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Behind Roy, the"Holy Guardian Angel" with long golden hair and bare feet floating in the air, shining with a faint light, looked at Roy's raised right hand.

At that moment, the existence named Aiwass was like an unstable signal, with a sense of nothingness like snowflakes, as if it would dissipate at any time, and then its body gradually stabilized.

Seeing Aiwass almost dissipating, Roy was stunned for a moment and asked nervously:"……Are you okay, Aiwass?"

Aiwass is a very important person to Roy now, and he doesn't want Aiwass to have any problems.

"It doesn't matter, it's just that my 'spirit' is a little slow in thinking."

Aiwass's eyes fell on Roy's right hand. She showed an extremely human smile, and even her tone was no longer as mysterious and distant as before, but became a little irritable, and even her words could be described as 'smelly'."……Those stupid"Demon Gods" spent their entire lives pursuing what I wanted, but I got it so easily. If they knew what kind of expressions they would show, I really can't wait to see their expressions."

Roy has become accustomed to Aiwass's occasional strange tone. This"Holy Guardian Angel" is not a dead thing without emotions, or she used to be a dead thing, but with the contact with humans, she has become closer to humans.

Of course, it's just close, Aiwass can never be a human.

"Well, I can feel that the mysterious space we traveled to before is now hosted in my right hand. My right hand has become the carrier of that mysterious space. Aiwass, if I cut off my right hand, will something terrible come out of it?"

Roy seemed to be asking but more like joking. He was not a psychopath and had no interest in cutting off his right hand for fun. What if he accidentally lost his king's power?

Aiwass could only remain silent, because even she could not understand or explain the mysterious space that was now hosted in Roy's right hand.

"If you want to return to the world where Aleister is, you must be careful of the"Demon Gods". If they discover what is in your right hand, they will chase you and go crazy. They will do everything they can to get what is in your right hand."

Aiwass's tone was full of warning.

"This is the second time you've reminded me, Aiwass... Speaking of the 'Demon God', I've seen him mention it a little in Aleister's book. He used the phrase 'the ultimate in magic' to describe the 'Demon God'. Although I can imagine the power of that kind of existence, I can't quite understand it."

Roy must go back to the world of Magical Index, because Laura and Aleister are still there, but if he goes back to that world, he will become the 'Tang Monk's meat' in the eyes of the 'Demon God', so Roy must treat the 'Demon God' as an imaginary enemy and think of a solution in advance.

"The only one who can understand the"Demon God" is the"Demon God". When you reach that level one day, you will definitely understand it. It is unnecessary knowledge among necessary ones... But you don't have to worry too much. The"Demon God" also has its limits."

"Oh? How do you say that?"

Roy raised his eyebrows and asked with interest.

"Do you know the island theory?"

"I have a rough understanding of this. This is one of the theories why humans cannot discover extraterrestrial life. It roughly means that the universe is infinite, but human exploration and cognition have limits. There is an insurmountable distance between each civilization. Therefore, what humans call the universe is only the universe they can explore."

Roy pondered for a moment and said concisely

"This theory can also explain the relationship between"different worlds".

If all universes and worlds are described as an endless sea, then each world is an isolated island in this sea.

The limit of the"Demon Gods" is that they do not have the ability to cross the sea, nor do they have the ability to find another isolated island through the sea.

The mysterious space in your right hand is the"ship" that can cross the sea, which will naturally attract the covetousness of the"Demon Gods", because their dream and desire is to leave the island where they are and see something more vast.


"……The existence that can build this"ship" must be far beyond the ultimate of the"Demon God". You have obtained this"ship" that can travel far. Whether you reverse the structure of the ship to gain power, or use the ship to explore different islands and obtain more technology and treasures, compared to the"Demon God" who can only be trapped on an isolated island, you are a freer person. This is where you surpass their limits."

Evans tried his best to use easy-to-understand words to build confidence for Roy, because now she is also a guest on this ship. If there is a problem with Captain Roy, she, the guest, will not be able to take the ship to travel freely on this sea of the world.

"In the end, it's just to let me use the things in my right hand to travel through different worlds, so as to gain the power to fight against the demons in different worlds."

Roy laughed and stretched lazily.

He lowered his head and looked at the words and spells he had written on the desk, and said distressedly:"……These are the knowledge I got from Erica through the exchange of body fluids. Her knowledge is not large, and I can easily understand it, but this knowledge is not enough for me to complete this ceremony."

Speaking of this, he turned back to look at Aiwass. If he could get the knowledge of this"holy guardian angel", it would surely greatly increase his knowledge, which is much faster than passing on knowledge by word of mouth.

Aiwass noticed Roy's thoughts, and she just chuckled:"……I suggest you don't think about using the witch's 'sex magic' to gain knowledge from me. Just a small part of my knowledge is enough to blow your head apart... Besides, I am only a 'spirit' and have not taken on a body yet, so I cannot perform this 'magic'."

After a pause, Aiwass continued:"……Another part of my consciousness is with Aleister, who is working on a plan. If the plan succeeds, I can have a physical body. If you can bear my knowledge, I can pass on the necessary knowledge to you."

Evans had no objection to imparting knowledge to Roy through negative distance contact with her body. Her only concern was whether Roy's brain could bear her knowledge that was as poisonous as poison.

"The other part of your consciousness is in Aleister? You can actually feel what's happening in another world here?"

Roy asked curiously. Compared to having sex with the incarnated"Holy Guardian Angel", he was more concerned about the connection between this isolated world.

"Let the particles split in half, put them at the two ends of the universe and they still have resonance... You can understand my consciousness in this way. If you want, I can provide you with all the actions and thoughts of the man Aleister, and become your... well, let's use the word undercover."

Aiwass betrayed Aleister without hesitation. For Aiwass, an observer, Aleister was just interesting to her, but Roy was an indispensable existence that she pursued. The importance of the two was immediately judged.

"I am becoming more and more interested in your existence, Aiwass! As a 'secret leader', what kind of posture are you in?"

Roy looked at Aiwass's glimmering body with interest. It was not a man's look at a woman, but Roy's consideration of the unknown.

"The Kabbalah Four Worlds Theory divides the world into the"archetype world", the"creative world", the"formation world" and the"material world", and I am an angel of the"material world". I control everything that is closely related to humans."

Aivas's voice became ethereal again, mixed with electromagnetic sounds. It seems that some of her explanations are still automatically blocked by Roy's brain.

"So you are actually a 'physics angel'? But I think the knowledge you impart and the abilities you use are all 'magic'.’"

Roy was somewhat stunned. In his impression, shouldn't the 'angel of physics' be made of metal, like a Transformer, holding a positron cannon, or waving his hand to produce something like a sophon, a dichroic foil, or a hyperdrive?

Perhaps sensing what Roy was thinking, Aiwass laughed out loud, with a mysterious holiness mixed with a devilish charm."……What you are thinking about is physics at the macro level. Haven't humans already intervened in some of the micro levels? In quantum physics at the micro level, some phenomena do not conform to human scientific understanding and are more like magic."

Roy heard what Aiwas said, and he shrugged and said:"……This is really"When in doubt, use quantum mechanics", but you are right, the phenomena in the field of quantum physics are like magic, even paradoxes, which are contradictions in human thinking, are allowed to exist in the microscopic field."

He exhaled, glanced at the electronic screen on the wall, and shook his hand with a lack of interest:"……Forget it, these things are still too far away, I'd better move forward step by step, I've already reached Jerusalem, after I rest for a few days and recover all my powers, I will directly carry out the summoning ceremony of the God of Disobedience."

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