122 episodes


The dark follower’s hideout hidden beneath the citadel was surprisingly a laboratory.

There were tools necessary for various magical experiments.

“I wonder if there was a hiding place like this.”

“Why is there such a thing as a prison?”

“Is this?”

There was a prison in the corner of the laboratory.

The noble son, who approached the prison, saw something and covered his mouth.


Then he ran outside and vomited.

The mercenaries looked at the prison and frowned.

At least they were on the good side.

“It looks like you’ve been experimenting with monsters here?”

Flesh and bloodstains were clearly visible inside the prison.

The mercenaries called Chloe and Charlotte.

The twins scrutinized any material or laboratory traces that the Dark Followers had not disposed of.

The twins opened their mouths with stiff faces.

“The Dark Follower seems to have studied the Demon King’s henchmen and his research here.”


“Is that real?”

“yes. Looking at the data, it seems that the Demon King’s henchmen did not share their magical achievements with others. Conspirators don’t usually trust others, do they?”

Ethan’s expression distorted as he heard those words.

‘You’ll feel bad for the plotter who hears it.’

It wasn’t that he didn’t want his research to be passed on to the Demon King.

But people didn’t know what was hidden.

Everyone was busy swearing at Ethan.

“There’s no such thing as a bad guy anyway.”

“Sometimes I wondered if he was more vicious than the Demon King.”

But Chloe and Charlotte tilted their heads.

“It’s a little harsh to say this, but the magic experiment that took place here wasn’t done by the Demon King’s henchmen.”

“Right. It was done by the Dark Followers trying to imitate his research.”

Then people looked at the twins with strange eyes.

“yes? Are you chasing the demon king’s servants now?”

“They say they’re geeks, and they’re really weird people.”

Ethan was stunned.

‘Are those bastards blaming me for taking my research and doing research?’

Even if the twins correct the facts, the expedition members did not even listen.

Looking at them, Ethan clicked his tongue.

But finding the dark follower’s hideout certainly paid off.

Ethan looked down at his shadow with a squint.

‘It was good that you came in before the others.’

In his present shadow, his past research resides.

– Go to the vice-captain and tell him you found the way.

-yes? So what about Priest Ethan?

-I’ll take a look at what devices aren’t here in the meantime.

-I see. Be careful until we come!

I had to hit the player before the expedition came.

So Ethan kicked the twins out and searched the lab first, one step ahead.

And then Ethan understood.

That this is a laboratory where Dark Followers analyze their research.

So, while searching the laboratory, Ethan did something unexpected.

‘I think I’ll get the heart of Behemoth again.’

Heart of Behemoth.

It was a magical material, something that was very rare even a hundred years ago.

Nowadays, it is difficult to obtain even if you pay the price, or even billions of dollars.

I felt proud to have it in my hand like this.

It was as if the fortunes that had been left and forgotten had increased and returned.

However, Ethan had no intention of turning it into money.

‘What if the life force of the heart of Behemoth was absorbed by the jet-black eyes?’

It would be possible to obtain a body that transcends human beings, which cannot be obtained by giving anything.

‘Your body is itchy. I want to go back and try it out soon.’

Ethan smiled sly like a fat lion.

Meanwhile, the mercenaries and nobles were busy moving.

What could be recovered from the lab was to recover as much as possible and return to Central.


It was time to return to Central.

‘Anyway, since it has been confirmed that the Dark Followers are active, the results of the Round Table are also confirmed.’

If the evidence was this clear, even the kings with heavy buttocks would have been unable to move.

In this way, the purpose of the expedition was achieved.

And since he’s done a lot of work, Ethan might have been able to attend the roundtable too.

‘Behemoth’s heart contains not only vitality but also magical energy, so if you absorb it well, you can balance it with the holy power that runs rampant in Central.’

For Ethan, this expedition was the best.

* * *


The guards on patrol encountered many people today.

But there was one that stood out.

The woman was wearing the priestly uniform of the Pars Church.

Although her attire was modest, she was a mysterious woman who drew the attention of those around her.


The woman who made eye contact with the guard came to him with a smile.

“Excuse me. Where do I have to go to get to this address?”

“Is this your first time coming to Central? I will guide you.”

“no. It’s been a while since I’ve been here, so I’m a little confused. If you tell me, I can find you.”

The guard looked at the address on the paper.

“… … !”

It was the administrative building of Central Central.

I didn’t even know if he was related to someone of high rank.

The guards guided the way with all their heart and sincerity.

“You are kind. Thank you very much.”

The woman smiled brightly and bowed her head.

His humble appearance was the priest of the Pars Church.

The woman attracted people’s attention wherever she went.

But he himself was unaware of such a gaze.

“Oh my gosh… The store that used to be here is gone.”

