《The Bible, Genesis, records that after the great flood, God made a covenant with mankind. At that time, all people in the world spoke the same language and had the same accent.

At that time, people united to build a tower leading to heaven. Because everyone spoke the same language and worked together, the city of Babylon was prosperous and beautiful, and the tower reached the sky.

However, this move alarmed God. God thought that his oath was doubted, which He did not allow. Therefore, God changed and distinguished the language of mankind, so that mankind had no language to communicate and scattered everywhere, and the Tower of Babel was abandoned halfway, so that mankind could no longer communicate with each other.

This original language is called"Adamic language", which has a strong symbolic meaning in mysticism. It can be said that every word and every character of this original language has magic power. It is the language of God and the absolute spirit of words. Countless magicians are pursuing"it".

Whether in the East or the West, magic has an important element, that is, spells and words. Modern humans use various simplified languages to chant spells and bestow mysteries. However, God's action of dividing languages is equivalent to dispersing mysteries and separating magic, making it difficult for modern humans to display the mysteries of the Age of Gods, because humans have lost the language to perform the mysteries of the Age of Gods.

‘Jacob's fifth move,"Babel's Sky", was the power of myth that Roy bestowed on his fists, making people's minds scattered and the magic separated.

With one grab, the body of Marquis Vauban paused, and a series of sounds like bubbles being punctured came from around his body. The magic on him instantly failed, and even the magic book that the Marquis summoned with power dissipated in a whine.

As the magic of flying failed, Marquis Vauban, who was a hundred meters in the air, suddenly lost the ability to"fly". His body fell straight down, and under the acceleration of gravity, there was a whistling sound of a cannonball falling to the ground.


A civilian building under his feet was smashed to pieces by the 10-meter-long werewolf body of Marquis Vauban, and a deep pit was smashed out of the entire ground. If Marquis Vauban was not a godslayer and had not activated the power of"Greedy Wolf Pack", ordinary people would have been smashed into meat patties long ago.

"『The"Book of Chanted Spells" is a power usurped from the evil god"Baphomet". It can forcibly seize knowledge from magicians for their own use. This provides considerable convenience for you, the Marquis, who cannot perform magic... But Marquis, this power has very little effect on the godslayers and the disobedient gods. How can mortal magic work on gods!"

"……Although you have many powers, most of them can only be used to kill mortals. How many powers do you have that can actually be used to fight against gods and godslayers!"

"If these are all your abilities, Marquis, then today you, the ancient demon king, will taste the pain of being defeated by a newcomer!"

Roy shouted in the air. He fell from the sky like a meteor, and the huge curse power gathered in his limbs, roaring on the earth.

The big pit smashed by Marquis Vauban burst again, and the entire surface collapsed.

『The combination of Jacob's Hands and Brothers and the Lord of Light, Super Speed and the Holy Fist is Roy's favorite fighting method under normal circumstances. Although the other powers are extremely powerful and can be used as killing moves, in battle, the"normal attack" is still the most threatening.

"Arrogant and ignorant boy, let me see how long you can hold on!"

The Marquis of Vauban, who was ejected from the ground like a spring, opened his giant wolf mouth and roared violently. With his wolf howl, the howling hurricane, the thundering lightning, and the drifting rain poured down again, sweeping across this area of Tokyo with a doomsday scene. A corner of Tokyo was completely caught in the natural disaster. The reinforced concrete creations of mankind were as fragile as petals under the power of the God Slayer.

Roy's provocation and arrogance completely aroused the blood of the Marquis of Vauban's wolf. He rushed into the heavy rain with the wind and thunder regardless of anything, and collided with Roy's fist under the roar. The two quickly shuttled between the buildings in the city, sonic booms and roars sounded from time to time, and high-rise buildings were pierced by their bodies and fists, turning into wreckage.


"Which of the God-killers and the God of Disobedience is the most harmful natural disaster to mankind?"

Princess Alice stood in the ruined room on the top floor of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. She looked at the dark sky that almost covered the entire Tokyo, stared at the flashing lightning in the dark clouds and the series of explosions and bombings in the distance, listened to the citizens' screams of fear and the honking of cars, and even this princess who liked to join in the fun and had no sense of good and evil showed an expression of pity.

This is simply a modern war.

"You, a treacherous female vixen who likes to do bad things secretly and peek, actually have a compassionate expression. Could it be that you have some power to make the sun rise from the west?"

