(The God Slayer is wrapping up and preparing to end. The mission of this world is almost complete.)

"Aiwass, only at this moment can I feel the vastness of knowledge and my own insignificance.……"

The villa in Rome, Italy, has become the de facto ruling center of Europe, because the god-killer named Roy Crowley killed the Marquis of Vauban, who once ruled Eastern Europe, and used a trick to make the leader of Southern Europe, Salvatore, leave his territory. Under this situation, the entire European continent naturally surrendered to Roy.

The lights in the villa were bright. Roy leaned on the soft back of the chair and rubbed his temples with some fatigue. In front of him were stacks of thick papers, which were full of indescribable symbols. These symbols did not even belong to any kind of text, but were the embodiment of Roy's knowledge. With Roy's current knowledge and wisdom, it was enough to complete a"magic book" that belonged to him.

But even so, he still felt painful when he wanted to complete this"big ritual".

It was not physical pain, but a kind of mental pain. After being immersed in the ocean of knowledge and magic for a long time, his soul and brain could no longer bear it, as if they were soaked in poison.

Roy exhaled, picked up the already cold coffee and took a sip. This refreshing drink had no effect on Roy, but it could also play a psychological role for him.

"I thought that this was Solomon's"human wisdom" and not his"divine wisdom" from the revelation, so I could easily analyze and restore it. But now it seems that I was overconfident. Even if it is Solomon's human wisdom, it is still difficult to analyze it."

"……But as long as I can complete this ritual, then I can turn the"Wisdom of Solomon" into my own thing."

Roy seemed to be talking to himself, but in fact he was venting his boredom, and the only person he was talking to was Aiwass, who had traveled with him and knew almost all of his secrets.

"If you are tired, take a rest. The transfer of knowledge is not achieved overnight. Even if I am the one imparting knowledge, it cannot be completed by rote. Moreover, this time it is not me who is imparting knowledge to you, but you who are completing the knowledge change yourself."

Aivas appeared behind Roy in a white linen robe. Her bare feet were on tiptoe, as if floating on the ripples of the floating sea. After seeing the fatigue on Roy's face, she reached out and tried to rub both sides of his forehead like a human, but when her hand touched Roy, it was like a shadow passing by.

The Holy Guardian Angel sighed imperceptibly, then withdrew her hand and let it hang by her side, as if she had done nothing just now.

"Time is running out, Aiwass! I can't waste it casually. I finally completed the first two steps of this"ritual". I only need the last crucial point. If I fail, I will not forgive myself... Besides, this"ritual" is very important to me. As long as I can complete it, I will have absolute confidence to complete the foundation of my own ritual."

Roy closed his eyes, clenched his right fist and swung it down. If Roy in the past was just a mortal who gained power, just like he didn't get into a very good university in high school, his perseverance was limited. Then, after receiving Scathach's cruel teachings in the Shadow Kingdom, Roy's willpower has become as strong as steel and he will never give up easily.

It can be said that the three things that have the greatest impact on Roy are the mysterious space that allows him to travel through, the holy guardian angel Aiwass who is attached to him, and the last one is Scathach who gave Roy the heart of a strong man.

"Hmm... But what you said is right, Aiwass. Proper rest is necessary... Aiwass, how do those"Demon Gods" control the rules of the universe? I feel that I am not capable of mastering just one technique."

Roy asked with interest while closing his eyes to rest. He did not intend to get an answer from Aiwass, because he was too far away from the"Demon Gods". Even if Aiwass wanted to explain, Roy might not understand those words from another dimension.

But Roy did not expect that after Aiwass pondered for a while, he actually explained to Roy how the"Demon Gods" controlled everything in a way that humans could understand.

"There is a law among human beings called the law of accelerating returns. This law roughly means that a more developed society will have a stronger ability to continue to develop and a faster pace of development, thus forming a positive cycle."

"If a person in 1750 were to come to modern society, he would be shocked by modern technology. However, if a person in 5000 BC were to go to 1750, he would not be shocked, because the lifestyle of people in BC and people in 1750 was not qualitatively different. In other words, the scientific progress of mankind in the past 200 years has surpassed the development of mankind in the past tens of thousands of years."

"……There is a very interesting theory among humans, called"super artificial intelligence". The general content of the theory is that when"super artificial intelligence" appears, this intelligence will undergo explosive and infinite evolution, allowing the law of accelerating returns to reach its extreme."

"He will combine all the theories known to mankind and deduce a theory that is closer to the truth of the universe. This is an evolution. Then He will combine the derived theories again and continue to evolve until one day He completely masters all the laws of the universe. At that time, humans will gain eternal life, or be destroyed by this super artificial intelligence. From the birth of super artificial intelligence to its control,���The truth of the universe may only take a few years."

At this point, Aiwass kept silent.

But Roy knew the secret of reaching the realm of the"Demon God" from these few short sentences.

"I roughly understood that just like all the laws of the universe studied by science are for the birth of 'super artificial intelligence', the same is true for magic.

On the road to becoming a 'demon god', the demons strive to gather all knowledge in order to transform this magic knowledge into the 'super artificial intelligence' of magic.

As long as this hurdle is crossed, the magician will be infinitely evolved, and in a very short period of time, he will comprehend the laws of the universe like the Big Bang, and be able to manipulate it perfectly, thus becoming a 'demon god'.


This is"listening to the will of heaven in a mortal body", and this is why there is such a big gap between the"Demon God" and the peak of human beings. It is because after the Demon God crosses that hurdle and creates his own"super artificial intelligence", He will be equivalent to expanding the power of a small solar system to the entire universe in an instant.

This is the"Law of Accelerated Returns" of magic!

And what that hurdle is, Roy can roughly guess, it is"crossing the abyss"!

Those who cross the abyss will get the sublimation of life, from mortals to"super artificial intelligence", and gain the possibility of unlimited evolution.

Aiwass smiled but said nothing. She did not hit Roy and told him that this was not what he needed to think about now. On the contrary, she felt that letting Roy see the infinite prospects of the future in advance would make him more motivated.

She believed that this young man who sought all knowledge and mastered the"special" would one day become a"Demon God", or even a higher existence than that.

""Hmm? Someone's here."

Aiwass suddenly showed an ambiguous smile, she winked at Roy, and her voice inexplicably carried a hint of charm,"……It seems that someone has come to give you her wisdom and knowledge."

After speaking, the holy guardian angel disappeared behind Roy.

At this time, Roy also realized who the person was - the goddess of wisdom Athena!

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