Roy was a little uneasy, but his expression was very calm, as if he didn't understand his own"weirdness" at all.

He didn't know if Pandora was testing him.

In fact, even if Pandora doubted him, knew about the existence of Aiwass, and even stopped holding the Dark Sacrifice of God Killing for him, Roy didn't care. He had already obtained the best and most suitable power for himself, and he had no interest in pursuing new powers. What he and Aiwass were studying now was how to increase the upper limit of the power level, not the number of powers.

However, if possible, Roy still hoped that the Dark Sacrifice of God Killing could continue, because every time Pandora held a Dark Sacrifice, Roy and Aiwas would be able to observe it one more time, thereby speeding up the analysis.

Just as Roy was thinking about it, Pandora's slender fingers touched her red lips and said with a little doubt:"……Only those who have achieved great enlightenment among humans can leave memories here, but such people will never become godslayers. How did my little Roy do it?"

Pandora seemed to really think of herself as Roy's mother, calling him by his nickname affectionately. The finger that touched her red lips fell on Roy's forehead again, drawing circles there, just like looking at a naughty child, and said in a voice full of motherly love:"……Well, these are not important. Little Roy, it is a good thing that you can retain the memories of this place. Then I can tell you something."

Roy had no objection to Pandora treating him as her 'son'. His parents had died long ago before he crossed over, and he had no memories of his mother after he crossed over. Roy had only lived for more than 30 years in the two worlds combined. Compared to Pandora's age, which was calculated in thousands of years, calling her mother was not a disadvantage.

The only thing that Roy couldn't figure out was whether this goddess who created the God Slayer was extremely cunning or just naive. This was a woman that Roy couldn't see through for the time being.

"Do you have anything to tell me, Pando?……"

"To call 'Mom’!"

Pandora seemed to be very interested in this mother-son game. She pinched Roy's nose with her slender fingers and said with some dissatisfaction. At the same time, she adjusted her position to make Roy more comfortable lying on her thighs.

"……Well, 'Mom’"

To some extent, Pandora was indeed his reborn parent, who had given him a new and powerful life, so Roy didn't care about the name.

"Hehe~ What a smart and obedient child."

Pandora giggled, her smile was seductive and gorgeous, like a poppy that tempted people's hearts. She lowered her head and kissed Roy's forehead lightly as if rewarding him, and then her face suddenly became serious:"……A well-behaved and lovely child like this, I don’t want you to be in danger, so I will tell you some important things about the gods so that you can prepare in advance."

"……Listen carefully, I am going to talk about the origin of gods and their nature"

"In ancient times, humans were still in a matriarchal society. At that time, women were the main producers and had the ability to give birth. In that era when there were no extra materials and humans struggled to reproduce, women were the masters. Therefore, because humans gave birth to gods with faith, goddesses were the ones with high status."

Roy didn't speak, but just listened to Pandora's words. Lying on the thigh of his stepmother who looked like a 13 or 14-year-old loli, listening to her"telling stories", Roy had no reason to refuse this contact.

Anyway, he knew that he was only a spirit body now, and the time was different from that of the outside world, so he was not in a hurry.

"With the development of human civilization, as humans learned to make tools, especially the development of metal smelting, which enabled humans to have"steel" weapons, the threat of wild beasts was reduced, and materials became abundant. Men's physical strength and fighting ability became a necessity for survival and development, and the matriarchal clan gradually became a patriarchal clan."

"……In the realm of mythology, the status of goddesses began to decline, while that of male gods rose. The goddesses who used to reign at the pinnacle of mythology became wives, daughters, and other appendages of male gods, and the most miserable goddesses even fell directly into demons and monsters, that is, dragons and snakes."

"Little Roy must have heard of many myths and legends about killing dragons and snakes. Marduk killed Tiamat, Susanoo killed the Yamata no Orochi, Perseus killed Medusa, Siegfried killed Fafner, and even Michael imprisoned the ancient dragon Satan. These myths all symbolize the rule of patriarchy. The heroes defeated and suppressed the noble goddesses of the past with the"steel" in their hands, thus becoming the"Heroes of Steel".’"

"……Gods can be roughly divided into three categories: the ancient Earth Mother Goddess with the attributes of 'dragon and snake', the Steel Hero with the attribute of 'steel' who overthrew the Goddess' rule, and other gods derived from the battle between the two."

Pandora's fingertips gently stroked Roy's cheek, and the sadness and worry on her face became more and more intense."……I created the Dark Festival that could give birth to the God Slayer, and in order to prevent the demon kings on earth from being too rampant, the gods also recommended the"strongest steel" with the protection of the oath.’"

"……He is the 'Last King', the enemy of all dragons, snakes and demons. Whenever the number of godslayers is irreversible, the 'Last King' will awaken. He will sacrifice the goddess of ancient dragons and snakes to gain the power to destroy all demons. Many godslayers have been born over thousands of years, but none of the ancient godslayers have survived to this day. They have all been annihilated by the 'Last King'."

"Seven God Slayers have been born in this era, which is more than any other era in the past. The awakening of the 'Last King' is inevitable. Little Roy, facing the 'Strongest Steel', even I have no way to deal with it. All I can do is cheer for you from behind. You must be careful of Him. Although I know that being careful will not have any effect, I must tell you this."

Pandora sounded miserable, as if she was looking at her child who was about to suffer.

Roy was thinking about the myths and legends about Pandora at this time. Perhaps Pandora was also an ancient earth goddess, a goddess symbolizing dragons and snakes. She hated the Hero of Steel and even all the gods, which is why she created the dark ritual of killing the gods.

"Why do you care about me so much?"

Roy asked a puzzled question. Pandora's concern seemed a little too much.

"Because you are my child."

Pandora said with motherly love.

"You must have a lot of children. In this era, there are seven godslayers including me. In the past thousands of years, there must have been more than ten or twenty, right?"

"That's different. A child like little Roy who is smart, cute, obedient and not upset is the first for me as a mother. Come on, close your eyes and remember what your mother says in your heart. If you do that, your mother will reward you."

Speaking so gently and charmingly, Pandora hugged Roy's head and lowered her head.

The ritual of offering the gods as sacrifices started again.

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