106 episodes

‘What is this?’

Ethan was astonished to see the people lining up in front of the temple.

When I woke up from sleeping in the temple, the number of patients increased instead of decreasing.

‘damn. The noisy bastard followed me and I got more work.’

Ethan muttered to himself.

On the other hand, Knicks was moved by the procession of people.

“Ethan, if you heal all these people, more people will believe in Pars-sama, right?”

Ethan snorted inwardly.

‘If the missionary activities were possible so easily, all of the humans on the continent would have been members of the Pars Church.’

But Ethan was willing to understand Nyx’s folly.

Because he was now very tolerant of unexpected luck.

It was like becoming a full-fledged lion.

Ethan happily confirmed the divine magic in his body.

‘The new magic power has doubled compared to the previous one.’

Ethan, who had been treating patients crying and eating mustard, was an accidental feat.

Ethan rubbed his chin and pondered.

‘I was just trying to get out of the center, but this is a different story.’

Up until now, I only thought that some kind of protective barrier had a bad effect on me.

But before falling asleep at dawn, Ethan noticed something surprising.

Ethan’s daily routine was to create new magical powers.

So, as usual, I mixed divine power and magic to create new magic, but something different happened.

-… Why is divine magic?!

The new magic that was originally created only as much as the tears of an ant was strangely created faster and more.

Ethan was astonished at that.


-Now is your chance!

I was excited and turned on the lights in my eyes to generate new magic.

As a result, Ethan realized.

‘Did the divine power prospered by the protective barrier mix with magic and affect the divine magic?’

I wasn’t sure, but it was a guess.

Ethan smiled slyly.

‘There are times when that person is helpful.’

At first, I was full of thoughts of getting out of this damn city.

However, my mind has changed since it had a positive effect on my divine magic.

‘I want to know more about the guard barrier.’

It was very important to learn about the secret of new magic in order to prepare for the Demon King.

At that time, Maverick and other priests welcomed Ethan and Nyx.

“You must have been tired, but are you already out?”

“Not at all. It’s to spread the word of Pars-sama!”

Nick answered with enthusiasm.

“Hahaha, it’s been a while since we’ve seen young priests, so we’re full of motivation.”

“Were you impressed with the two of you treating them all night yesterday?”

“Take a rest today. Because the addiction hasn’t been solved yet.”

It was not that the priests were completely unconcerned.

They were going to give the saint candidates who had worked hard all night to rest.

And Ethan quickly accepted that consideration.

“thank you. Then I will.”

“no. We can do more… … !”

Nyx, who had intercepted Ethan, suddenly opened his eyes.


Knicks staggered at the sudden pain in his back.

Ethan quickly supported the Knicks.

“It seems that this friend is sleep deprived. That’s why I told you to rest.”

It was truly an abomination.

It was because it was none other than Ethan who slapped Nyx on the back without the priests knowing.

The priests did not know that and clicked their tongue as if they were sorry.

“Such. You are still young, but you have to take care of your body.”

“It is important to take care of the patient, but it is also important to take care of myself. Otherwise, Pars-sama will be sad.”

Ethan turned back, supporting the Knicks.

“Thank you for thinking. Then come on.”

And as soon as he turned back, he covered Nix’s mouth.

“Wow! Ub-boo-boo-boo?!”

Ethan looked up at the distant sky and lamented.

‘Ha, it might be better to be with the twins.’

* * *

Ethan tossed him out of his quarters to prevent further sabotage by the Knicks.

It was then that he shook his hands and turned back.

someone spoke to him

“Are you Priest Ethan?”


“I’m here on an errand from Count Cozy, the former head of Aurum’s investigation team. The director is desperately looking for Priest Ethan.”

Ethan’s eyes narrowed at the messenger’s words.

‘You’re calling me as expected.’

It was also what Ethan had hoped for.

The bigger Ethan’s position in the investigation team, the wider the area he could access information about the Dark Followers.

Although he had a high status as a saint candidate, there was a limit to actively discovering the activities of the Dark Followers.

But now that he realizes that what happened in the fledgling Empire was the work of the Dark Followers, further investigations will follow.

Because of this, Ethan planned to intervene in the investigation team to aim for it.

The messenger recommended a wagon.

“I brought a carriage, so let’s ride together.”

“no. I have some business to see, so please go first.”

But Ethan refused.

‘You must have something to ask of me.’

Up to this point, Ethan has been involved in several affairs in the new empire.

They were all related to the Dark Followers.

The fact that the investigation team readily accepted Ethan’s accompaniment must have been taken into account.

‘Because there is no favor that does not expect a reward.’

So, there was no intention of moving as smoothly as he wanted.

Besides, as soon as I arrived in Central, I was locked up in the temple, so I had to collect more information about this place.

So Ethan went to the tavern alone.

People didn’t pay attention to him because of the hood he wore.

Perhaps because they run an inn together, the tavern was full of customers even during the day.

