(Please order it yourself, and please give me a monthly ticket~~)

The Republic of Cyprus is an island country located at the junction of Asia and Europe, in the eastern Mediterranean, not too far from Italy.

This is a small island with a long history. Its human footprints can be traced back to 10,000 BC. Since 1,500 BC, it has been ruled by many countries in different periods, including ancient Greece, Assyria, ancient Egypt, Persia, ancient Rome, and Byzantium.

Although this island country is not big, it is a developed capitalist country.

A special plane landed at the international airport in Paphos, the fourth largest city in the country, and the birthplace of the legendary goddess of love Aphrodite.

Aphrodite in Greek mythology is called the most beautiful goddess among all goddesses. In Roman mythology, she is also called Venus, symbolizing Friday and Venus.

At first, she was the goddess of harvest, and the places where she was worshipped were Cyprus, Asia Minor, etc. Later, she was introduced to Greece and became the famous god of love and beauty in Greece. The goddess of harvest is the source of Aphrodite as the mother goddess of the earth.

This goddess does not have a good reputation in Greek legends. From the perspective of modern humans, she is completely an unfaithful person and a typical green tea bitch.

Of course, mythology is an attribute given by humans, just like Aphrodite was originally the harvest goddess among the Earth Mother Goddesses. At that time, she had nothing to do with love at all. It was the changes in human mythology that forcibly gave her the title of the goddess of love and beauty, and at the same time caused her to fall and become the wife of the father god.

This goddess also has the deepest relationship with the famous golden apple in Greek mythology. For example, she used the golden apple to trick Atalanta, who had sworn to the moon goddess Artemis that she would never marry, and also used the golden apple to provoke the Trojan War.

Roy recalled the myths and legends about Aphrodite on the plane, and soon came to Paphos, Cyprus from Italy.

"Today is Friday, the best time to start the ceremony."

Roy and Athena walked side by side on the streets of Paphos. This holy place where Aphrodite was born has many civilians who believe in her even now. There is even a magic society related to Aphrodite on this island, but because this belief has become very weak, even the magic society here is only third-rate.

Although Cyprus is a developed country, that is mainly due to the country's good geographical location and small population. In fact, many people don't know that there is such a country. This country is not a tourist destination. As the fourth largest city on the island, Paphos City There are not many tourists, and the city is not very developed.

However, this place is worthy of being the birthplace of the god of love, with many ornaments and decorations related to Aphrodite.

Roy and Athena ignored the strange looks of the locals who lived a leisurely life, and under the arrangement of the people sent here by the Italian Magic Society, they quickly got on the car and drove to the north of the city.

After more than half an hour, the car arrived at Polislin Beach, where the water is clear and the sand is white, and the shore is full of carob trees and olive trees. Looking into the distance, you can see the light blue Troodos Ridge standing there like a huge screen. It can be said that the mountains and waters are beautiful and the scenery is beautiful.

"『"King", this is the legendary beach where Aphrodite was born, and it is also her favorite swimming spot."

The driver said respectfully, and even with the air conditioner on, one could see the sweat on his forehead. A godslayer came to the birthplace of a god. Any magician would know what the godslayer was going to do, and for a mortal like him, this land would soon become one of the most dangerous places on the planet.

Roy opened the car window and saw some tourists on this beautiful beach, and said:"……Use magic to drive away all the people here, and then tell the magic society here to stop causing trouble. If they don't listen,……"

Roy didn't finish his words, but the driver already knew what the"king" meant. If the magic society here didn't have good sense, then the"king" gave them the power to wipe out the magic society here.

"You are the ruler of Europe, the King of Europe. Even the magicians in Cyprus must have heard of your name and dare not go against your will!"

The driver said flatteringly.

Roy shook his index finger and his expression did not change. He had heard too many compliments like this. As the driver said, although it has entered the 21st century, Roy is the real emperor of Europe. Even Frederick, Napoleon, Queen Victoria and other figures, no one can really make the whole of Europe surrender like him.

This is the real strength, the real power!

"Go and do your work, don't keep me waiting."

Roy's light words immediately made the driver nervous. More than a dozen magicians got off the cars that came with him. These magicians quickly began to prepare the magic of"dispersing idlers". Not long after, this"Eros Beach" was empty.

After finishing the trivial matters, the magicians saluted Roy and left quickly. They didn't want to stay long on this battlefield where the war of gods might soon break out.

However, these magicians thought too much. With Roy's current strength, he could deal with ordinary disobedient gods in just a few moves, and this time he and Athena were well prepared. Then the god of love and beauty who was about to descend might not be able to resist at all and would become pork on the chopping board, slaughtered at will by Roy and Athena.

"Athena, didn't you say that you didn't need any ritual items?"

Roy and Athena got out of the car and came to the coast. Looking at the ritual items prepared at their feet, they said with a smile.

Athena was not annoyed, and said calmly:"……In order to increase the success rate, I think it is better to make more preparations. All of this is to help you, you should thank me!"

Athena has something in common with Luo Hao in character, that is, she will never show weakness in front of others, and she can find a reason for you no matter what you do, that is, she is too stubborn to save face.

"Yes, yes, my goddess! Then let's start the ceremony quickly."

Roy said perfunctorily.

"Who is your goddess?"

Athena snorted, and then the wise goddess placed the sacrifices and reminded:"……If you see that woman later, just shut her mouth and don't let her make any noise. If she sees that I actually use these things to sacrifice to her, that mouthy woman will definitely speak without restraint."

The items prepared for summoning the gods this time are very simple, namely pigeons, sparrows, swans, goats, dolphins, roses, myrtle, clover, etc. These things are the sacred objects of Aphrodite. In ancient times, people used these to sacrifice to the gods for blessings, and it was really condescending for Athena to do these.

Thinking that this proud goddess would do the work of these servants for her, Roy's heart was also warmed.

He knew that if it wasn't for him, Athena would not summon Aphrodite in this way even if she didn't like her, because this was a ritual that damaged Athena's face. In Greek mythology, Athena was also the supreme goddess, and she would never let herself lose face.

But now, in order to find a useful earth mother for Roy, she put down her face and performed the ritual that witches and witches would use.

"Queen of Cyprus, princess born from foam, please come here at my invitation!"

After arranging the ritual items, Athena raised her delicate head, with a stern and noble look, and chanted the words to summon the disobedient Aphrodite with her own divinity and divine nature. Aphrodite must have jumped out of the myth happily after discovering that it was the goddess Athena who performed this servant summoning ceremony, but she would never have thought that a mousetrap had been prepared for her. Roy summoned the Holy

Grail and stroked the divine tool with his hand, thinking that when the goddess who was said to have the most beautiful face came out, he would just stuff her directly into the cup.

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