(Athena in the original novel is very strong. In the anime and the first volume of the novel, she was completely defeated by force. With Athena's secret ability later, it would be impossible for Kusanagi Godou to defeat her at that time. If Kusanagi Godou had not learned Athena's secret technique, he would have been killed by the Last King in seconds.……)

"Is that all? Roy Crowley, if you stop here, then I can only express my disappointment in you."With a shield in her left hand and a knife in her right hand, Athena chopped a huge rock into pieces with a heavy chop, and then watched Roy floating in the air. Her stern figure exuded a panic-stricken aura. Although her breath was a little disordered and her robe had some traces of tatters, compared to Roy, she could be described as unharmed.

Roy's body was crisscrossed with bloodstains. Although none of them were fatal, if he continued to bleed, it would also exhaust his physical strength.

Athena was truly the most difficult enemy for Roy to deal with. His powers were all limited in number and time. His real way to fight the enemy was to use the power of"Jacob's Hands and Feet" that was normally activated to engage in hand-to-hand combat, and then look for opportunities in the battle. It will kill with one strike.

But the premise of all this is that Roy can gain the upper hand or even draw in hand-to-hand combat. However, as the goddess of war, Athena's martial arts are superb. Even Luo Hao can't compare to her. She is a rare monster among the gods of disobedience who has mastered martial arts. Fighting with such a monster in martial arts and hand-to-hand combat is tantamount to seeking death.

But Roy has no choice. He can only rely on hand-to-hand combat to fight Athena. His other powers have broken Athena's"Gorgon Snake Body", making her temporarily lose this powerful power, forcing her to give up her powers and fight in close combat, but Roy didn't expect her martial arts to reach such a level.

‘We must force her to use her last trick.……’

Roy had used his"clairvoyance" to look back in time and witnessed Athena's secret technique with his own eyes. It was a terrifying ability that could destroy the God Slayer in one move, and a sword of wisdom that was comparable to the last king's"Salvation Divine Sword"'s brave blow.

If he couldn't force Athena to use this move, Roy's strongest cheat"Divine Right" would not be able to be used.

It can be said that Athena is a disobedient god who is difficult to defeat without cheating.

"What else can I say, Athena! How can our fight end like this? We should say it has just begun!"

Roy is in a difficult situation now. Whether it is boxing or swordsmanship, it is like juggling in front of Athena, and the divine tools in her hand are extremely sharp. If the knife in her right hand hits the vitals, even the God Slayer will die. Especially the Medusa Shield in her left hand, which not only has extremely high defense, but even the Medusa Skull on it can use sneak attacks such as"Petrified Demon Eye" in battle.

"That's the way it should be, Roy Crowley! If you are defeated like this, how can you be called my nemesis? Come, let us fight on this battlefield like the great heroes in Greece, and use your blood and my blood to commemorate this battle of fate between you and me!"

"……I am the one who summons winter, the one who controls life and death, the cold ruler of the underworld, the queen of plunder. I command you, Roy Crowley, to become the king of the dead and become an eternal corpse!"

Athena chanted the words, and the knife in her right hand once again turned into a dark sickle. As the words moved, not only the sickle, but even the air around it turned into the breath of the underworld. Roy only felt the cold and deathly silence turning into black mist that was eroding his body. The queen was just as she said, and wanted to turn him into a corpse of the dead.

"Hahahaha, die!! Those who covet the goddess will turn into dust here!"


Athena stepped on the ground with her jade feet, creating another big crater in the broken mountain.

She shot straight into the sky like a cannonball.

The sickle in her hand was the soul-catching blade of the god of death, vowing to hook Roy's soul out.

Taking a deep breath, Roy suppressed the cold death with a spell power stronger than that of ordinary godslayers.

Roy clenched his fists, and Solomon's rings appeared on his ten fingers.

The seventh style of"Jacob's Hands and Feet", which was completed by the fusion of"Solomon's Wisdom" and the spirit base, was contained in those fists.

