Godkiller World Manhattan Island, New York, USA——

"Lily, stop walking around like this, it's annoying."

There is a luxurious cafe near the sea in Manhattan. Erica sat on a chair outside the cafe, handling business on her laptop while looking at the other side of the sea from time to time.

Liliana paced back and forth in front of her, which made Erica upset. She just reminded her

"It's been almost a month, and Lord Roy hasn't come back yet. How can I not be anxious?"

The silver-haired knight bit her moist lips. She glanced at Erica who was sitting there leisurely working, and said unhappily:"……Erica, why aren't you in a hurry at all?"

"What's the use of being anxious?"

Erica sighed, she temporarily put down the work in her hands and said:"……Before being dragged into the 'Demon Queen's Cave', Lord Roy had already left us a message using magic, saying that Lady Aisha's power is very different from before. In the past, Lady Aisha's power was that the speed of real time was faster than in ancient times, but now it is completely the opposite. So Lily, don't be impatient. We will just wait here. At most, we will wait for a few months."

"……Compared to when Master Roy will come back, our more important job is to help Master Roy solve these daily affairs. Fortunately, the magic societies in Europe are not stupid. Now that Master Roy is not here, no one will make a fuss."

Erica took a sip of coffee and focused on the work at hand.

"I, I also know that it's useless to be anxious here... But even if I want to help you, Erica, I'm not good at these things."

Liliana said with a blushing face. In these foreign affairs, her talent is far inferior to Erica, so besides staring at Erica working, she can only be dazed and miss Roy.

"Although Miss Erica is young, she is already very skilled in handling the affairs of the major magic societies and has managed the daily work of King Roy in an orderly manner."

Beside Erica sat a man in his thirties, who was Anne Charlton's assistant, Jack.

"Mr. Jack, please stop praising me. Aren't you the one who has been handling Lord John's affairs?"

Erica nodded slightly to Jack, speaking in an elegant tone.

After the two collaborators of their respective"kings" finished speaking, they looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Without Roy and Anne, the mysterious work in Europe and North America could only be completed by the two of them instead of the"king", but their prestige was not enough to make the major magic societies obey completely, and some orders were not suitable for their status at all. Without the"king"'s personal nod, they dared not really decide on many orders for the"king".

Don't look at Roy and Anne, who are usually gentle"kings", but if someone really dares to take over, the two"kings" getting angry is not what Erica and Jack want to see.

Suddenly, Erica, Liliana and Jack, the three top magicians in the world, noticed that there was an abnormality in magic power in the waters off Manhattan Island.

Erica glanced at Jack, and the 30-year-old man shook his head and said:"……It's not the barrier set up by the North American Magic Society that's abnormal, but the abnormality of that 'cave'.

As soon as he finished speaking, the three people said in unison with joy:"……Could it be that the"King" has returned!"


Roy rode on the"mysterious ship" in his right hand, crossed the World Sea, walked through the bizarre scenery, and returned to the God Slayer world again.

When the weird and distorted portraits in Roy's eyes turned into the colors of order, he found himself back to where he was, and for a moment Roy was a little dazed.

He didn't know how much time had passed in the God Slayer world, and he didn't know whether the Last King had awakened. He only knew that he had spent a long time with Scathach in the Shadow Kingdom, and he had developed a deep admiration for the queen and the master.

The dry air was replaced by the salty and humid sea breeze, and the cold sky turned into a warm and gentle warmth, but compared to the beautiful scenery of the blue sea and blue sky, Roy missed the dead silence and coldness of the Shadow Kingdom more, because Scathach did not exist here.

"Lord Roy!"

It was not until a greeting that Roy came back to his senses. He quickly adjusted his mentality and looked in front of him. Liliana and Erica were hanging in the air with magic to salute him. There was a man next to them that he did not recognize. He thought he should be a magician from North America.

"It's Erica and Lily... How long has it been since I left and came back?"

Roy's tone was a little strange. He had only been with Erica and Liliana for more than a year in the God Slayer World, but in the Shadow Kingdom, he and Scathach had been together for at least five years, and Scathach had hardly left his sight in the past few years. In terms of closeness, Roy was closer to the masters of the Shadow Kingdom.

Erica and Liliana also noticed the strangeness in Roy's tone, and even found that Roy seemed to have changed a lot now. Compared with his frivolous arrogance in the past, he now looked much more mature and more stable.

The two girls knew that Roy should have spent more time in another time and space, so they were prepared for Roy's current state. When they heard his question, the two girls immediately answered:"……Twenty-four days have passed, Lord Roy!"

"It turns out that only 24 days have passed."

Hearing this answer, Roy was relieved. If it was only 24 days, then���Just as he was about to say something, a vortex of magic flow appeared in the"cave" he had just crossed, and then he saw Lady Aisha, Anne Charlton and Athena being vomited out of the"cave". Then, the"cave through time and space" caused by the mysterious object in Roy's right hand and activated by Lady Aisha's power slowly disappeared.

"Yo~~ You guys seem to be in very bad condition."

Roy laughed at the people in front of him. Anne Charlton's armor looked like it had not been maintained for many years and was very worn out. Lady Elsa's clothes were even changed into animal skins. Only Athena was in much better condition. Her appearance and clothes had not changed at all.

This is the advantage of being a god. Compared with the godslayers who only usurped the authority and power of the gods, the gods also have many special abilities. For example, keeping the body clean and the clothes tidy are the basic abilities of gods, while the godslayers do not have such abilities. They are essentially closer to humans.

But soon Roy could not laugh anymore, because he noticed that his dress was actually very primitive. The clothes he wore were Celtic style, very rough.

"Woohoo... I finally see you again, Master, where on earth have you been? We are so miserable this time, we accidentally arrived in the primitive society, there is nothing there, this is my most miserable trip."

After seeing Roy, Lady Aisha complained and cried. Athena on the side looked at Roy suspiciously, and the goddess said softly:"……You have changed a lot, Roy! In the past, I thought you had the potential to become a great hero and warrior, but now you have the glory to rival any great Greek hero, and the will to surpass any warrior!"

"……I am very curious about your experience."

The goddess stared at Roy with her amber eyes, and there seemed to be stars twinkling in her eyes.

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