181 episodes

At that moment, Ethan’s mocking voice was heard.

“You stupid. Who do you think removed your insignificant curse?”

“… … ?!”

The Plaguemaster was astonished.

The curse that should have been in Ethan’s body was thrown out and shattered.

It disappeared as soon as it touched Ethan’s body.

It meant that Ethan didn’t even use divine power.

“Uh, why?”

The Plaguemaster opened his eyes.

There was only one reason why his curse did not work on Ethan.

“Are you saying that my magical class is different?!”

Ethan raised one eyebrow as if he knew it now.

The Plaguecaster shook his head in disbelief.

“No, that’s absurd. Why is this… What a kid!”


There was an overwhelming skill gap between the Plaguemaster and Ethan.

That was the only reason.

* * *

‘This is not enough.’

Ethan looked at the situation on the battlefield and made that decision.

The Allied forces were far short of power.

There was a limit to the number of troops that the Kingdom Army could mobilize, and the Imperial Army had its limits when considering the supply from a distant home country.

On the other hand, the rebels had many troops they could mobilize.

It was thanks to the fact that he had not suffered from plagues such as Green Death.

For Ethan, that was on his mind.

‘I was able to change the battlefield with divine power, but I need magic that can do a big blow at once rather than keep fighting like this.’

Ethan was deeply saddened.

There was no other magic that was as aggressive and effective against many as dark magic.

For this reason, Ethan had no choice but to feel sorry for the dark magic.

‘… Try it?’

Then an ingenious idea popped into Ethan’s mind.

Ethan put his hand on the Plagueweaver’s chest and pierced it.


The Plaguecaster spewed out blood.

But Ethan sharpened his fingertips and grabbed the Plaguewister’s heart.

“how… What is this?”

The Plaguecaster couldn’t believe what had happened to him.

Ethan’s skills were very good.

It was absurd to die like this.

However, Ethan was a strong man with no weaknesses in melee as well as in magic warfare.

With the blight magician’s clumsy skills, he could not overcome the difficulty of Ethan.

‘Kill this guy and use the corpse.’

Ethan condensed the magical energy in the Plaguecaster’s body into his heart.

And with it, he used dark magic.

“Uh, how can a priest use magic!”

The Plaguecaster vomited blood and opened his eyes.

Then Ethan laughed and said.

“So, didn’t I say I’m stronger than you?”

* * *

The plagueman’s eyes were unfocused.

He felt despair at the overwhelming power and was dying in vain.

The magical energy in his body, which he had been collecting with all his might, was being pulled out.

And the stolen magic was being used to cast dark magic inside Ethan’s body.

‘more than I… skillful.’

The unbelievable reality made the Plague Magician in awe.

Although Ethan was a priest, he was more skilled at using magic than himself.

At the end of death, life and anger were intense, but at the same time, curiosity arose.

‘What kind of dark magic will you use?’

It was because of the endless obsession with knowledge unique to wizards.

That was then.

Ethan’s mouth twitched.

“The hand of death.”

The moment he heard those words, the plague magician’s eyes widened.

The dark magic Ethan cast was a whopping 7 circles.

“Ha ha ha ha ha… … .”

The Plaguemaster laughed in disappointment.

I couldn’t believe it.

‘One person can use 7th grade holy magic and 7th circle dark magic at the same time?’

It was unprecedented in the history of the continent.

But that’s why the Plaguecaster was willing to accept his own death.

It was thanks to the realization that Ethan was stronger than himself.

It is natural for the weak to die by the strong.

‘But this will also make my blood known, your existence… … .’

Consciousness became increasingly blurred.

But one thing was certain.

His resentment must have been avenged by other blood relatives.

A last breath escaped from the plagueman’s nose.

It was death.

* * *

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Victory was now leaning towards the Allies.

It was thanks to Ethan’s blessing on the Allied Forces using divine power, and he was able to block even the rebel’s conversion blow with the 7th grade holy magic, Breath of Judgment.

Is that all?

Ethan used the Plaguemaster to activate the 7th grade dark magic Touch of Death.

Rather, the rebels were killed by the dark magic themselves.

In this way, the situation on the battlefield changed moment by moment, and the battlefield became favorable to the Allied Forces.

Still, the regent’s expression darkened.

He stood at the forefront of the battlefield, wielding his sword and fighting.

His whole body was covered with blood.

But the regent did not stop.

“Now is your chance when your enemies are in chaos! Cut even one more enemy!”

He encouraged the soldiers with a voice that had already rested.

“Are there still no messages from the reinforcements they said to be sent from the kingdom?”

As he slashed one of the rebel soldiers, the regent glanced to the side.

Beside him, Garrett, the lord of Graytown, was wielding a sword himself.

Garrett shook his head darkly.

“Not yet.”

Ahead of the battle on the Plains of Wegen, the King of Miles had promised to send reinforcements at an early date.

The reason why the Allied Forces decided to wage an all-out war on the plains was because there was a glimmer of hope for the reinforcements.

Unfortunately, however, the reinforcements sent by Miles were no news.

The regent clicked his tongue.


With Ethan’s joining, the number was miraculously reduced.

