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Tokyo Branch of the Japanese Official History Compilation Committee——

"『"Has the king left Tokyo?"

Saya Gong Xin asked tiredly while sitting at the desk.

"According to the latest intelligence, the King has already gone to Haneda Airport and is preparing to leave Tokyo. Before leaving, the King asked us in Japan to prepare enough excellent witches for him within seven days and send them to Jerusalem. If we don't do so, the King will settle all old and new grudges, saying... he wants us to prepare to find a new capital."

The staff of the Tokyo branch replied with a wry smile and fear.

"Make the King's request the first priority and notify the entire official history compilation committee.

In order for Japan to remain intact, everyone must do their best to complete the task.

Inform the major Japanese sorcery families and ask them to stop hiding it.

If there are daughters who are good enough to take on the role of a shrine maiden, please contribute their daughters to the King.

This is Japan's crisis, an unprecedented national disaster, and we must unite as one to overcome the crisis!


Sayamiya Xin said exhaustedly. Since the two 'kings' came to Japan, she has never had a good rest. She has been busy solving various problems. Now that the two 'kings' have finally left, she can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Even if the follow-up affairs are still troublesome, it is always easier than facing the two 'kings'.

Although she is a high school student, she is worthy of the position of the director of the Tokyo Office of the Official History Compilation Committee. The orders she issued can be described as cold and decisive, but they are also the most correct solution now.

Completely bow your head and surrender at the feet of Roy 'King'. This is the decision of the Japanese side.

Many subordinates in the office nodded silently. What happened in Tokyo, Japan was really too sensational. These people were already frightened. The disaster losses suffered by Tokyo are secondary. The most terrible news is that the Marquis of Vauban was defeated or even died in the battle with the new 'king'. This news has swept the entire mysterious world like a hurricane. It even caused chaos in the Eastern European mystical world.

One is the oldest known demon king, and the other is the new"king" who just killed a god. In the understanding of normal people, Marquis Vauban should have the upper hand in the battle. Even if the two sides can decide the winner, there should be no death.

This is a major event that has never happened in the modern civilization and mystical world. It is the only death of a god killer since the first modern god killer appeared more than two hundred years ago.

Although there are seven godslayers in this era, the last god killer killed the first one. This is the real"old king" is dead, and the"new king" should be established!

Today, Roy's reputation is all over the world, and he has even surpassed the leader of the East. He can kill the oldest demon king, kill his own people without hesitation, and fight in the international metropolis of Tokyo without hesitation. Roy's name has been vaguely regarded by the mysterious world as the most fierce and powerful god killer today.

"What's going on with the Kiyoakiin family? Their most outstanding daughter has been captured by the"king"."The

Kiyoakiin family, like the Sayamiya family, is one of the four great families in Japan, and can be said to be the real rulers of the Japanese mystical world. But even so, facing the terrifying demon king, the so-called four great families can only kneel down and flatter, begging for the"king's" forgiveness.

"What could happen? When the current head of the Qingqiuyuan family heard that Qingqiuyuan Hina dared to stand in front of the"king", he was almost scared to death. He has severed the father-daughter relationship with Qingqiuyuan Hina and no longer recognizes Qingqiuyuan Hina as a member of the Qingqiuyuan family. He has also issued new instructions within the family, preparing to adopt someone from the branch family to become the new heir."

An employee of the Tokyo branch shrugged and said.

Hearing this news, Sayamiya Xin secretly sighed. Although this decision is cruel and ruthless, it must be said that this is the best way for the Qingqiuyuan family to deal with it. Even if there is no family affection, it is absolutely in line with reality.

"Where is Amakasu Touma?"

Speaking of her subordinate, Sayamiya Xin also felt a little concerned. This subordinate was very capable at work, and she was reluctant to lose him.

"Amakasu Touma survived, but the sword that stabbed him contained magic. Our rescue was a little slow, and his body functions have been destroyed. More than half of his kidneys are missing, and he can only spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair."

"Forget it, he is lucky to be alive, I can't ask for anything more."

The fate of Amakasu Touma was also expected by Sayamiya Xin. The director shook his head and said nothing.

"Report on the damage in Tokyo"

"Akasaka and Roppongi suffered heavy losses. Shinjuku Gyoen was completely destroyed and even reconstruction is difficult. As for casualties, we are still calculating them. Please be prepared. I am afraid that the casualties in Tokyo this time will be large."

"One hundred and sixty years ago, Marquis Vauban destroyed the city of Zadar in the Austrian Empire. I didn't expect that one hundred and sixty years later, our Tokyo would also suffer such a fate. But should we be thankful? At least not all of Tokyo was destroyed. This is the devil king on earth, an irresistible devil king."

Sayamiya Xin's voice was filled with tears.

Her subordinates did not dare to speak, but just lowered their heads quietly.

"Think of a good excuse. This incident is so serious that it's hard to say it was a gas leak or explosion."

"Director, how about just saying that a meteorite fell in Tokyo?"

"This excuse is good, but how to explain the"Angel and Werewolf War" in Tokyo? The battle between the two"kings" was seen by many people.��

"We can only trouble magicians and sorcerers to erase the public's memory as much as possible, and then ask the government to suppress the discussion on the Internet. We just need to make this matter no longer a hot topic."

"Well, let's do this."


After some discussion, the Japanese History Compilation Committee finally established a plan for the aftermath.

"This time, my decision has a lot of responsibility. Although I was also"deceived" by the old man in the underworld to make such a decision, but this matter must be taken by someone. I decided to resign from the position of director of the official history compilation committee and give up the right to inherit the Sayamiya family."The

17-year-old high school girl bravely took all the responsibilities.

No one else objected, because this matter really must be taken by someone, and Sayamiya Xin is the best person to take the blame.


While the Japanese official history compilation committee was discussing the matter intensively and people in the mystical world throughout the world had completely memorized and could never forget the name Roy Crowley, Roy had already arrived at Haneda Airport, preparing to go to Jerusalem.

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