Back in his luxurious room on the yacht, Roy began to examine himself. This time, Pandora's Dark Festival once again brought him a new power.——『"See the Face of God"!

Metatron is known as the"Face of God" in legends. It is said that mortals cannot look directly at God, but among all the angels, only Metatron has this honor, being able to look God in the eye and see the great face of the Supreme God.

The power of"Seeing the Face of God" comes from this legend.

"It turns out that the cursed weakness I felt when I saw Metatron's face on Ponza Island came from this power."

Roy sat in his luxurious and simple wooden chair, feeling the yacht speeding towards the Italian mainland.

"There is no Cthulhu mythology in this world... But it is also true. It takes hundreds of years to create a mythology, and it must be linked to human history. After all, Cthulhu has only been shaped for a hundred years, and it is a novel. If this mythology wants to give birth to the God of Disobedience, it will take hundreds of years to do so. At the same time, the Cthulhu mythology system must be remembered by humans hundreds of years later."

"……In the Cthulhu mythology system, people who see the evil god will go crazy, because the human brain cannot understand the existence of the evil god and will be contaminated by it. This conclusion is also true for"Yahweh", because human cognition cannot understand the greatness of God, so when they see His"face" they will be cursed."

"From this point of view, whether it is the evil god or any other god, they are actually the same."

Roy exhaled lightly, recalling that when Metatron used this power before, he did seem to see another great existence through Metatron's face, which made him suffer a terrible curse, and even his magic power became weak.

When this power is used actively, it will make people who see his face feel like they have seen"Yahweh", thus confusing their cognition and becoming weakened by the strong curse.

If a person like the God Slayer who has a high resistance to magic is cursed, at most he will be weakened, but if an ordinary person who has no magic resistance sees it, he will go crazy or even die. This is a real power to kill the opponent with a handsome face.

"Even if they kill the same god, different godslayers will obtain different powers. This is related to the nature of the godslayers themselves. Why do I get this power?"

Roy touched his face with his hand, and then complained to himself:"……Could it be that I used to be average looking and always complained that it was hard to find a girlfriend because my face was not handsome enough, so out of this desire, I got a power that can make people"handsome" to death?"

Although it was a complaint, Roy felt that this might be the truth.

When fighting with Metatron, Metatron had used two powers, one was"Seeing the Face of God" and the other was the power usurped by writing.

The usurped power seemed powerful, but there should be many restrictions when it was activated. Now Roy's"Divine Right" has enough restrictions, and the power of"Divine Right" is extremely comprehensive in combat, so Roy really has no interest in Metatron's usurped power.

Now"Seeing the Face of God" is very suitable for Roy. This auxiliary and unlimited power can improve his combat effectiveness.

Fortunately, this power can be controlled freely, divided into"active" and"passive", otherwise Roy might have to find a face Put on the mask, and take off the mask when necessary to look so handsome.

In the passive state, this power will spontaneously give Roy the"majesty of God", making him look more sacred. In simple terms, it makes him more like a charlatan, making it easy for people to believe in him in a way that is similar to a curse, just like the"Son of God".

Actively activating the power will directly make the curse stronger. In Roy's opinion, if it is in a fierce battle, both sides of the battle have to keep a close eye on each other. If this insidious power without warning is suddenly activated, the enemy will definitely not be able to react, and thus be cursed with a huge flaw, creating an opportunity for himself to kill with one blow.

A very useful auxiliary ability, whether in daily life or in battle - this is Roy's evaluation of"Seeing the Face of God"

"But compared to gaining a new power, I hope to evolve the"Divine Right" and make a qualitative change for me."

Roy frowned and clenched his fist. After killing Metatron, as he thought, his cursed power did not add up at all, and it was no different from the first time he killed a god, and the power of his"Divine Right" did not change at all.

If this is the God Slayer, then even if Roy kills dozens of disobedient gods, there will be no change except that his power will become more diverse, and there will be no qualitative change at all. With more power, there will be more choices when facing enemies of equal strength, which will easily lead to victory, but the God Slayer's inability to become stronger in"quality" has become the God Slayer's biggest weakness, which is like a limiter that completely restricts the God Slayer.

In Roy's opinion, Metatron and Michael have a lot of overlap in all aspects of legends, but even so, he killed two gods and there was no change, so if he kills other disobedient gods, there will be no change.

"Don't worry, I have kept the 'core' of Metatron the Disobedient, your 'spiritual foundation'."

At this time, a ray of light appeared behind Roy, and the 'Holy Guardian Angel' Aiwass, with long golden hair down to his waist, wearing a white linen robe and a halo on his head, appeared in an illusory manner.

"Metatron's spiritual base is very similar to Michael's spiritual base, and the chance of successful fusion is very high. Once I have thoroughly analyzed and tampered with Pandora's ritual, I can use the new ritual on you, allowing you to break through the limitations of the God Slayer. Seeing Pandora's dark sacrifice again has deepened my understanding."

"……However, even if this new ritual is completed, not all the spirit bases of the disobedient gods can be merged with you. Your first target of killing gods was Michael, and you already have Michael's properties, so you can only merge with the parts that are similar to Michael. The more similar the gods are to Michael, the greater the benefit of killing them."

After hearing what Aiwass said, Roy had a clue to what had been worrying him, and his face lit up and said:"……As expected of Aiwass, he was able to intercept Metatron's spiritual base."

"As a spirit, I cannot interfere with the material world. I can only do this because you killed Metatron and left the material world when his spiritual base was about to dissipate."

Aiwass spoke calmly. Her voice had strong human emotions, but there was no sense of pride in this sentence.

"But Roy, you have to be careful, all I can do is tamper with the ritual, but#%#*……Therefore, you need to learn more knowledge."

Part of what Aiwass said became an unknown signal, which was knowledge that Roy could not understand. After frowning, he roughly understood what Aiwass meant."……What you mean is that you can only modify the ritual but cannot perform it, so you can only pass on new ritual knowledge to me and I have to perform the ritual myself, and I must have enough knowledge to understand what you tell me?"

"That's right. Human words can convey very little meaning. There are some things that are difficult for me to explain. You need to understand them in a magical way."

Aiwass nodded slightly.

"I understand. That means I have to continue to study hard. If I were ugly, I should study more. If I had the motivation to study, I would have been admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University."

Roy laughed at himself, and then he took out the ring he found in the ruins of Solomon's Temple.

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