110 episodes

At first glance, the protruding monsters looked like dozens.

Long-legged crocodiles made a menacing attack with sharp teeth or claws and a hard tail.

It was more bizarre than funny to see him crawling on the floor with his long legs.



The mercenary in the lead blocked the swinging crocodile tail with his sword.

The hand holding the sword tingled.

The offensive of the long-legged crocodile was concentrated in the lead and was outnumbered.

So the lead was the most dangerous.

The crocodile’s tail was blocked, and then its huge snout opened, revealing its hideous teeth.

It was clear that he was aiming for the mercenary’s legs.

“Stand back!”

On behalf of Suha, Robert thrust the sword into the snout of the long-legged crocodile.

It pierced the long snout of a black crocodile neatly.

It was a bold attack that could only be done if you had the confidence to break through the thick skin of a crocodile at once.

Since then, Robert has fought more intensely than anyone else at the forefront.

Ethan looked at the scene with his eyes shining.

‘The white wolf’s reputation was not an illusion.’

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a fierce battle like this.

That stimulated Ethan’s desire to win.

‘Did you vaguely believe in my status as a saint candidate? Either that or it feels good.’

Robert entrusted the task of heavy responsibility to the young priest Ethan for a long time.

I didn’t know what the hell he believed in making that decision.

But there was no time for trouble.

“Divine Blessing!”

It was the moment when 4th grade holy magic was activated.

A divine wave spread like a wave around Ethan.

The divine light that spread out enveloped the mercenaries and nobles.

‘Divine Protection’ was a divine magic specialized for rear support.

A person who has received divine protection not only does not get tired easily, but also acquires a much higher physical ability.


The mercenaries and nobles who received divine protection were surprised.

‘Did you use 4th grade holy magic?’

‘Even if you are a saint candidate, are you a young man who has only been ordained a priest for only a few months?’

They didn’t say it out loud, but they all had the same question.

‘Does this make sense?’

It was very rare for even experienced mercenaries to receive such combat support from a priest.

It was possible only when there was a large-scale battle.

The leader of the expedition, which had been pushed back, regained stability thanks to divine protection.

Then Robert shouted loudly.

“From now on, we will attack the depths of the long-legged crocodiles! Baby, all you have to do is support my men with all your might.”

Robert, who ran head-on, slaughtered several long-legged crocodiles in an instant.

After that, the new one disappeared.

The mercenaries also confirmed Edan’s skills, so they naturally formed a tighter formation to protect Edan.

Still, he teased Ethan with his characteristic wild joke.

“My dear Priest! I think our manager really liked you!”

“We’ll protect you, so don’t get tired of peeing!”

On the other hand, Ethan was taken aback by Robert’s sudden provocation.


Ethan burst out laughing.

Since he looks like a boy, he might look blue and young to a strong man like Robert.

But Ethan wasn’t big enough to understand that.

‘I’ve only been playing in other towns, so these things are so openly insulting?’

Ethan’s eyes twinkled.

He couldn’t continue to be treated like a pup or be beaten.

Ethan raised the divine power in his entire body.

And the divine power circulated through the danjeon with divine magic.

When he met with divine magic, the maximized divine power soared all over his body.

“What, what?”

The eyes of the mercenaries who were beside them widened.

“Why do you have that level of divine power?!”

Unbelievable energy overflowed from Ethan.

Even the nobles were surprised by the sight.

The nobles, who were frozen by the tension of the battle, were attracted to Ethan.

“Brilliant Judgment!”

Ethan’s eyes lit up.

The light from the pupils spread out around Ethan and encroached on the surroundings.

The long-legged crocodiles were also quickly swept away by the light.

woo woo woo!

All the evil things swept away by the light were severely damaged.

The swarm of monsters disappeared without leaving a corpse as it turned into ashes.

Standing in the center, Ethan smiled.

As he gained more time to use his new magic, Ethan wanted to test how much power he could exert.

And this place was very suitable for testing.

It was for this reason that Ethan used the Brilliant Judgment, which is classified as the highest difficulty among level 5 holy magic.

‘I think you can see why the saint used this magic?’

Judgment of Brilliance was one of the holy magics favored by the saint.

At that time, Saint Eileen must have used this magic to turn the tide of the battlefield.

Also, even if he was a bit overworked, he would have wanted to reduce the damage of ordinary soldiers.

But for Ethan, the purpose was different.

‘It consumes quite a bit of divine power, but it can do wide-area damage at once, so it’s good for subduing the baseline.’

I just used it because it was worth a try.

“That’s the magic that the saint used?!”

“How could a young priest use such a superlative magic?”

I could hear the people around me muttering in amazement.

Ethan clenched his fists in satisfaction.

‘okay. This is it.’

It was the bliss that I felt when I pressed everything with force.

The gaze mixed with envy and fear was the first he had felt in nearly a hundred years.

At that time, Robert, who had gone far, returned early.

It was because of Ethan’s journey that the situation was quickly settled.