He skipped the sixth style and used the seventh style directly, because this move was special for gods, just like the special attack against dragons of"Saint Fulong", the seventh style of"Jacob's Hands and Feet" was a special attack against gods!

However, this move consumed too much spell power, so Roy usually didn't use it very often, even in normal practice.

The power of the Bible filled his fists. Roy opened his right hand and turned it into a giant palm, grabbing Athena who was whistling towards him.——

"『Wrestling with God』!"

《The Bible records that Jacob once grabbed God's shoulder with his hands, so that God could not escape, thus keeping God and leaving God's glory in Israel.

This is why"Jacob's Hands and Feet" is called the strongest fighting skill in the Bible. It is its true essence. It is an unparalleled secret method that even God cannot escape and must be caught by it, thus achieving victory.


Athena's beautiful eyes were filled with horror. Roy simply grabbed at her. The hand moved very slowly, but no matter how Athena dodged, she couldn't dodge. She used all her muscles to dodge in 107 ways, but no matter which one she used, she would always be grabbed by the hand on her shoulder.

Even the black sickle in her hand could not be stopped. No matter how she wanted to cut off Roy's right wrist with the sickle, she was always dodged by him strangely.

Roy's right hand grabbed her fragrant left shoulder. The goddess's white shoulder skin was as smooth as jade, but Roy didn't have any romantic feelings in his heart. He just moved his heart. The moment his right hand grabbed the goddess's shoulder, he arched his whole body into Athena's arms and hit the goddess's abdomen with his left elbow.


The severe pain in her abdomen made Athena's eyes go black. She spat out a mouthful of blood from her pretty red lips, spraying all over Roy's face. However, Roy's expression seemed calm. After the elbow strike, he used his wrestling skills. With a flip of his right hand, he turned Athena's body over and threw her to the ground like a shot put.


The beautiful goddess pierced through the ground directly, creating a huge deep pit in the earth. The cursed power with the ability to kill gods rushed through her body, almost cutting off her nerves and muscles, causing the female war god to wail in pain.


Athena climbed out of the pit screaming in pain

"Ahem... Ahem... I was careless. I didn't expect you to have such a trick. That trick has the concept of"must hit", right? Even I couldn't dodge it. I could only let you succeed in panic."

Athena's clothes were torn, revealing her graceful body under the"toga", white as jade.

She covered her abdomen and coughed continuously, and the blood at the corner of her mouth was bright and tempting.


Roy exhaled the foul air from the moon. This move consumed too much mana. It was not easy to use mana to reproduce the mythical miracles in the Bible.

""Athena, do you have any tricks up your sleeve? If not, I'll return that sentence to you. If you stop here, I'll be disappointed in you! Although that trick took a lot of toll on me, I can still use it a few more times. I just don't know how many more times your goddess body can take it!"

Roy's right hand trembled slightly, and even blood flowed from his palm. The miracle and concept contained in this trick of"competing with God" were too profound, and Roy couldn't use it without any injury.

""Ha...ha...ha...don't underestimate me. If this is your trump card, then you are just struggling to survive!"

Athena's face was sullen. She had always had the upper hand, but she didn't expect Roy to have such a trick up his sleeve. He took advantage of her unpreparedness and injured her with one move. Moreover, the strange special attack on God curse was too strange. It had been trying to destroy her body, leaving her with no choice but to suppress and expel it with divine power.

No, it couldn't be said that he took advantage of her unpreparedness. Athena thought carefully about this move of"competing with God", and finally found sadly that if Roy used it again, she still had no way to dodge.

In this case——

"Then let me use this secret technique to send you to the underworld! You should have seen my secret technique with your eyes. I cut off the head of the God Slayer a thousand years ago. If you are afraid, run away now. The farther the better!"

Athena said in a clear and high-spirited tone.

She was not lying, because Roy had gone back to the past and saw���It is a secret method that only the Last King can block.

"I am the goddess of heavenly wisdom, and this is the sword of wisdom!"

Athena dispersed her sword and shield, and what emerged between her hands was the wisdom of the goddess!

Her most well-known name is - the goddess of wisdom Athena!

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