I just looked at Central with eyes full of memories.

So the woman arrived at the central administrative building.

“sorry. From here on, it is an access-controlled area, so outsiders are not allowed to enter.”

A security guard stopped in front of the woman.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“Did you make an appointment with someone who works here by any chance?”

“yes. Right. You said you were sending someone, but I guess I came a little early.”

“First, give me your ID card and tell me your name.”

“Here you go.”

When the woman held out her identification card, the security guard panicked.

“uh? There, please… … .”

“Oh, did you tell me to tell you my name too? My name is… … .”

That was then.

“Oh, you are already here.”

A senior administrative officer approached the woman.

“Vanessa! Was it you who came out?”

“When I heard that you were coming, I took the first place. It’s been a while.”

After sharing a hug, a woman named Vanessa spoke to the guard.

“I checked your identity, so it’s ok, right? You are here for an appointment with Count Cozy.”

“yes? yes! of course. Come in.”

The woman who got her identity card back entered the building with Vanessa with a smile.

“How many years has this been? Vanessa has a lot of dignity in between.”

“Thank you for looking at me that way. Oh, by the way, is this your first time seeing Count Cozy?”


The conversation between the two of them chatting while climbing the stairs was cut off in front of the investigation team leader’s office.

Just before opening the door, Vanessa gave advice in a small voice.

“Actually, something happened a while ago, so if you are unlucky, difficult things can happen. Look out.”


It was unfamiliar advice.


“Count Cozy, you are a guest.”

“yes. Come on in.”

As the woman entered, Count Cozy was standing there.

The two shook hands and introduced themselves.

Count Cozy said with a wide smile.

“This is true. When I did the research, I was very surprised that someone I had never imagined came out. It is such an honor to meet you.”

“Did you investigate me? Why?”

“That friend in the expedition is so special. I was just about to find out how you had been.”

“Um, that’s special… … .”

The woman’s reaction was subtle.

The reason the woman came to Count Cozy was none other than ‘the friend in the expedition’.

“Coming out, I don’t know why he was included in the expedition. Why did you send your child to such a dangerous place?”

“this. It is difficult to misunderstand. I did the recommendation, but in the end, Priest Ethan’s will was the biggest factor. Hasn’t Priest Ethan done an outstanding job so far in cases involving the Dark Followers?”

“The child is still young. I’m not even an adult.”

Count Cozy murmured inwardly, remembering Ethan’s size.

‘What’s young? I’ve already grown up.’

But if he said that, he wouldn’t be able to convince the woman.

“When you came out into the world and saved people, you were exactly the same age as Priest Ethan.”

“… … .”

At Count Kojic’s advice, the woman shut her mouth.

The Count’s words were true.

In the past, even women had a history of uncovering the conspiracies of a dark follower at a young age.

Count Cozy continued.

“Now that you are in retreat, you may not be as famous as you were then, but there are many who remember you today.”

“I’m… … .”

Then, suddenly, there was a commotion outside.

“no! Do you have any other guests now? … !”

“What’s wrong?! Now my son has gotten to that point!”


The door swung open and a middle-aged man entered.

“Is it true that my son is in a coma?”

Count Cozy jumped up in surprise.

“How can the head of the Crawford family behave so rudely?”

He was Easton’s father.

Although the expedition had not yet reached Central, the contents of the Jeon Seo-gu sent immediately after they escaped from the southern swamps spread to Central.

Among them, news of Easton’s injury reached the Crawfords.

“Am I rude? Now the eldest son of the Crawford family is in danger, and you are more rude to meet such a priest leisurely!”

The head of the Crawford family lashed out at the woman.

“You’re such a priest, you must be able to hide your words. Do you know who this is now?”

“Hey, who are you? It must be Priest Naboorang who came to beg for support or support.”

At those words, a smirk came out of Count Cozy’s mouth.

“Listen carefully. This is Stella-sama, the disciple of Laureai-sama, who was a saint at the time!”

* * *

Saint Laureai of the time.

She was an older woman who was now in her twilight.

Laureai had many disciples during his lifetime, one of whom was Stella.

Although he did not receive much attention from the public due to his choice of retreat, his position as a disciple of the saint was never easy.

“Aren’t you too disrespectful to him earlier?”

Stella remembered the head of the Crawford family who had been beaten up by Earl Cozy.

Count Cozy shook his head resolutely.

“What is the excuse? The man who said that to the saint’s disciple was more rude.”

“I only had the opportunity to ask Laureai-sama to learn, but I can’t even call him a disciple.”

“Heh heh heh, I wonder if anyone in the world would believe that? I heard that he was the most outstanding and famous among Laureai-sama’s many disciples.”

After that, Stella looked straight at the Count.

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