""Mr. Amakasu, how far do we have to run?"

In an alley in Tokyo, a girl in a shrine maiden's costume was running fast with a middle-aged man in his thirties. As they ran, they kept looking back, afraid that the enemy would catch up with them.

The girl's breath was very short, and it was obvious that she was not good at such long-distance running.

"We are almost there, Miss Mariya. As long as we run out of this path, someone will meet us ahead. I will try my best to divert the pursuers. Miss Mariya, you can take a car to Haneda Airport. The plane of the Official History Compilation Committee is waiting there. Miss Mariya, you just need to take the plane and leave Japan."

As a descendant of a ninja, Amakasu Touma has excellent physical strength. Even when running, he breathes evenly and has enough breath to explain to Mariya Yuri.

"Is it... is it that the Marquis of the God Slayer has come to Tokyo again?"

Yuuri Mariya shuddered as she ran, and she remembered what happened two years ago when she was captured in Eastern Europe and used as a ritual maiden. The cruel demon king never cared about the thoughts of the witch and used very cruel means to recruit her.

And in that ceremony to summon the God of Disobedience, Yuuri Mariya also witnessed with her own eyes the miserable deaths of many witches and priestesses in the ceremony. Even now when she sleeps, she still dreams of the painful expressions and unwillingness in the eyes of those people when they died tragically.

Therefore, Yuuri Mariya has a great fear and rejection of the God Slayer, and can even be said to hate him.

"This time, not only the Marquis, but also the new"King" has come to Tokyo, and their target is you."

Amakasu Touma gave a bitter smile. Perhaps this is what is called an innocent man is guilty of possessing a treasure. As a small country without godslayers and mysterious means, when it has a powerful and gifted shrine maiden, it is easy for others to covet it. When

Mariya Yuri heard what Amakasu Touma said, she also felt disgusted with her abilities as a shrine maiden. If she did not have these abilities, she could live an ordinary life as an ordinary student, instead of living in danger at any time and causing great trouble to others.

"But...if I leave Tokyo, and the Marquis and the new"King" can't find me, will they do something extreme to Tokyo?"

Mariya Yuri suddenly stopped and said stubbornly:"……I can't leave here, Mr. Amakasu! If Tokyo is affected by disaster because of me, this is definitely not what I want to see."

Seeing that Yuri Mariya stopped, Touma Amakasu's face became anxious, and he grabbed her hand and continued to run. He hated the girl's stubborn character very much. Why didn't she know what was good for her? How could the conclusion reached by the official history compilation committee after many discussions be abandoned just because of your personal stubbornness? If you stay in Tokyo, it will be a disaster!

"Believe me, Miss Manritani! You will be safest only if you leave Tokyo. Besides, the two"kings" have already started fighting. Now a district in Tokyo is estimated to be destroyed. Only when you are far away from Tokyo, the two"kings" will stop chasing you!"

In the eyes of the Official History Compilation Committee, it should be difficult to determine the winner between the two godslayers, so they want to use this trick to divert the trouble. If the two"kings" can easily determine the winner, then the Official History Compilation Committee does not have to be so careful, and can just offer Manritani Yuri to the winner.

For the Official History Compilation Committee, the situation they fear most is the battle between the two godslayers, because the aftermath of their battle alone is enough to destroy the world.

"You knew that the King was looking for this girl, but you still dared to take her away. How audacious!"

At this moment, a stern girl's voice came from behind the two of them.

""Be careful, Mr. Amakasu!"

The miko's spiritual vision made Yuri Wanliya aware of the danger, and he quickly shouted to warn.

As a ninja, Touma Amakasu was also very alert to the danger, but he was still a step slower in dodging.


A sharp blade pierced through the chest of Amakasu Touma. The middle-aged man who was running stopped. He lowered his head in astonishment and looked at the tip of the sword sticking out from the chest. He saw the blood flowing down from the tip of the sword. He felt a pain in his body and completely lost consciousness.

""Mr. Amakasu, Mr. Amakasu!"

Mariya Yuri supported Amakasu Touma and shouted anxiously.

"If you call an ambulance now and leave with me, you may be able to save his life. If you insist on running away, you will have no choice but to watch him die."

Behind the fallen Amakasu Touma stood a beautiful girl, her long silver hair tied into a ponytail, a blue and black shawl draped over her shoulders, a pair of slender legs in white stockings under her knee-length black skirt, and the long sword in the girl's hand was dripping with blood. It was Liliana.

"It's you?! The knight of the new 'king'!"

Mariya Yuri exclaimed when she saw Liliana.

Not long ago, she was doing volunteer work at a nearby shrine, and the silver-haired girl and the blonde girl in front of her suddenly appeared and wanted to 'kidnap' her. Although Mariya Yuri was a powerful shrine maiden, she had almost no fighting ability, so she was caught by Erica at the first sight.

At that time, more than a dozen powerful knights and magicians who looked like dead people appeared. Their purpose was also to catch her. The two 'kidnappers' with the same purpose started fighting, and Mariya Yuri took advantage of the chaos to escape.

On the way to escape, she met Amakasu Touma, from whom she learned the news that Marquis Vauban and Roy had come to Japan, and also learned that the two groups who wanted to catch her before were the two���The king's subordinates, so the previous scene happened

"That's right, my name is Liliana Crannicar, I am a knight of King Roy, and now I am moving towards the title of the King's exclusive knight. Miss Mariya Yuri, I hope you don't have any thoughts of resistance, just follow me and leave, so as to reduce casualties."

Liliana is also polite to her enemies. She is an upright knight, but she is not pedantic. As a knight, she will strictly follow the orders of the King, but she is also kind-hearted. If it is necessary to do so in the mission, she can kill without hesitation, just like she did to Amakasu Touma just now, but if the enemy has lost the ability to resist, she will also show her courtesy to minimize casualties.

"Godkiller again……"

Yuri Mariya whispered, anger on his face.

Although Liliana's tone was very calm, if you look closely, you can still see her hidden anxiety.

She was worried about Erica.

She knew that the dead people she saw in the shrine before were servants summoned by the power of Marquis Vauban.

Each of them was a famous knight and magician in the past two hundred years.

Each of them was a favored child of an era.

If it was just one person, both Erica and Liliana would be able to deal with it, but when more than ten people appeared together, facing these knights and magicians was equivalent to facing the power of Marquis Vauban, and it was almost certain to die.

However, in order to complete the task assigned by Roy, Erica used her body to lead away those terrible servants with a determination to die, and fought a guerrilla war with them.

At the same time, she asked Liliana to capture Yuri Mariya so that her mission could be completed.

Therefore, Liliana had to make a quick decision. Only after she captured Yuri Mariya could she inform Erica to let her leave the battle. The slower she completed the task, the higher the danger for Erica.

Thinking of this, Liliana stopped being polite. Her concern for Erica, her best friend, surpassed everything else. She took two steps forward and grabbed the wrist of Mariya Yuri as he cried out in pain.

"Come with me now, Miss Mariya! I'm sorry for my rude treatment, but I have to do this for my friend."

Liliana apologized while forcibly dragging Mariya Yuri away.

"If your friend is this lady, I think we can exchange hostages!"

Suddenly, a gentle female voice came from the front of the road. Liliana looked forward vigilantly and saw a girl in a girls' high school uniform holding a sword. In the girl's hand was the seriously injured Erica.

"……Grandpa said that there was trouble in Tokyo, and asked me to send a girl named Mariya Yuri out of Japan. I think the trouble grandpa was talking about must be you."

The girl muttered to herself. Although she looked like a well-educated Yamato Nadeshiko, she was���His words and actions are full of natural wildness.

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