Two months have passed since Roy went to America to look for Anne Charlton.——

"Hello, viewers, this is the special program team of Japan's NHK TV. Today we visited an expert in natural disaster research at the University of Tokyo to ask him to help us understand the recent rise in the global volcanic index that has been making headlines on the Internet."

"……Professor Ishihara, how do you explain the rising activity index of volcanoes? In the past month, many research institutes in related fields have found that underground rock flows in many active volcanoes are accelerating, the movement of submarine volcanoes is becoming more frequent, and even many volcanoes that were determined to be extinct have recently revived."

"This situation is just like the scene in the doomsday movie"2012". Even in the ancient times hundreds of millions of years ago, there were many species extinctions caused by volcanic eruptions. There are pessimistic views on the Internet that this is a new species extinction event. Do you have anything to say about this view?"

A female reporter from Japan's national television station NHK is visiting professors from major prestigious universities to explore the most popular topic in the past month.

Since a month ago, volcanoes all over the world seem to have entered an active state. Although there is no instantaneous eruption, this state has also made people all over the world worried. The power of nature is infinite. In ancient times, there was even a season of heavy rain for two million years. The mass extinction of many species is related to ancient volcanic eruptions. It is as terrible as Mother Earth spewing out years of anger all at once.

"I know that many people on the Internet have been paying attention to this issue recently. Japan is also located in an earthquake zone with many active volcanoes. But I hope everyone will believe in real science instead of folk science. For this abnormal event, volcanic disaster researchers from all over the world have held a meeting. There is no evidence that a new species extinction event is taking place."

On the TV station, a scholar with a refined atmosphere said confidently. His identity as a professor at the University of Tokyo is indeed convincing enough.

In a restaurant in Tokyo, a petite but elegant girl was sitting at the table, looking up at the investigative program on the TV screen.

After the professor from the University of Tokyo said with a righteous and confident look that humans were in no danger of extinction, this special program finally ended.

The girl retracted her gaze and looked at the woman with short brown hair, wild and upright temperament sitting opposite her and said:"……Uncle Lancelot, the King is about to awaken! Volcanoes all over the world are active, this is a sign that the King is awakening!"

The girl is the God Ancestor Guinevere, and opposite her is the God Ancestor's patron saint, the former Amazon Queen, and now the Knight of the Lake.

Guinevere's tone is excited, with a burning light in her eyes, and she said in a tone that is almost like a spoiled child.

‘Steel is related to fire. When humans can use iron tools, they are forged with fire. The hero who represents the last steel is the most powerful and mysterious steel in the world. To forge it, you need the flames of the planet. The volcanic activity around the world represents the planetary fire forging it.

When the last king wakes up, as long as he continues to be active, his body will produce infinite heat.

This heat comes from the interior of the planet under his feet.

The last king is not only a hero who kills the devil, but also a god of disobedience.

The gods of disobedience will destroy the existence of human civilization.

The way the last king destroys human civilization is to use the heat of his own existence to cause volcanic eruptions around the world, thereby annihilating the entire human civilization.

"I've noticed that, Guinevere.……"

Lancelot looked a little distracted, and even his voice was filled with worry.

""What happened? Uncle Lancelot?"

Guinevere asked worriedly.

"Guinevere, although I am now the patron saint of witches and can protect you, I am also the God of Disobedience. The wandering nature of the God of Disobedience is affecting me. I don’t know how long I can hold on before I lose my rationality and start wandering the earth. If that day really comes, I will no longer be able to protect you."

Lancelot sighed and said, it is the nature of the God of Disobedience to wander the earth and bring disasters, unless it is bound by a contract. The reason why she can suppress her nature and protect Guinevere is due to the contract with the God Ancestor, but the God Ancestor no longer has the godhood after all, and their contract cannot last long. Lancelot has gradually been unable to suppress his own nature and liberated.

Only the God Slayer can truly use a contract to completely bind the God of Disobedience, but the God Slayer and the God of Disobedience are mortal enemies, so this is another paradox. The God Slayer will not help the God of Disobedience. , but will find a way to kill it.

So far, for thousands of years, Roy is the only godslayer who has made a contract with the goddess Athena, the god of disobedience, completely eliminating her wandering nature and becoming her partner.

Lancelot and Guinevere are also well aware of this, so both they and the remaining godslayers in the world admire and are surprised by Roy's eccentricity.

Roy is the only one who can completely control his instinct as a godslayer and choose to cooperate with the god of disobedience.

"It's okay, Uncle Lancelot... Our mission is about to be accomplished. As long as we can wake up the 'king' and deliver the Holy Grail to him, I am willing to die in the next second and enter the reincarnation cycle."

Guinevere smiled sweetly.

Her life as the ancestor of the gods was not easy, because her goal was to awaken the last king. For hundreds of years, she had been obstructed and hunted by many godslayers. Every time she summoned Lancelot to escape, but as she summoned Lancelot too many times, Lancelot finally regained his wandering nature as a disobedient god.

"Yes, Guinevere, you are right. The 'king' is about to wake up. When he wakes up, our mission will be completed! That 'king' Roy did not lie to us. The 'king' we serve is sleeping on this land. I can already sense his breath, but it is still very weak and I cannot determine the exact location."

Hearing Guinevere's consolation, Lancelot also laughed and said frankly. At this time, she has increasingly lost the wildness of the Amazon Queen, and has begun to act closer to the 'perfect knight'.

Her mythological attributes are about to complete the transformation.

""Roy the King" is indeed a rare and extraordinary man in the world. If it weren't for our different situations and different camps, I would really like to talk to him more."

Guinevere put down the cup in her hand gracefully and said in a gentle voice.

"You think so too, Guinevere... Unfortunately, there is only one ending between him and us, either he dies or we die."

Lancelot sighed, and then her face suddenly changed."……Oh no, the Sword King is catching up again. This guy is just a dog-skin plaster, and I can't get rid of him!"

Lancelot stood up hurriedly, grabbed Guinevere without thinking, and ran out of the restaurant.

A few minutes later, a handsome Italian man came here. He looked to be in his twenties, handsome, and always had a warm smile.

The Italian man walked into the restaurant, looked around, touched the back of his head, and smiled foolishly:"……Hey? Lancelot and Guinevere were still there just now, how come they suddenly disappeared?"

""Yeah, they must have run away... No, I have to keep chasing them and let them tell me where the last king is sleeping!"

The Italian man muttered, and hurried in and out.

At this time, a Japanese high school boy's cry came from the restaurant:"……Manager, those two women just ran away without paying for their meal!"

"Kusanagi, you were the one who served the food to that table just now, right? I'm going to deduct the money from your part-time job salary!!"

The restaurant manager shouted in a loud voice from the kitchen.

"What does this have to do with me?"

The high school boy named Kusanagi said helplessly, and then he looked at the seat where Guinevere and Lancelot sat before.

He also heard a little about the conversation between the two before. Could these two foreign women be severe chuunibyou patients, calling each other by names like Lancelot and Guinevere?

Since a year ago, Kusanagi found that he always encountered some strange things.

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