(Photo: Aiwass)

In modern mysticism, there is a name that can be called a belief, that is,"Secret Chief".

The so-called"Secret Chief" refers to a human or alien life form with high power and wisdom. They have knowledge that is too vast to be described in words, and are almost omnipotent. Then they will pass on some of the knowledge to lower-level magicians.

In the famous"Silver Star System" of the magic society"Golden Dawn" that has completely influenced modern mysticism,"Secret Chief" is the highest level of description. It is divided into three levels. The most basic"Secret Chief" is called (8=3), which means"to understand God's will in human form", that is,"the God of Magic"!

In modern times, there is a famous mystic Helena Blavatsky, who is the ancestor of Theosophy. It is said that she was favored by a"Secret Chief" and thus gained wisdom.

The angel behind Roy is a"secret leader". According to the angel, he can be regarded as an alien life that possesses knowledge and inheritance.

The angel has long golden hair and a tall figure that shines with a light color. He is dressed in a simple white cloth, with a pair of bare feet that emit a faint glow, and an angel halo on his head.

From a human perspective, it is impossible to tell his gender, but Roy thinks he should be called"female". Perhaps it is because of Roy's idea that the angel in front of him is getting closer to the concept of"female" in terms of feeling and appearance.

『The Holy Guardian Angel Aiwass was her name. She was a"secret leader" summoned by Aleister Crowley using the body of his beloved wife.

Roy didn't know when Aiwass had appeared behind him like a ghost. He had seen Aiwass since he became conscious. Roy once asked Aiwass why she appeared beside him, and Aiwass gave the reason that——

‘You are an interesting person, a person who should not be there, the person I want to find. I will observe you by your side and find the place I have been searching for but could not find.'

Aiwass' words were ambiguous, just like a complete mystic.

Roy was not annoyed by this, because a secret existence like Aiwass is mysterious in itself, and will never easily tell you the truth and knowledge.

He is more like an observer, observing the existence that he is interested in - such as Aleister Crowley and Roy Crowley.

An existence like Aiwass cannot be a single individual, she can completely turn herself into 'plural', that is to say, there is an Aiwass beside Roy, and there is another Aiwass beside Aleister.

They are all Aiwass, observing this father and son together

"Answering your questions……"

Aiwass has emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, but Roy always has a strange feeling when facing her, as if the deepest part of this angel's joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness has emotions that are very different from those of humans.

Her voice is a little far away, like the"zila" sound coming from an old TV with a bad signal. According to Aiwass's explanation, this is because her words are difficult for humans to understand, so this distortion phenomenon occurs.

"……The demon Coronzon who resides in Laura Stuart's body is the demon that represents '333'. He failed in his attempt to occupy Aleister's body ten years ago and somehow escaped to London, England."

Evans' voice is always unclear, as if she is trying to translate some secret words that are difficult for humans to understand into ordinary English, which sounds very awkward.

"The Great Demon Coronzon? Since you are called the Holy Guardian Angel, then Coronzon is a similar existence to you?"

Roy frowned. If the demon in Laura's body is the same as Aiwass, it will be very troublesome. He never thought that the demon had such a big background. It's really interesting to think about the two siblings. One is followed by an archangel, and the other has a great demon in his body.

"You can think of Coronzon as a fallen angel. He is indeed a similar being to me... Beings like us live in a higher phase XXXX, and can only appear in the material world in the form of 'spirits'. As 'spirits', we cannot exert too much influence on the material world, and we must have a physical medium to do so. This is why Coronzon wants to seize Aleister and wants to get Laura's body. Without a medium, He is just a 'spirit' who can only observe.’"

Part of Aiwass's words were automatically blocked. Roy knew that it was not Aiwass's intention to skip it, but when she said the noun in person, Roy's brain could not understand it as a human being, so his brain automatically filtered it out.

"I don't want to know Coronzon's origins. I just want to ask you, Aiwass, how can I expel the demon's 'spirit' from Laura's body."

