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Japanese Official History Compilation Committee, Tokyo Branch -

Sayamiya Kaoru looked at the report in her hand, her face expressionless, only her slightly trembling hands could show that she was extremely uneasy.

In front of Sayamiya Kaoru's desk, several of her subordinates were also sweating profusely, with a hint of fear in their eyes.

"The casualties in Kyoto were even greater than those in Tokyo last time, exceeding 200,000, and most of the ancient cultural relics and buildings were destroyed, with incalculable property losses."

Sayamiya Xin slumped in her chair. Even though the tragedy happened in Kansai instead of Kanto, just looking at this report reminded her of what a terrible disaster had happened in Kyoto.

"Minister Sayamiya, the casualties in Kyoto this time are secondary. As the city with the most ancient buildings in Japan, the buildings lost this time are truly priceless treasures. If you want to repair them, the cost is estimated to be more than one trillion yen.……"

"……But the good news is that, just like the fire at Notre Dame de Paris in France, which received a lot of donations, the Japanese government has defined the tragedy in Kyoto as a rare earthquake, and governments and people from all over the world have begun to donate spontaneously."

The subordinate of the Tokyo branch of the Official History Compilation Committee finished his words in one breath.

"The Kuhozuka family... If the ancestors of the Kuhozuka family had not cooperated with Takehazu Susanoo to seal the Monkey King in the Saiten Palace in Kyoto, how could Japan have suffered such a disaster! Without the seal of the Saiten Palace, the mission of the Kuhozuka family has come to an end. They must not be let go. The Kuhozuka family must confiscate all their property to make up for this loss... and Takehazu Susanoo."

Sayamiya Xin almost gritted her teeth and recited the name of the god who was well-known in Japan. The last time she was in Tokyo, she listened to the plan of this ancient god of disobedience, causing chaos in Tokyo. This time, almost half of Kyoto was destroyed, which was also related to that god.

"The gods of disobedience are indeed gods of disobedience. They will never help us humans and will only cause destruction to our civilization!"

Sayamiya Xin did not dare to say a word of complaint to Roy and Luo Hao, the two strongest godslayers in the world. She poured all her hatred on Takeso Susanoo.

Although she gnashed her teeth on the surface, Sayamiya Xin was secretly laughing. After this incident, the mysterious forces in the entire Kansai region of Japan will be sluggish. The leader of these people, the Kyuhozuka family, will definitely be finished. There will be no possibility of Kansai rising in a short time. The sorcerers in their Kanto region will be the only ones who dominate.

The loss of Kyoto is indeed distressing, but Sayamiya Xin did not care about the dead people except for a sigh. This is politics. Sacrificing 200,000 people for the sake of profit is not a big deal.

"Everyone should work harder and work overtime to carry out the rescue work."


Just as the whole world was broadcasting the news that Japan had suffered another great earthquake in Kansai, causing countless casualties and receiving blessings and financial support from people all over the world, Roy had already returned to his villa in Rome, Italy.


With the sound of crystal and metal breaking, Roy's"Spiritual Rebirth" ritual was completed.

The items for this ritual were not rare. Many magics in the world of Magical Index did not require any special materials, such as the fur of some ancient fantasy creatures. Even some modern items could activate angel-level rituals.

For those magics in the world of Magical Index, the most important thing was the knowledge required in the ritual, not the material outside of knowledge. Compared with material, knowledge was priceless. If we paid too much attention to material and ignored knowledge, we would be putting the cart before the horse.

"The ceremony was completed perfectly. With the experience of Metatron's spirit base last time, there were no problems with this ceremony. It can be recorded as a mature and complete ritual.

Behind Roy, Aiwass appeared with his ethereal body and spoke in a disembodied voice like a voice from outer space.

"Let's record it. Although this ritual is useless outside the God Slayer world, the knowledge contained in it is genuine."

Roy sat in front of a mahogany table and used a feather pen to record the ritual of the"Spiritual Base Resurrection" in the magic book.

Although this ritual has no effect in other worlds, in the God Slayer world, it is as mysterious as the"Pandora's Dark Festival". If this"Spiritual Base Resurrection" ritual is used in conjunction with the"Pandora's Dark Festival", the power of the current God Slayer will increase exponentially and reach the true limit of the God Slayer.

By then, no disobedient god will be able to defeat the God Slayer.

"But except for the Last King, even if this ritual is completed, it is impossible for him to be the opponent of the Last King who possesses the"Covenant Law"...

However, since this ritual is effective for the God Slayer, I will see if I can modify it to make it suitable for the God of Disobedience.

Since I have boasted that I can let Anshela restore her godhood of the Earth Mother, then if I use this ritual to usurp the godhood and divinity of other Steel Heroes, perhaps I can really restore the glory of the Earth Mother.


Roy sat behind the table, with the feather pen in his hand resting on his chin, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he began to think about how to transform the ritual again.

This time he was not going to rely on Aiwass, but to complete the transformation of the ritual by himself, just like as a student, he had learned knowledge and was using his knowledge. Only in this way could Roy have a deeper understanding of knowledge and wisdom.

Roy, who intercepted the spiritual base of the Monkey King and completed the spiritual base rebirth again, had a new change. The total amount of cursed power alone had reached more than three times that of an ordinary God Slayer. Sun Wukong's"Somersault Cloud" also produced a chemical reaction with Roy's"Lord of Light" during this spiritual base rebirth, allowing his super speed power to finally evolve. There was no time limit, but he could use super speed by consuming cursed power.

If that was all, he would actually be the same as the Black Prince. Although super speed can be used at any time, long-term use of super speed will cause physical discomfort, but the"Immortal Golden Body" usurped from the Monkey King made Roy's body not afraid of the side effects of super speed.

"Just like the Son of God."

Roy said so. Now he no longer needs to transform into an angel to move at super speed. The perfect fusion of the Lord of Light and the Immortal Body has brought about a qualitative change in Roy's body and power.

"Now my body should be called the"Body of the Son of God". The miracles of Christianity have begun to manifest in me."

Roy was faintly excited. He had completed the basic form of"all the miracles of Christianity". As long as he continued to develop and evolve like this, one day he would be able to complete"all the miracles of Christianity". By then, his"Divine Right" would surely become complete.

"That will also be the day when I achieve the status of"Demon God"!"

Roy took a deep breath and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

What humans fear most is that the road ahead is full of thorns and fog. No matter how hard they try, they can't see the glory, which will make people lose the motivation to move forward.

But Roy's road ahead is smooth. As long as he follows his established plan, he will definitely achieve the highest status.

However, Roy did not notice that when he said that he wanted to transform the ceremony to restore the former glory of the Mother Earth, Athena, who was sitting on the sofa, was staring at him straight, with a pair of eyes that were like stars shining in the dark night, flashing bright starlight.

‘What happened to me?……’

The goddess of wisdom covered her chest with her hands. She felt her body burning, flowing with heat that made her heart beat faster. She found that her eyes were increasingly focused on this Rakshasa King. His unique wisdom was attracting the heart of the goddess of wisdom, making it difficult for her to extricate herself.

This man, this human, was actually changing the fate of all the earth goddesses, a fate that she, the goddess of wisdom, had once despaired of.

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