A cold male voice suddenly came from the top floor of the dilapidated hotel. After hearing this voice, Princess Alice did not show any surprise. She just tightened her coat on her shoulders, hiding her exposed collarbone under her clothes, and then turned around with a smile.

Behind Princess Alice, a young man in his twenties was sitting on the remaining chair in the dilapidated room. He crossed his legs, had neatly combed black hair, and wore a dark gray jacket. He looked very noble.

He was the English godslayer Alexander Gascoigne.

"What wind has brought you from the countryside of England to this island country in the far east? There seems to be no news of the 'holy grail' you are looking for here."

Princess Alice's smile was bright and brilliant. She held her collar with her hands, elegant as a lady, and her etiquette was impeccable.

But it was precisely because of this perfection that the princess always looked a little fake, and always felt that this was not the real her.

Princess Alice was already very familiar with Alexander Gascoigne, because she was not polite when she spoke.

"Put away your hypocritical smile, you are a woman full of complaints

, you are not a perfect noble lady!"Gascoine felt inexplicably irritated when he saw Princess Alice pretending to be nice to him.

The God Slayer with supernatural power stood up and approached Princess Alice, reaching out to hold her.

But just as Gascoigne's hand was about to touch him, Princess Alice's white jade hand retracted into her sleeve without a trace, and her body also took a step back.

Gascoigne's face froze, and he said dissatisfiedly:"……What do you mean?"

"I should be asking what Lord Alexander Gascoigne meant. It is not gentlemanly to grab a lady's hand without asking."

Princess Alice had a faint smile on her face, but her tone was calm and indifferent.

"You are not……"

Gascoigne thought of the information he had read in the intelligence, and the intimate actions between Princess Alice and the new king, and his expression was full of anger.

However, Gascoigne was a very rational godslayer, and he quickly calmed down and urged:"……Don't be upset, I'm here to save you, come with me and leave here quickly"

"Oh? It's incredible that the Black Prince can save his old enemy... But please forgive me for not agreeing. I have been summoned by King Roy. If I leave with you, I will incur the wrath of King Roy."

Princess Alice's tone was slightly sarcastic, and her clear eyes stared at the Black Prince, which made Gascoigne feel very uncomfortable.

He suppressed his anger and tried to calm his tone:"……So you're not worried about my anger?"

"You won't get angry, Lord Black Prince... You are not frank and you hate trouble. You have to plan everything carefully before you do it. You won't take risks unless you are absolutely sure. As a God Slayer, I don't know whether I should praise or ridicule you for your character."

Princess Alice turned her head and looked at the battlefield between Marquis Vauban and Roy in the distance. Such an unscrupulous display of power to fight is something Alexander Gascoigne would definitely try to avoid. This should make people feel fortunate, but this man's character seems a little gloomy and not manly enough because he has calculated too much. The kind of gloomy that women don't like. Fortunately,

Alexander Gascoigne is not good at dealing with women.

"Give me a reason, Lord Black Prince, give me a reason for you to come here to save me. If the reason is good enough, I will leave with you... Could it be that you fell in love with me and came here because you were jealous?"

Princess Alice suddenly blinked mischievously and laughed softly with a trembling body.

"Stop joking, you troublesome woman!"

Alexander Gascoigne turned around in shame and ignored Princess Alice."……Since you don't know what's good for you, just pretend I've never been here."

After a pause, he continued:"……The new king and I have a very bad relationship."

"Well, although King Roy is reckless and reckless, he is similar to you in some ways, that is, he is very rational and calculating, and two equally calculating God Slayers will never get along well."

Princess Alice nodded slightly, confirming the Black Prince's words.

"I have a feeling that one day, one of us will die at the hands of the other."

After saying this, Alexander Gascoigne activated his super speed power and left here.

"A woman who is not frank can only be a loser in life, and a man who is not frank will not be able to find a girl to spend the rest of his life with... So, I still prefer Roy's frankness."

Watching the Black Prince leave, the White Princess sighed quietly. He had a chance, a chance to get close to her heart, a chance to win her heart, but he was a man who was not frank, and she gave up this opportunity.

Then, a faint worry appeared on Princess Alice's face,"……Roy,"King", if you continue to fight like this, you will be defeated."

The princess, who knew some of Roy's power characteristics and the power of Marquis Vauban, gradually became anxious.

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