It was a plate that should be considered fortunate because the monsters were defeated without much damage.

But strangely, Robert’s expression was stiff.

Robert said to Ethan.

“It was your kiddo, after all. There was no reason for you to go out of your way.”

It wasn’t something I was trying to get.

Because I did it because I wanted to.

But I didn’t understand why I had to listen to that.

Ethan’s face wrinkled.

* * *

Robert sensed a presence from the front.

It was thanks to the five senses that had been trained by the experience he had accumulated as a mercenary for a long time.

With his sense of smell, he could smell the monster’s unique smell.

And he could hear even the smallest cry of the monster.

Robert looked back.

‘Even if the sons of the nobles were mobilized, it is nothing but a mess.’

The Red Fang mercenary team got along well because they had been together for a long time.

However, as the expedition was hastily formed, it was not so.

Robert clicked his tongue.

The superiors said that the reason for including the sons of noble families in the mercenary corps was to balance quantity and quality.

‘It’s pathetic and complacency.’

Most of the aristocratic children were children who did not have proper combat experience.

It was fortunate that I didn’t grab his ankle.

‘But if there is something to keep an eye on, is it that guy?’

It was Ethan, a young priest called the Saint Candidate.

Although Ethan was on a tight schedule, unlike the nobles, he did not speak much.

Besides, he wore the equipment he gave out by himself.

That alone deserved to be appreciated, but there was something else that was even greater.

‘The divine power sensed from the outside is considerable.’

He also said he had stigma.

This was a pretty good amount of power.

In order to play a part in the original battle, it was necessary to accumulate enormous experience.

In that respect, the sons of noble families fell far short of Robert’s standards.

No matter how much experience you have.

But Ethan was different.

‘Looking at the way he wears the equipment, he seems to be quite proficient in dealing with unexpected situations. Since he’s a priest, if he uses holy magic well, he’ll be able to play an active part in the lead.’

So Robert brought Ethan to the lead and gave him support.

Robert confirmed what divine magic Ethan was using.

“Sacred Blessings… … .”

It was a level 4 holy magic.

Considering Ethan’s age, that was a big deal.

So it was even more sad.

“I think it’s a little overkill.”

Did you take on a huge responsibility just because you took the lead?

Robert thought Ethan was overjudging his abilities.

It wasn’t that rare.

Most of the priests morbidly hated the suffering of those around them.

So, even if he was overworked, he used to plan and execute battles in a way that minimized the damage of his colleagues.

‘okay. Just like Saint Eileen.’

Robert was not a Parsian.

However, only the other Graben people knew about the seven heroes of the Anti-Magic War.

‘Are all priests like that?’

Robert was a mercenary loyal to his interests.

Because of this, he could not understand the priests who casually sacrificed themselves.

‘But his skills are considerable, so we can’t help but look at it.’

If you had a little overworked skill, it would be of great help to the expedition.

It meant he could hold out until Robert returned from work at the center of the monster horde.

That was the moment I made that decision.

A tremendous brilliance enveloped the surroundings, blinding them.

“… What is this?!”

Brilliant Judgment.

It was the highest level of 5th grade holy magic, and it was a magic that consumed both divine power and difficulty.

‘no way?!’

Surprised, Robert covered his eyes with his arms and looked back.

There is only one priest in the expedition.


It must have been that childish priest that this brilliance came from.

Thanks to Ethan, the monsters were easily dealt with.

But Robert was not happy with that fact.

‘Anyway, what are the priests!’

Sacrifice had a degree.

What are you going to do if you overdo it like this and then go back and fall behind?

As a young priest, he lacked experience, apart from having good divine power and quickness.

So Robert went up to Ethan and warned him.

“It was your kiddo, after all. There was no reason for you to go out of your way.”

That was his responsibility to lead the expedition.

* * *

Ethan was stunned by Robert’s warning.

‘I was treated like a kid, but I guess that’s why it’s such a mess because my expectations were wrong?’

Judging from what he provoked before and what happened this time, Robert the white wolf was quite… … .

‘You’re a narrow-minded guy.’

Ethan came to that conclusion.

It was the law that, if you were a strong person, you had to have a magnificence that was commensurate with your skills.

In that respect, Robert ate it up.

Ethan shook his head to himself.

“Priest Ethan!”

The twins of the Romon family ran from afar.

“Isn’t the magic you used earlier, the most difficult holy magic among the 5th grade?”

“If you make a mistake, you will only lose divine power and be unable to use magic as it should, but it’s amazing!”

“Have you tried it before?”

“If this is your first time, how did you come up with the idea of using something like that in practice?”

Chloe and Charlotte whirled around Ethan like puppies, giving praise.

The two were then stunned.

‘oh! Come to think of it, Priest Ethan is very shy.’

‘Are you going to kick me out because I see Mana again?’

The twins shrugged their shoulders, prepared for a pin-zan.


“It wasn’t that difficult.”

A soft smile appeared on Ethan’s face, unexpectedly.

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