Ethan sat down and ate a light snack.

‘Even if it wasn’t Earl Cozy or something, I’d drink beer.’

Ethan only ate his mouth in disappointment.

He didn’t want to create an excuse for himself to be vulnerable to others rather than looking at the count.

Ethan picked up a salad with a fork and listened to the conversation around him.

“Give me one room.”

“I’m sorry, guest. There are no rooms left now.”

“What? When I went up earlier, the room was completely empty. What do you mean?”

“Oh my, those rooms are already booked, what do I do?”

“A reservation? All those rooms?”

“yes. Isn’t the Round Table of Kings going to be held in Central this time? That is why the nobles of the United Kingdom have no room left in the crowd.”

“Sheesh, I have no luck. The day you go is a market day!”

“sorry. Why don’t we hurry up and go to another inn?”

Ethan’s ears pricked up at their conversation.

After hearing the explanation from the staff, the man quickly left the inn.

The guests who were drinking were shocked when they saw it.

“tt, if I went anywhere else now, everything would be the same.”

“Even if there were, I’d be ripped off a lot.”

“If there is a round table meeting here, would that be the room? The room with the round table of kings.”

“right. Normally, the door to that room doesn’t open no matter what you do, but it turns out that it will open automatically when you have a round table meeting.”

“Wow, that’s amazing. Is there any other magic like that?”

Ethan stopped forking and focused on their conversation.

‘Is it the time for the round table meeting already?’

The Round Table, held once every 12 years, was the place where the kings of the United Kingdoms gathered together.

The gathered kings used to discuss various things at the round table.

Among them, the main topic was about the Dark Followers.

It was all thanks to the fact that the United Kingdom was not divided even after the end of the Anti-Magic War.

The Dark Followers may have resurrected the Demon King, so they decided to maintain the alliance in order to respond.

“Even so, the guards have been patrolling day and night for some time now. It’s good that there are fewer shoplifters and pickpockets thanks to this.”

“Of course, since it is the largest conference on the continent. If anything happens, it will be a disgrace to the city.”

Suddenly remembering something about a hundred years ago, Ethan tilted his head.

‘for a moment. Are you still using that round table?’

The Round Table was first created during the Anti-Ma War.

And the round table means that the kings of the united kingdom are all equal, which would have not changed since then.

What does that mean?

Ethan touched his left eye with jet-black eyes.

“Maybe things will be easier.”

Ethan smiled meaningfully.

This is because it was none other than Ethan who led the ‘Round Table of the Kings’ to be held a hundred years ago.

‘I’ve been playing around with that round table.’

Because of this, the kings of the United Kingdom at that time shed tears of blood and resented Ethan.

Because resentment and resentment were deep, the kings of the United Kingdom had no choice but to unite.

‘This is your chance to access the clues about the bloodline that the dark follower was talking about.’

Ethan’s eyes lit up.

If they had jet-black eyes, it would have been possible to peek into the content of the meeting they had shared over a hundred years of eternity.

‘In order to do that, you must approach the round table of kings by any means possible.’

Ethan left the tavern.

Thanks to the information he needed, his steps were light.

At that moment, a sound came from the alley Ethan passed.

“There, wait a minute.”

Ethan stopped walking at the familiar voice.

I looked into the alley, and there was a woman in a dress that didn’t match the dirty alley way.

Ethan smiled curiously.

“What are you doing here?”

A woman stepped forward from a dark alleyway.

Her face was fully exposed in the sunlight.

“Matilda Harper.”

It was an unexpected reunion.

* * *

“You weren’t in the Aurum.”

At Ethan’s words, Matilda hid herself in the alley again.

He was conscious of his surroundings.

“There is a round table of kings. I followed you as an attendant.”

In fact, Ethan only overestimates Matilda, but Matilda’s position in Aurum wasn’t that low.

Even if she was defeated by the Romongae, she was the eldest daughter of the second most prominent wizarding family.

It was only natural that most of the noble families of influential families would come to Central.

Ethan entered the alleyway.

Then he looked at Matilda with sharp eyes.

Matilda, whose silence was heavy, opened her mouth.

“So far, there have been no separate instructions from superiors.”

Ethan’s eyes narrowed.

‘Did you notice Matilda Harper’s betrayal from above?’

However, there was no hasty judgment.

“Coming here, it seems that the events of that time were well covered.”

Matilda groaned at Ethan’s words.

“Do you know how hard it was to get around and get rid of the soul’s bondage because of you?”

“I told you, it’s not for me to know. But seeing that he is still alive proves his ability.”


Matilda smirked in shock.

But instead of confronting Ethan, he offered something.

“Well, I didn’t call you to wrestle. I have no intention of proving my abilities with just that. How about this?”

What Matilda gave to Ethan was something Ethan had never expected.

But it was also familiar to Ethan.


Ethan’s eyes widened.

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