Ponza Island is not very big, with a total area of only about seven square kilometers, and the highest altitude is only about three hundred meters.

Roy and Erica walked in the jungle of the island. The jungle was not dense. Because the island was not big and it was a tourist attraction, the seven square kilometers of the island had long been developed by the locals. There were many roads opened by people. Even an ordinary person could move forward without difficulty when he arrived here.

Walking in this sparse jungle, the roar of the tide could be heard faintly. The birds that usually hovered in the sky and chirped had already left the island at some point, as if for those wild animals, they had already predicted that there would be a terrible battle here.

The depressing atmosphere was a bit heavy, making Erica feel heavy in her heart, but Roy looked relaxed. He put one hand in his pocket, wearing the gorgeous red cardinal robe, and walked on the fragrant dirt path.

"Erica Qing……"

Erica, who was a little distracted, was shocked and regained her senses when Roy called her. She found that she was two steps away from Roy.

Erica quickly took a step forward, calmed herself down and said:"……What do you want, King?』!"

"I just saw you were distracted and reminded you... I'll ask you again, are you really not going to leave here? Do you really want to see the battle between the God Slayer and the God of Disobedience?"

Roy paused slightly and turned his head to look at the young but delicate Italian girl behind him. Her red dress exposed her snow-white shoulders, and her bamboo-like collarbones exuded the slender beauty unique to women, making people want to lick her.

Both of them were wearing red formal clothes, one with golden hair and the other with silver hair, which were extremely conspicuous in this sparse green jungle.

Hearing Roy's question, Erica said without hesitation:"……I have just been appointed as your exclusive knight. I do not ask for my meager strength to help you, but as a knight, how can I run away before the battle begins? My blade will cry if I do so.

She pulled out her magic gift outfit, 'Heart of the Lion King', and spoke in a firm tone, with an expression like a dormant lioness.

"It's up to you, but I remind you one last time, don't be distracted like you just now, even if it's just the aftermath of the battle, you need to muster all your energy to face it, otherwise you will die. I won't help you in the battle. If you die here, it can only mean that the woman named Erica Blangtree is nothing more than that."

Erica was only fourteen years old and already had the strength of a 'Grand Knight'.

Although there are also differences in the 'Grand Knights', the generals of the 'Copper Black Cross' and the 'Lily City' are only Grand Knights.

She has such strength at such a young age, and she also has the 'Heart of the Lion King' in her hand, which is a first-class ceremonial dress in the magic world.

In addition, Erica is already very intelligent.

All these factors combined make this girl as proud as a phoenix.

Because she has never seen the God of Disobedience with her own eyes, and has never seen the power that mortal magicians cannot resist, Erica, a proud girl, will naturally feel 'unconvinced'. Perhaps Erica may even have the idea that she can kill the god herself.

Only when she is truly facing the God of Disobedience After meeting the gods, she will know how ridiculous human gifts and talents are in front of gods. Mortals never rely on strength to kill gods, but only on a certain amount of wisdom and most of luck.

Roy's repeated reminders made Erica secretly alert. She clenched the sword in her hand and walked out of the woods with Roy.

In front of them is a hundred-meter-high cliff. Under the cliff is the only small town on Ponza Island, and directly opposite the cliff is the most famous Crescent Bay on the island.

And just at the edge of the cliff, a figure was standing there.

When he saw this figure, Roy felt that the blood in his body was exploding, just like a drug addict who had just taken drugs, his whole body and mind were in pleasure and the limits of his five senses.

"‘"Metatron, the Scribe of Heaven!"

Roy stopped a hundred meters away from Metatron and shouted his name.

Metatron heard the voice behind him and slowly turned around. This was the first time Roy saw Metatron's true face. He had only seen him from a distance when he was in Israel before.

Compared to Michael's unparalleled handsomeness and fearless courage, Metatron's appearance was very ordinary, and his temperament was also very gentle.

It is recorded in the Book of Enoch that Metatron was the angel transformed by Enoch after his ascension, which means that Metatron's current appearance should be the mortal Enoch.

Suddenly, Metatron's face became illusory, and this illusion quickly turned into a physical entity. Roy suddenly found that he seemed to be looking through Metatron's face at Metatron and the face of Metatron became the same.

At the same time, an unimaginable horrible"curse" followed Roy's gaze towards Metatron and entered his body. Roy's huge magical power and magic resistance as a godslayer instinctively fought against the"curse" at this moment. A concept that Roy could not understand entered his brain. The nobleness and holiness turned into a complete curse, causing Roy to lose his sanity and his SAN value to drop wildly, as if he was going completely crazy.

In horror, Roy quickly mobilized his own powerful magical power and began to visualize the"Book of Law", barely suppressing the"curse", but even so, Roy found that his body was much weaker.


Erica saw Roy quickly cover her eyes with his hands. His large and gentle palms pressed against her face, making her vision dark. Erica did not dare to move, but only shouted anxiously:

"Erica, don't look at Metatron's face!"

This 'curse' should be some kind of power of Metatron. Even a glance at it was unbearable for this God Slayer. If Erica took a look at it, she would definitely go crazy and be cursed to death.

"I made a fuss here in anticipation of the false Michael, but I didn't expect that He had been killed and had become a demon king on earth."

Metatron sighed softly, his tone very gentle, and as the archangel finished speaking, thirty-six pairs of flaming wings sprouted from His back, and a halo appeared on His head.

"But no matter whether it is the angel who betrayed the Lord or you, the devil, what I have to do is to judge the heretics!"

"……Son of fool, the devil who killed the heretic angel, come to see the 'Prime Minister of Heaven'!"

Metatron's tone gradually became stern, and his body began to grow like a flame, and in an instant he became like a giant. According to the records in the Book of Enoch, he was the tallest among the angels.

"The Prime Minister of Heaven? Ha, don't make me laugh, you heretic angel born from the apocryphal text, today I will kill you here in the name of the Lord!"

Roy was afraid that Metatron had some strange power, so he ignored the discomfort in his body and jumped up like a beast.

"『BEAST』777, I will overcome the evil of mankind!"

He recited his magic name, expressing his murderous intention towards Metatron.

『The power of"Jacob's Hand and Foot" was activated, and a huge amount of curse power gathered on Roy's swinging left fist. He jumped high and then punched down like a meteor.

This is the strongest fighting skill recorded in the Bible, one of the seven styles named"Jacob's Hand and Foot" by Roy:

——『"Saint Lady Fu Long"!

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