have the leisure to restrain his outspokenness, Roy said harshly


Scathach laughed. She looked at Roy's body with disdain and spat:"……With your body that has never been trained, you can only be conquered by a truly strong woman!"

Scathach knew clearly where the pain points of men were. Moreover, in Celtic culture, the desires between men and women did not have as many rules and regulations as in modern times. Sure enough, Scathach's contempt made Roy furious. Even though he knew that with Scathach's well-trained body, she could beat him to a pulp even in bed, but a man could deny everything, but he could never deny his ability as a man.

"Then you come and try, Master!"

Roy angrily punched Scathach's pretty face.

"Sorry, Roy! I'm not interested in men who are too weak and too small!"

Scathach dodged by turning sideways, and then threw Roy to the ground with a beautiful shoulder throw.

His back hit the ground hard, but this pain was nothing compared to the previous pain of his soul being torn apart. Roy didn't react at all.

"The wisdom of the magic world tells me that you should still have the ability to explode, use it!"

Under Scathach's command, Roy did not think much and directly activated"Redemption of Isaac"!

This is the power of a last gasp when on the verge of despair.

At that moment, Roy once again felt that his whole body was filled with strength. He jumped up from the ground and fought with Scathach again.

The sound of fists and the red shadow of the magic gun appeared again in the Kingdom of Shadows, and this time Roy persisted for a shorter time. When the power lost its effect, Roy finally collapsed and fell to the ground completely.

This is the side effect of"Redemption of Isaac". After the effect of the power disappears, there is absolutely no strength left.

"I know this is your limit, you can't fight anymore, but stand up, Roy!! I believe you still have the strength to stand up!"

Scathach swung the magic gun in her hand and let it stick next to Roy's hand.

Roy gritted his teeth, blood oozing from his mouth. He grabbed the gun with trembling hands and moved his body little by little to stand up again.

He seemed to feel like he was back in the gym. Every time he reached his limit, the coach would ask him to"do one more" and"do one more" to hone his strength and will.

But Scathach's teaching was countless times more brutal than that of the coach in the gym. This was truly squeezing him to the limit, from the body to the soul.

When Roy stood up completely, his body suddenly stopped moving, because Roy had completely fainted and was only relying on the magic gun to support his body.

"Well done, Roy.……"

Although she knew that Roy could no longer hear these words, Scathach still praised him. Her cold expression disappeared, and she became charming and tender again. She walked gently to Roy and wiped the blood and dirt off his face with her delicate white hands.

"Won't this kind of training damage him?"

Ai Hua���Appeared behind Roy and questioned Scathach

"You are not human, so you don't know the limit of human beings... You don't know how to wield a weapon, so you don't know how far you can wield it."

Scathach's words refuted Aiwass speechless.

"He is my disciple, my last disciple, and the only one who can fulfill my wish. I will teach him everything I know, and I will satisfy all his desires and wishes, as long as he can satisfy my little wish."

Scathach gently hugged Roy's head, let him lean on her soft peaks, gently stroked the back of his head and said:"……He is my most outstanding disciple. There is no one better than him in the past, present or future."

The Queen of Shadow Kingdom said so.

This man is the only treasure she has seen in her lonely and desperate life. She believes that he can definitely do it and save her!

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