The Tokyo branch of the Official History Compilation Committee of Japan——

Sayamiya Kaoru, who was dressed in men's clothes and looked like a teenager, looked at the report handed by her subordinates with a headache.

A year ago, King Roy, the leader of Italy and the Vatican, and the Marquis of Vauban, a godslayer from Eastern Europe, fought a great battle in Tokyo, Japan. This battle between godslayers caused serious damage to the international metropolis of Tokyo, and the casualties reached more than 100,000. It can be said to be the biggest disaster suffered by Japan since the end of World War II.

Because of improper handling, Sayamiya Kaoru, who was the director of the Tokyo branch of the Official History Compilation Committee at the time, resigned, but just like in politics, this was only for a period of time. In addition, the Sayamiya family is very powerful in Japan, and Japan now lacks talents. Now, a year later, she has returned to this position of power.


"Why did I encounter this kind of thing again when I just took office?"

Sayamiya Xin said painfully, covering her head.

A year ago, not long after she took office, she met King Roy and Marquis Vauban coming to Tokyo. A year later, when she took office again, she met King Roy, the current European leader, and the leader of the ancient Eastern country went to Kyoto. When she saw this news, Sayamiya Xin even wondered if she was cursed by God.

"But fortunately it's in Kyoto instead of Tokyo again... The Kyoto branch of the Official History Compilation Committee is from the Kuhozuka family, right?"

Sayamiya Xin exhaled and asked with some gloating.

"Yes, Lord Sayamiya! The current head of the Kyoto branch is none other than the young master of the Kuhozuka family, Kuhozuka Mikihiko."

At the desk, Sayamiya Kaoru's subordinate said 'Hi' and replied.

"Then let him worry about it. Besides, we all know what Luo Hao and King Roy are doing in Kyoto. The Xitian Palace where the Monkey King is sealed is guarded by the Jiufazuka family. This is their responsibility... The Jiufazuka family, who gained status by guarding the Xitian Palace, naturally have to bear the accumulated karma from guarding the Xitian Palace."

Sayamiya Xin sneered. These big families in Japan are not on the same line, especially the Kanto and Kansai regions, where the relationship has never been very harmonious.

"But no matter what, this is also related to the safety of Japan. As a member of the Japanese official history compilation committee, we should also do something... Let Roy's concubines Kiyoakiin Ena and Mariya Yuri go to Kyoto as well. Since the"king" has come to Japan, Mariya Yuri and Kiyoakiin Ena should do their duty.……"

After a pause, Sayamiya Xin continued:"……Send all the priestesses who were previously sent to Jerusalem by the ‘king’ to Kyoto, and let them serve the ‘king’ with all their heart and soul! Perhaps this time the ‘king’ will also need the rituals of the priestesses."

Sayamiya Xin issued several orders in a row, and the overall guiding ideology was to 'measure Japan's material resources and win the favor of ‘king’ Roy',' and to send all the best material enjoyments and the most beautiful women in Japan that could be sent there.

However, the Japanese people did not think there was anything wrong with Sayamiya Xin's orders. On the contrary, they felt that her orders were very accurate. The Yamato nation is a nation that worships the strong. Facing god-killers like Roy and Luo Hao who reign at the top of the world, if they need the Japanese prime minister to kneel down to see them, the current prime minister will definitely run to see them.

"What is the current situation of Qingqiuyuan's family?"

Saya Gong Xin remembered something and asked again

"Qingqiuyuan Ena is in a cold war with the Qingqiuyuan family. It is said that the head of the family wants Qingqiuyuan Ena to inherit the family."

"Humph, it turns out that big families all have the same ideas."

Sayamiya Xin laughed at herself.

At the beginning, because Qingqiuin Hina rebelled against King Roy, the head of the Qingqiuin family panicked and severed the father-daughter relationship, and even found a descendant from the side branch to adopt as the heir.

However, as Qingqiuin Hina was forgiven by the"king" and even had the status of a concubine, the Qingqiuin family now licked Qingqiuin Hina's face and made her the heir again.

