A dazzling light flashed, covering all the darkness. The black hole that was enough to plow the surface of the planet into a flat ground turned into a flash of supernova explosion.

If you look from outside the earth, you will see an extremely bright light flashing in the Alps in Switzerland, Europe.

Then this light shoots into the universe from all angles and begins to spread in the low-Earth orbit.

In the blink of an eye, this light turned into a circle, reaching the Arctic Circle in the north, crossing the English Channel to the west into the Atlantic Ocean, crossing the Mediterranean Sea in the south, and reaching the border between Asia and Europe in the east, almost covering the whole of Europe.

In an instant, everyone in Europe saw that the whole sky turned into a golden color, causing panic among countless people.

Magicians from all walks of life in Europe and some government departments naturally saw this light covering the whole of Europe. As for how they explained it to the public afterwards, no one knew.

The light gradually dimmed and disappeared at its most dazzling time, and a mountain range in the Alps had almost turned into a flat ground. As far as the eye could see,���All the peaks disappeared, and the snowfields disappeared. I just don't know if the destruction of this section of the mountain range will cause changes in the celestial phenomena in the future.

This is not the miracle of destruction caused by Roy's"Right Light", but the damage to the surface of the earth caused by Athena's"Black Sword".

Roy's"Right Light" judged the target as Athena, so although the brilliance was exaggerated and covered the entire European continent, in fact, the damage to the material world was almost non-existent.

Roy sometimes wondered how his right hand could judge a planet as an enemy, and how he could measure the maximum output of the planet. If he could complete the measurement, he should be able to break a planet into pieces with a wave of his right hand.

If he could extrapolate upwards and judge stars, the solar system, the Milky Way, the Milky Way subsystem, the local galaxy group, the local supercluster, and even the entire universe as enemies, then it would become a veritable"hand that crushes the universe."

Roy believed that his right hand contained such miraculous power, because that was the ability that the"Demon God" could achieve. He just couldn't reach that level now and couldn't fully use the full power of his right hand.

"This is ridiculous.……"

On the surface of this broken Alpine planet, Athena lay on the ground, gasping for breath.

"It's so absurd, I was defeated inexplicably like this... I don't agree, I don't admit it, I... I can't accept this ending!"

Athena didn't have any scars on her body. The bloodstains and bruises were caused by Roy's fists. The attack of the"Right Light" was an incomprehensible, inexplicable, and processless attack method. It was neither a physical collision nor a magical destruction. People who were hit by the Right Light would be like Athena, in shock and disbelief, and the same was true for the Marquis of Vauban before.

Because they had no idea why they were defeated, and they were defeated so thoroughly.


Athena used her arms to support herself on the ground and tried to sit up, but she found that even such a simple action was extremely difficult.

『The"Black Sword" is Athena's killer move, but it is not the kind of move that will make you lose your fighting power after using it. On the contrary, with Athena's strength, she can even use the"Black Sword" two or three times in a row before she becomes exhausted.

After using the"Black Sword" on Roy, she should have enough strength to continue fighting, but... her divine power is gone, her physical strength is gone, and her energy is gone. It's as if that mysterious right hand took away all of Athena's divine power, physical strength, and energy after a flash of light.

"No, it didn't take away my divine power. That light is not such a superficial thing.……"

Athena used her wisdom and fell into deep thought. Finally, she suddenly said:"……That light took away my victory. All the elements that could make me win disappeared. Because victory is gone, I will definitely lose.’……Unreasonable, unreasonable, this ability is too unreasonable!"

Her amber eyes stared at Roy who was slowly walking towards her, and stared at the mysterious hand on Roy's right shoulder.

"Hahahahahaha!! I am dying of laughter, I am dying of laughter, this hand is not the power of God at all, I swear, no God has such power! This power belongs to you, Roy Crowley, you already have the power to save the world and destroy the world, the so-called power of Michael is just the introduction to your own power!"

Athena laughed loudly, her voice was like playing the piano under the moon, even if she was defeated, she did not have the desolation and ugliness of a loser

"What's so funny, Athena."

Roy walked slowly to Athena's side. He was covered in blood, like a bloody man. From the outside, he looked more like a loser, but the fact was that Athena no longer had the power to resist. As a demon king, he could do whatever he wanted to the goddess.

"A human being, before becoming a godslayer, actually possesses a power that cannot be matched by all the gods put together. How can this not be ridiculous! I am laughing at the vastness of the world, at my narrow-mindedness, at the arrogance of the gods. Roy Crowley, I finally see infinite possibilities in you, possibilities that even fate cannot constrain. If it were you, I believe, it would have a different ending!"

The goddess laughed heartily, her charming and graceful figure trembling with laughter, and the trembling of the moon in front of her chest created waves.

After a long time, she stopped smiling, and said with a serious look on her noble face:"……I also had a knowledge barrier. When you proposed the agreement, I guessed that you must have a back-up plan, but I was also arrogant. I thought that no matter what back-up plan you had, it would not be able to match my wisdom. However, reality hit me hard."

"……Although I have the wisdom of heaven, there is a wider world outside heaven, which is beyond the reach of my wisdom."

Roy used the power of the spell to stop the blood from flowing. Fortunately, the physical fitness of the God Slayer was good. If it were an ordinary person, he would have lost too much blood and fainted by now. He endured the slight dizziness in his brain and looked at his trophy, the famous goddess in Greek mythology, and said:"……Athena, is the agreement still valid?"

He didn't think the agreement could really bind the goddess completely. The goddess of wisdom was actually also synonymous with cunning. This could be seen from the myths. The goddess was not a law-abiding god. If something touched her bottom line, she would definitely tear up the agreement and refute you with arrogant words.

"I am not someone who cannot afford to lose, and do I have any room to resist now? Come on, demon king, you have already won the goddess. Whether you want to chop off my head and usurp my power, or vent your absurd animal desires on me, as a loser and a captive, I can only bear it!"

"……But Athena will never become your thing. As long as I find the opportunity, I will appear in front of you again and cut off your Rakshasa head!"

Even though she couldn't move, Athena was still proud. That was not a bluffing pride, but a pride that faced all the results calmly. She was willing to bear all the results, but in the end she would definitely rise again and take back her glory.

Well, there was a goddess in front of him who had no resistance. She was not a goddess in description, but a goddess in fact. Especially since she was a world-famous virgin goddess, should he have sex with her, and then he would definitely become a real enemy from then on and there would be no possibility of turning around, or take away her ability, but it would be possible to reconcile in the future? This is really a difficult question!

But Roy made a choice quickly.

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