Roy interrupted Aiwass's long speech and asked the most critical question for him.

"You can't do it."

Aiwass answered firmly

"Then who can do it?"

"Aleister Crowley might be able to"

"Where is Aleister now? I'll go find him!"

This time, Aiwass did not answer Roy. The Holy Guardian Angel, the"secret leader" from a high-level phase, gave Roy a strange smile."……Roy, let me ask you, is Laura Stuart really your sister?"

"What do you mean?"

After hearing what Aiwass said���Seeing her weird smile, Roy was shocked.

Just as Roy was about to continue asking questions, Aiwass's shining angelic figure disappeared in front of Roy.

Roy knew that as long as Aiwass didn't want to, he couldn't force more questions out of her.


Roy exhaled the foul air in his heart, clenched his fists and came to a floor-length mirror.

He knew that it was because he was too weak and did not have enough strength that he was so passive. If he had great power and rich knowledge, he could try to expel the demon in Laura's body by himself. If he had great power and rich knowledge, he could find the truth without relying on any outsiders.

"Strength, knowledge……"

Roy whispered. He had never been so eager for power and knowledge.

Standing in front of the floor-length mirror, Roy looked at himself in the mirror. Although this body was only fifteen years old, he was already nearly 1.8 meters tall. He had a refreshing short silver hair and a neutral face. Standing there without speaking, people could not tell whether he was a man or a woman. Yes, that was a look that could be described as beautiful.

Roy knew that his hair and appearance should be inherited from Aleister Crowley. Even though he had never seen the man called"father", Roy knew that Aleister was a charming man with long silver hair and a very neutral beauty.

In any case, compared to Roy's appearance before the time travel, he is now many times more handsome.

""If I had looked like this in the past, I probably wouldn't have lacked a girlfriend, right?"

Roy laughed at himself, then looked at his own eyes in the mirror.

Those were a pair of pitch-black eyes, the only mark Roy inherited from his past self, because in those pitch-black eyes, there were actually two pupils, which was the legendary appearance of a saint - double pupils!

According to the historical records of the Celestial Empire, there were eight people with double pupils, such as Cangjie, Yu Shun, Chong'er, Xiang Yu and others. Roy before the time travel was also called Roy, but his surname was Luo and his given name was Yi, not a given name like it is now.

Roy was originally from Jiangsu, which was the land of the ancient Chu State.

He was born with double pupils and was often laughed at by other children when he was a child.

It was not until he grew up and read many history books that he knew.

He believed that having double pupils in the eyes was a sign of a saint, and he was even complacent and thought that he was the reincarnation of the Overlord of Western Chu.

Until one day Roy went to an eye hospital, and after the ophthalmologist's words that"double pupils are actually adhesions and distortions of the pupils, which is an early cataract phenomenon", he finally gave up the idea of becoming the Overlord of Western Chu.

And in his later life, he had nothing to do with the Overlord of Western Chu. Have you ever seen the Overlord of Western Chu become a photographer, and occasionally rely on his photography skills to take welfare photos for girls?

Thinking of those funny things in the past, Roy himself couldn't help laughing.

But he quickly restrained his emotions and set his eyes on his silver hair again.���

What was the hair color of the mother in this body? He couldn't seem to remember... He inherited Aleister's silver hair, and Laura's long golden hair was inherited from her mother?

Is Laura Stuart really his sister?

Recalling what Aiwass had just said, Roy felt a faint fear in his heart.

If Laura is not his sister, then who is she? Who is Laura, who has lived with him through thick and thin for so many years, who always smiles sweetly and calls him"brother", and who is occasionally laughed at by him like a fool and an idiot?

Roy suddenly punched the wall beside him hard with his fist. The pain from the nerve endings in his hand stimulated his brain, and bright red blood slid down the wall between his fingers.

"No, Laura is my sister, the lovely and beautiful sister. No matter who she is, you can't deny that she is my sister!"

Roy said so firmly without any hesitation.

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