It can be said that there is really no humanity in these big families, and everything is based on interests.

But Sayamiya Xin didn't say anything, because their Sayamiya family is actually the same


At the top of Kyoto Tower near Kyoto Station, Roy and the leader Luo Haozheng came together. The

Eastern leader himself did not like this earthly world, and he did not like the hustle and bustle of modern cities. At first, the people from the Five Hells Holy Church and the Japanese side planned to let the leader live in a fairyland, but after knowing that the Kyoto Tower was high enough, the self-centered leader readily agreed that the Kyoto Tower would be his place of residence.

Even though the Kyoto Tower actually had nothing to do with the hotel, the Japanese side made some renovations in the shortest possible time and made the top of the tower suitable for living.

Although the Eastern leader attached great importance to face and claimed to be of noble status, her requirements for the quality of life were very low. She did not need any luxurious material enjoyment at all. A futon and an incense burner could be the leader's residence. From this point of view, it was Roy who loved to enjoy"king" who was more difficult to deal with.

"I wish Master great fortune, longevity, literary and martial virtues, boundless magical powers, and the sun rising in the east, only you are invincible!!"

When Roy, Athena, Anshela, and Luo Hao climbed to the top of the Kyoto Tower, he immediately heard such a shout that made him laugh and cry.

At the top of the Kyoto Tower, a 13 or 14-year-old handsome boy was prostrating himself on the ground. Behind him were many followers of the Five Hells Holy Church. Led by the boy, they shouted loudly, regardless of how embarrassing their words were.

""Shut up!!"

Luo Hao, the leader of the sect, shouted angrily. The breath from her cherry-like mouth was like a battering ram, directly hitting the leading boy. With a scream, the boy's body flew and hit a wall on the top floor of Kyoto Tower, causing the wall to dent.

However, the boy jumped up quickly, acting as if nothing had happened. From this aspect alone, he was considered to be a man of iron.

"Ying'er, you are my disciple, but you said such flattering words in front of my teacher's friend Roy. Are you trying to make Roy misunderstand that I, Luo Hao, am also a flatterer, so I can teach a disciple like you? It's really embarrassing for me!"

The self-important leader's beautiful voice like fairy music was stern. If Roy hadn't been by her side, she would have severely punished her disciple. Judging from the fact that she was so proud and would not punish her disciple in front of outsiders, Luo Hao was indeed an orthodox Celestial Empire person.


Lu Yinghua knelt on the ground and cried bitterly. He didn't expect that his master could have such a good relationship with King Roy in such a short time. He initially thought that the meeting between the two kings would be a big fight.

If the two kings had a bad relationship, or even hidden hostility, his flattering words would not only not make Luo Hao angry, but would make the leader praise him greatly... But if the relationship between the two kings was good, the result of his words would be like this.

As soon as they met, the Japanese people found that the leader was indeed as willful and unpredictable as the legend said, and they were all silent. On the contrary, those people of the Five Hells Holy Church were expressionless as if they were used to it.

Erica and Liliana showed a"fearful" look, secretly patted their chests, and moved away from Lu Yinghua without leaving a trace. It was they who had contacted Lu Yinghua before to arrange a residence for the two kings in Kyoto.

Although Erica and Liliana had a good relationship with Lu Yinghua due to the work in the past two days, they could only let their friend die rather than let the poor Taoist die. The two girls secretly felt lucky that the"king" they served was not as moody as the leader, and was even very gentle and sympathetic to them.

""Master, King Roy! Xitian Palace is ready and waiting for your order to perform the ceremony. I have also captured the guardian of Xitian Palace, the next head of Jiufazhong Family, and he is waiting for your order!"

Lu Yinghua finally became serious at this time, and bowed to Luo Hao and Roy. Although he was younger than Erica and Liliana, he was very knowledgeable and organized. He was worthy of being Luo Hao's only disciple. He was able to take charge at a young age.

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