Manhattan is the most densely populated of the five administrative districts in New York, United States. The entire Manhattan is an island, so it is called Manhattan Island.

It is the economic and cultural center of the United States, the location of New York's central business district, and the area with the highest concentration of skyscrapers in the world.

Most of the world's top 500 companies are headquartered here, and the United Nations headquarters and the famous Wall Street, New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, etc.

are also located here.

It can be said that it is the center of world finance, the real base camp of capitalism, and the absolute residence of the rich in the United States.

Being able to buy a house in Manhattan is definitely not something that ordinary people in the United States dare to think about.

And even in this place with the most expensive housing prices in the world, a luxurious garden villa is located in this small and expensive land. Only such a place can allow the seven most honorable"kings" in the world to stay.

Even if the rulers of the United States can be replaced every year, there will not be many"kings" who kill gods in an era.

"Anshela actually chose to destroy Manhattan Island!"

On the dining table, Anne Charlton clenched her fists and slammed them hard on the table, venting her inner anger.

At this time, Anne Charlton was no longer wearing the armor and mask.

Since Roy already knew her true identity, there was no need to disguise herself, which would only make people look down on her.

Anne Charlton was a United States woman with short fiery red hair.

She wore a capable women's suit and the same straight suit pants on the lower body.

She wore a pair of frameless glasses.

No matter how you look at it, she looks like an executive of a large company, and you would not associate her with the God Slayer.

Anne Charlton can only be regarded as a beautiful woman, and she is not like the kind of person who is inclined to be... She was not even close to being the most beautiful woman in the country, let alone the goddess Athena. Even compared to Erica and Liliana, she was several levels lower in appearance.

However, her identity as a godslayer and her aura of being in a high position for a long time also gave her a great sense of presence, instead of relying on her appearance like other women.

Roy also roughly understood why Anne chose to conceal her identity as a godslayer. This godslayer was an extremely low-key person and did not like to be sought after or publicized. Because she always wore a mask and armor, people did not know her true face. Only then could she live her daily life as Anne Charlton without being disturbed by those magicians.

"Fortunately, Mr. Roy gave me a reminder, otherwise I would have suffered a great loss this time! This is Manhattan, the financial center of the world and the United States. If it suffers large-scale damage, it will be worse than the 911 incident, and it may even cause global financial problems."

Annie spit out the anger in her heart,"……If such a thing really happens, it would be my fault, Anne Charlton, and I would be ashamed of the people of the United States."

Listening to Anne's endless words and her thanks, Roy found it interesting that the personalities of the God Slayers were really different. There were cruel and cold people like the Marquis and the Leader, kind and responsible people like Anne and Lady Elsa, and silly people like Salvatore who only lived for the sword.

Well, there were also people like him who were good at using conspiracy and intrigue, neither good nor bad.

"『The leader of the"Lord of the Flies" is the God Ancestor Anshela. This witch has been active on the west coast of the United States in order to store enough earth and water essence to restore herself from the body of the God Ancestor to the body of a dragon and snake. The reason why she has been choosing the west coast is just to mislead you, wanting you to think that the thing she is looking for is on the west coast of the United States."

"……But in fact, this God Ancestor did not have any requests. She just had a strong hatred for the God Killer and humans. All her actions were for destruction and destruction, without any other purpose. This time, she had stored enough essence of the earth and water, so she ran from the west coast to the east coast, wanting to make a big fuss in the Manhattan Islands. In this way, even if you rushed here from the west coast, it would be too late."

"If this situation really happens, it would be like a Hollywood movie reenacted in reality, with a giant snake destroying everything in Manhattan, just like a gorilla shooting at a plane on the Empire State Building.

Roy even made a joke at the end."……By then, it is estimated that all magicians in the United States will transform into men in black and go around erasing people's memories, hahahaha!"

He was not a person with a strong sense of justice and responsibility in this regard, so he didn't care about this kind of thing, but Anne was the opposite. She cared very much about the people in the place she governed, and her expression became more and more solemn.

"Thank you again for your help, Mr. Roy. If it weren't for you, countless innocent people would have been killed or injured on Manhattan Island this time."

Anne Charlton thanked her again solemnly.

Roy waved his hand indifferently. Anyway, he just got the medium related to the"Lord of the Flies" from Anne. Using the"Clairvoyance" to trace back to the past, he easily discovered the purpose of the God Ancestor Anshela.

The so-called God Ancestor is the ancient Earth Mother God who turned into dragons and snakes, and finally lost even the identity of dragons and snakes. Poor goddesses, they can no longer be called gods, and have lost the power of gods, but because the God Ancestor still has the divinity of the Earth Mother God, the descendants of the God Ancestor are witches.

Witches like the White Princess Alice and Liliana are all descendants of the God Ancestor.

"Most of the Earth Goddesses have lost everything they had, and thus have great resentment towards the Steel Hero and this world. There are very few Earth Goddesses who still have their godhood like me."

Athena, who was sitting next to Roy, sighed, telling the sorrow of the ancient Earth Goddesses.

These Earth Goddesses, who once reigned at the pinnacle of mythology, lost their power in the changes of mythology and humans, became the property of the Father God, and then turned into dragons and snakes and were killed by heroes. This was not enough. After the Earth Goddesses were killed and lost their divine power and life, they had to turn into gods to linger on. This huge change was enough to drive anyone crazy.

"Athena and I have an agreement that I will not attack the Earth Mother unless I have no choice. So this time I will not help you, Miss Annie. But it must be just a God Ancestor. Even if she temporarily regains her power, you as a God Slayer should be able to deal with it."

Roy said it was an agreement with Athena, but in fact, the Earth Mother was really contrary to his characteristics of"Victory","Sun" and"Steel". Even if he killed an Earth Mother, it would not allow him to change in any way. In this case, Roy was too lazy to compete with those gods.

But if it was nice to say something that would make Athena happy, he didn't mind saying more.

"Mr. Roy, you are really kind to women."

The capable female God Slayer with short hair said with a smile.

Roy neither denied nor admitted it, but just took a sip of the coffee on the table.

"But I hope you won't use your sympathy on Lady Aisha. She's been giving me a headache these past few days."

Annie rubbed her forehead in annoyance.

Roy smiled bitterly. Lady Aisha's power, 'Queen's Curse', had gone berserk twice in the past few days. Fortunately, Roy resolved it and no major disturbance occurred.

He finally understood why everyone avoided Lady Aisha. She was simply a trouble maker.

"Ding Dong——————"

At this moment, the doorbell of the villa suddenly rang. Roy and Annie looked at each other and saw something strange in each other's eyes. They didn't know who was visiting at this time.

But before they could think about it, the uninvited person walked through the door by himself. After seeing the beautiful figure with a charming smile, who was as beautiful as a lily in full bloom, Roy said unhappily:"……Alice, how did you get here?"

The one who appeared here was the White Princess Alice, but it was not her real body but a ghost body. This ability that only Alice has is very strange. Even if she ran from England to the United States, it would only take a moment.

"Because Roy, you haven't come to England to see me for a long time, I miss you a little bit."

Princess Alice said with a smile, looking as pitiful as an abandoned little white rabbit.

"You didn't miss me, you just thought something interesting was going to happen in the United States, so you came to join in the fun."

Roy snorted. He knew this witch's personality and every inch of her skin, and even every path that could be explored on her body.���She is just a witch who loves to join in the fun, regardless of whether tomorrow will be the end of the world.


The White Princess, who was extremely famous in Europe, covered her mouth with her hands and laughed, and did not refute Roy's words, because she knew that it was meaningless to refute him in front of him.

She had no secrets in front of him.

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