138 episodes

uh uh… … .

uh uh… … .

A strange sound was heard from the ground.

The sound initially revolved around Ethan’s location.

But it gradually spread to near Central.

The knight stepped backwards with his buttocks, astonished.

“What, what? what is this! Aww!”

The sound in my ears was terrifying.

It was like the cry of a dead man.

Ethan looked straight at the troops approaching Central.

The dead were crawling up the earth from hell.

The dead began to seep into the deserted land.

“Finally, the dead are freed… … .”

Ethan muttered in a mournful voice.

* * *

One hundred years ago, during the Anti-Magic War.

The old empire took countless lives and stained the Graven continent with blood.

Then my last hope was in Central.

However, Central was also destined to be a windmill.

It was no wonder when they were captured.

However, the soldiers gathered in Central did not give up hope.

They were fierce and desperate, trampling on or exploiting the corpses of numerous comrades, and defended Central over and over again.

Did you not like that persistence?

The Demon King placed a curse in front of Central.

– There will be no rest for all the souls who have died on this earth! Even if I die, I will be caught by the earth and never return to life again!

This was an operation to lower the morale of the soldiers guarding Central.

However, it rather stimulated the fighting spirit of the Central soldiers.

If I backed away from here, there was no more hope in the Graven Continent.

Because of this, the soldiers fought to death.

As a result, many souls were bound to the earth.

“You’ve been tied up for so long.”

Ethan muttered softly.

The curse that Ethan prepared for the kings’ round table had a recipe for dispelling the demon king’s curse.

It was to lift the curse on the land of Central.

Of course, it wasn’t perfect.

Because Edan from his previous life was inferior to the Demon King in his dark magic skills.

However, Ethan at the time had a target.

-If the dead with a grudge in this land run rampant, it will of course be directed towards the Imperial Army.

Of course, Central could not have been harmed at all.

However, in Central there was Saint Eileen and the barrier she had set up.

Ethan believed in it, and provided the stalk of the curse to the seven kings as a means of counterattack.

Fortunately, thanks to the Seven Heroes and the United Kingdom, there was no need to use the cursed stem.

So the curse was forgotten, and after a hundred years passed, it came back into Ethan’s hands.

Just at the right time to write.

‘The curse of the Demon King has weakened. All the ghosts will be set free.’

Ethan laughed.

Central’s barrier was a lot harder than I thought.

Even if I don’t know what the saint has done.

Therefore, the aggression of the ghosts released from the curse had no choice but to point to one place.

It was the rebels.


That was then.

Ethan’s expression, which had been smiling confidently, was disturbed.


He sensed a strange aura in the earth.


Ethan turned his head and looked back.

A huge divine power originating from the depths of Central Central reached the land where Ethan was at once.

‘No, to be precise, it’s me who freed the ghost, right?’

The moment Ethan guessed.


Ethan groaned in pain.

A familiar voice sounded in his ear.

-I’ve been waiting for the poor souls of Central to be freed like this one day.

It was the voice of Saint Eileen.

Ethan turned his eyes to Central, even though his neck and back were numb.

‘Lady! What the hell are you doing?’

The woman’s voice continued.

-If today is the day I can comfort their souls… … .

Ethan remembered his first day at Central.

At that time, he certainly thought so.

It seems that the protective barrier has changed from 100 years ago.

‘After all, did the saint touch her before she died?’

Like Ethan, Saint Eileen remembered the ghosts who were possessed by the land of Central.

However, he couldn’t break the curse of the Demon King, so he made a gimmick in the barrier, promising for the future.

Trusting someone who will lift the curse on your behalf in the future.

– I will bless the poor souls so that they can regain their comfort.

Ethan’s eyes lit up at those words.

The saint’s intentions were obvious.

‘When the curse is gone, I think you want to bless the departing souls and let them go.’

However, Ethan’s purpose was polar opposite.

“Don’t do anything useless!”

Ethan touched the earth.

It was for the souls, so when I asked him to yield, there was no way he could just say yes and back away.

The incident in Pache, and the one who suffered because of the protective barrier.

If it was such a petty prank, I could have suffered.

‘It is unacceptable to interfere with my revenge!’

Unlike before, Ethan had divine magic.

He clenched his teeth with the intention of pouring out everything he had.

‘What we need here is not goodness and forgiveness. resentment and hatred!’

Ethan shouted inwardly and threw the magic amplified with divine magic into the ground.


His black eyes were hot as if they were burning.

It was only natural that he was throwing too much mana into the ground at once.

“Don’t make what I’ve done so nonsense.”

Ethan muttered as if Saint Eileen was in front of him.

He then cast dark magic.

With all the dark magic he knew, the ghosts waking up from the earth stimulated them not to forget their grudges and hatreds.

“Not now. Aren’t these ghosts wanting revenge just like me?”

Tears of blood flowed from Ethan’s eyes.

As too much magical power escaped from his jet-black eyes, his body could not bear it.

“They should have a chance to choose revenge, just like I did.”

That moment.


The earth vibrated.