Now, the number of the Allies and the Rebels was roughly the same.

‘But if the battle continues like this, the damage is too great.’

A significant amount of the kingdom’s forces had already been organized here.

The fact that a lot of damage occurred in this battle had to be avoided both as the Imperial Army and the Kingdom Army.

‘For now, we have to take a decisive victory while reducing even a little bit of damage!’

That was when the Regent was thinking so.

The news came through a soldier.

“An unidentified army has just arrived here! According to the messenger… … .”

At that absurd remark, the regent frowned and asked.


* * *

Gray smoke traces across the sky.


The true trajectory towards the rebels was the cannonball.

The shells that landed on the ground set off a huge explosion in the area where the rebels were concentrated.

The smell of gunpowder mixed with the screams of the rebels.

Ethan saw this and a smile appeared on his lips.

“Finally decided.”

Ethan looked back.

Across the plains, I could see a group of rather short human figures.

Thousands seemed to be enough.

“It’s a support group! Now we live!”

“The kingdom did not abandon us, but sent reinforcements!”

At first, Allied soldiers were surprised to see the shells.

However, they cheered when they realized that the reinforcements were behind them.

Even though he did not know the identity of the support group.

‘There is no way Miles’ reinforcements have already arrived here.’

Above all, it was impossible for Miles’ reinforcements to have a weapon with such firepower.

Although Miles’ soldiers are valiant, there are no weapons in Miles with a means of projecting fire.

Ethan muttered.

“On this continent, the only ones with this kind of firepower are the Dwarves.”

Ethan’s assertion was true.

As he expected, a shrill voice was heard soon after.

“The enemy of a hundred years ago is in front of us! Wipe them all out!”

The lord of Ferratem, the city of iron, exclaimed with his short arms outstretched.

Then, the Dwarves fired cannons or started firing in unison, pointing their matchlocks towards the rebels.


Each time the matchlock blew fire, the rebels fell helplessly.

The Allied Forces could not help but marvel at the firepower, but were astonished at the appearance of the Dwarf.

“It’s not even magic, but that kind of power!”

“No, why is the dwarf here?”

“Why are the dwarves helping us?”

But that wasn’t what surprised Ethan.

‘You’ve made more progress than before.’

Even in the past, Dwarves were very interested in gunpowder.

Therefore, it was the first on the continent to develop and utilize the matchlock.

However, the matchlock was weaker than magic and had many shortcomings.

That is why, 100 years ago, I had no choice but to kneel to the Empire.

However, the Dwarf Matchlock that has appeared now has significantly improved in terms of rate of fire and accuracy than before.

Dwarves didn’t just eat and play for a hundred years.

“Listen to the cheeky kid!”

The dwarf lord, Milio, aimed at Ethan and shouted.

“We do not turn our backs on our enemies! So, I’ll show you my determination to get revenge right here!”

It was in response to Ethan’s last words as he left Ferratem.

It was clear that his words had properly touched the pride of the Dwarf.

Ethan smiled contentedly.

It was only natural that the trump card to achieve an overwhelming victory in the war against the rebels was properly served.

Now the war was almost over.

* * *

“retreat! Everyone retreat!”

“All troops retreat!”

Disastrously defeated, the rebels began to retreat.

The Allied Forces did not have to pursue annihilation wars after them.

Because the Allied Forces were already close to their limits.

It was enough to overturn the unfavorable war situation and win.

Milio, the lord of the dwarfs, approached Ethan.

“How is it, our Dwarves’ resolve?”

The simplicity of not knowing that Ethan was involved in the provocation was revealed.

Ethan nodded softly.

“It was also a dwarf. Once again, I was amazed at the technology.”

“okay. It’s not like we’ve been playing and eating for a hundred years.”

Milio laughed out loud, as if his anger had been resolved at Ethan’s praise.

That was then.

When the battle was over, Cynthia, who was far away, ran to Ethan’s place.

Then, when I saw the Dwarf, I was shocked.

It was because it was the first time he had actually seen a Dwarf that he had only seen in fairy tales.

“Priest Ethan, how the hell did this happen?”

Cynthia had a confused face.

In this battle, incomprehensible things happened like a mountain.

A miracle Ethan saw as he entered the battle.

A dwarf reinforcements suddenly appeared.

I had heard of the miracle Ethan had seen in Central.

But seeing it with your own eyes was another thing.

All of this was beyond her common sense.

“It will take half a day to explain here. So I will tell you later.”

“Now, what else is more important than this?”

Ethan nodded at Cynthia’s blunt reaction.

It was pointing to the battlefield that unfolded behind Cynthia’s back.

“Right now, the backtracking comes first.”

It was true, so Cynthia had nothing to say.

However, since Ethan left the fortress at will, there were plenty of things he wanted to ask.

“okay. For now, the follow-up of the battle will come first. However.”

“… … ?”

“Be prepared. From running out of the fortress to what happened in this battle, I need to know each and every detail properly.”

Before Ethan could say anything, Cynthia quickly turned around and walked away.

“No, wait… … .”

Ethan, who was left behind, muttered to himself in a bewildered way.

“I just want to win the battle, what more do you want me to explain about this?”

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