Since Roy had reached an agreement with the goddess Athena, the atmosphere in the room became calmer. However, Roy did not give the Gorgon Stone directly to Athena. It was not because he wanted to break his promise, but because Athena, as a goddess, had the title of"wisdom".

Although Roy was willing to believe Athena's promise,"wisdom" could also be called cunning. If Athena recovered her strength and really attacked in this room, Roy himself would be sure to keep himself safe, but he would definitely not be able to protect Erica and Liliana.

Perhaps she had noticed Roy's thoughts. Athena sat on the chair and gently kicked her two slender legs in blue stockings, and said without anger:"……It is the right choice to be on guard against me. I am also thinking whether I should follow Troy's example and deceive you."

After hearing Athena's words, Roy believed that the goddess would not do such an outrageous thing.

Although the atmosphere in the room was���But that was only for Roy and Athena. For Erica and Liliana, their pressure became even greater. If other magicians knew that they were in the same room with the God of Disobedience, they would probably be shocked.

"Lily, it's time for dinner. You didn't prepare dinner for me today. This is a dereliction of duty. And Erica, you haven't finished your work for today. You should go and finish your work for today."

Roy's words reminded Erica and Liliana. The blond and silver-haired knights bowed quickly and went to the studio and kitchen under the look of Athena.

"Roy Crowley, you really care about your servants."

Athena glanced at Erica and Liliana. As a goddess, she didn't care about the hostility of the two mortals.

Compared with these two mortals, she was more curious about Roy:"……The God of Disobedience and the God-killer can coexist so peacefully. Even with my knowledge and wisdom, I cannot find anything similar. You are truly an incredible man. You can eliminate the instinctive impulses of the God-killer and the God of Disobedience. The one who dares to have such a heroic spirit must be a tyrant."

"Thank you for your praise, Goddess Athena. I just don't want to follow my fate. I hate the word mission because it means that my life is out of control. The inevitable slaughter between the godslayer and the disobedient gods is the mission I hate the most."

"……I hope my killing intention comes from my own nature, not from my identity as a godslayer, so I hope I can kill the God of Disobedience with my own will, or become friends with the God of Disobedience."

Roy shrugged and chuckled.

Destiny and mission, these things are things that bind Roy. He always wants to do what he wants and indulge himself. The God Slayer should kill the God of Disobedience as a disaster. Roy will act according to this identity, but he hopes that this intention comes from his own thinking and decision, rather than being forced by this identity.

The state of losing reason when seeing the God of Disobedience is something he absolutely does not want to see

"If someone else said this to me, I would admire his idea and laugh at his stupidity, but since you said it, I think it's natural."

"……The fate of Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos is also something I don't like. From this point of view, I agree with you."

"Before coming here, I also knew about your past. You once communicated with"Wise Solomon" and made him willing to be killed by you. The name of that legendary king is also well-known to me. If he can recognize your"wisdom", I will look at you differently."

Goddess Athena looked at Roy with interest, her long eyelashes trembling, her amber eyes full of curiosity and... the desire to kill him.

Because she recognized his strength, she regarded him as her enemy, and then she must kill him. This is what Athena thought.

"Lord Roy, this is your dinner."

While Roy and Athena were chatting, Liliana prepared the meal and served it to the table.

Today, Liliana made Chinese food instead of Italian food. Roy picked up the chopsticks skillfully and tasted the delicious food, praising:"……Lily, your cooking skills are getting better and better. I have heard that Luo Hao, the leader of the East, is a very good cook. I think your cooking skills are not inferior to that leader."

"How dare I compare myself with the leader of the East?"

Liliana said modestly, but her face was full of joy and slight pride from being praised by Roy.

"It's a pity that no one has had the honor of tasting the food made by the leader in the past two hundred years. I wonder when I can let the heroic leader cook for me personally."

Roy sighed as he tasted the wine in his glass.

Athena, who was sitting opposite Roy, didn't say a word this time, but just sat there quietly like a doll.


At night, the snow outside the window was a little lighter, but there was still no starlight. The villa in the Alps was brightly lit. In Roy's bedroom, he was leaning against the bed and playing with a mobile phone. In the deep mountains, there was a base station specially prepared for the former marquis, and the network signal here was excellent.

Roy did not read books all day long. Even if he was a godslayer, he would enjoy the technological convenience of modern civilization.

On the sofa next to him, Athena was reading a book with relish. She bent her slender legs and placed the book on her knees. She didn't know where the cute cotton hat on her head was thrown, revealing a beautiful silver hair shining with a faint glow.

"Is there something wrong?"

Aware of Roy's gaze, Athena put down the book in her hand and asked

"It's time to go to bed."

Roy said as he glanced at the clock on the wall.

"Well, then go to sleep, don't worry about me, don't worry, I won't attack you at night."

Athena didn't hear the hidden meaning of Roy's words, or maybe she understood, but just didn't want to pay attention to him.

Roy took a deep breath, he suddenly got off the bed boldly and came to the back of the sofa, grabbed Athena's arm, and picked her up

"What are you doing?"

Athena frowned and shouted angrily.

"Of course I'll hold you in my arms while sleeping! Don't do it, we promised that we won't do it today."

Roy said quickly when he found that Athena had divine power fluctuations on her body."……Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. I know you are a virgin goddess. Besides, if I really want to do something to you, you can resist even if you are weak, right?"

"You are such a foolish son who dares to covet the goddess."

Athena looked at Roy coldly, letting him put her beside the bed, watching him bend down and kneel on one knee on the ground, taking off her blue stockings bit by bit as if holding a treasure, revealing her crystal-clear jade legs under the stockings.

Athena's jade feet were small, even smaller than Roy's palm. He gently held one of her jade feet, and in his palm was the goddess' smooth and delicate skin. Roy also had an impulse in his heart.

But he didn't do anything else, because he knew that this was the limit Athena could accept. If he wanted to push further, their promise would be abandoned.

Looking at Roy, Athena suddenly showed a gorgeous smile:"……Male gods and men are always the same, just like my father who controls thunder! Roy Crowley, I have decided that I will kill you, grant you death, and let you walk alone in the wilderness of the cold underworld."

Athena's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and Roy's expression gradually became cold, and he chuckled:"……I am also looking forward to that day, Goddess Athena!"

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