The magical power that Ethan amplified and the divine power arranged by Saint Eileen collided.

But Ethan was clever.

He blocked the flow of divine power.

I had no intention of stopping the ghost from leaving.

However, for this moment, Ethan was planning to use the Specter first.

Finally, his struggles were successful.


Powder of divine light overflowed through the cracked earth.

Some of the ghosts who woke up there turned into small spheres.

And I forgot my resentment and headed for the cycle.

But not all ghosts were like that.

Some of them lit their red eyes and showed hostility towards the enemies in front of them, the rebels.

“It should be!”

It was the same with Ethan.

* * *


The ghost radiated hatred towards the world.

Ethan was freed from the curse and greeted the ghosts who had reappeared in the world.

“good! You must show your hatred.”

Ethan pointed to the rebels and his eyes lit up.

Hundreds of thousands of ghosts ran towards the rebels as if they had understood the words.


A hive of ghosts clashed with the rebels with enormous mass.

Dust fluttered in a daze.

All kinds of screams and terrible noises erupted from the rebels.

“help me!”

“What is this?”

“No, it’s a ghost! A ghost has appeared! Where’s the wizard?”

The rebels were chaos, itself.

Among them, there were also quick-witted people looking for wizards.

But it was useless.

No matter how much a wizard, he couldn’t deal with such huge ghosts at once.

Above all, they were the ghosts who had been cursed for a hundred years.

The sorcerer could not bear that hatred.

At most, the high priests among the pars church priests would be able to soften the attacks of the ghosts.

That was all it took to soften it.

So what about the lives of the rebels exposed to the ghosts without even a priest?

It was like it didn’t exist.

Above all, the rebels were the supreme feast for the ghosts.

The rebels were with the dark followers.

It was the perfect prey for the ghosts who had a deep resentment towards the Empire and the Demon King.

One-sided massacres followed.

Ethan looked at the battlefield and said.

“Saint, this is my victory.”

Those were the words Ethan said to the saint after seeing the ghosts’ choices.

“Because the world is not as good as you think.”

* * *

Count Cozy had one belief.

‘All human beings move for their own benefit!’

The Count has lived with only that belief as his philosophy.

After all, people tend to make choices for themselves rather than others at the most decisive moment.

For this reason, the story of the Anti-Magic War was like a fairy tale to the Earl.

Heroes who know how to sacrifice themselves?

A saint who always has affection for others?

The Count thought it was just an exaggeration.

While learning magic and honing a cool reason, that thought grew stronger.

‘Are you taking your own risk?’

The Count was surprised to see Ethan jumping off the wall.

At this moment, outside the city walls of Central was the most dangerous place.

The rebels were approaching right in front of them.

Over time, rebels from other kingdoms would arrive one after another.

But Ethan plunged alone into a limb infested with rebels.

For what?

Was it an act of calculating something?

He had had doubts about Ethan the whole time, so the Count came up with such a question.

But he soon shook his head.

‘It’s weird no matter how you think about it. That’s suicide.’

What can you do there alone?

“Ugh. What is the priest doing now?”

The twins, who were watching together, were surprised to see Ethan’s actions.

Ethan knocked out the rebel knight with divine magic and suddenly fell to his knees.

“I can’t! I need to bring the priest right now!”

Chloe tried to climb up the wall.

“Chloe! Are you crazy? Priest must have an idea too!”

“Chloe, no!”

Charlotte and Earl Cozy grabbed Chloe and stretched it out.

Ethan’s behavior was so bizarre that even the always optimistic Chloe would doubt it.

Doesn’t it feel like you’re kneeling down and praying?

‘Are you hoping for a miracle from God in a situation like this? stupid!’

Then, something amazing happened.


“Divine power?”

A huge wave of divine power was felt in the center of Central.

The divine power soon reached exactly where Ethan was.

And, to his surprise, Ethan put his hand on the ground and took a pose that seemed to let his energy flow.

Googooing! It’s crazy!

Then the earth cracked and there was a loud noise.


It was the ghosts that came out of the fissure.

“Hey, what is this?”

“That… shade?”

Some ghosts tried to return to their original place, engulfed in divine power.

On the other hand, some ghosts harbored a grudge and remained here, howling at the rebels.

Everyone who saw the scene opened their mouths.

Then Chloe and Charlotte mumbled.

“Hey, this is… … .”

“It’s like Central is trying to help Priest Ethan.”

It was absurd, but everyone couldn’t deny it.

It seemed that Central was fighting against the Demon Lord and summoned the ghosts who had been captured by the Demon Lord.

“… Nonsense.”

The Count let out a sigh.

He knew the story, too.

The curse that the Demon King placed on the land of Central.

As for the souls that have not yet been released because of that.

‘But the souls responded to the prayer of only one priest?’

Even now, Ethan’s body was covered in divine light.

The Count couldn’t help but be astonished.

The direction of the war had already been decided.

That was then.

A strange sight entered the Count’s eyes.

Ethan had blown the new model somewhere beyond the rebels.

“The win or loss must have already been decided, so why?”

It looked as if there was still work to be done.

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