The Sapphire Prince

Chapter 15 - A Brief Farewell V

Azure's POV

The cryptid, as for mentioned, sighed heavily.

"No need for this, Emperor Claudius. Although it is appreciated, I think we should continue the meeting. The faster it's done, the better." She boldly stated as everyone continued to stare.

The young lady held her head high as she scanned the room. Our eyes briefly met yet broke contact immediately as she turned to the side. She had deep black eyes...truly a trench below the canyon.

"Tsk." She scoffed.

The cryptid grimaced, certainly annoyed and disgusted at the behavior of the castle's council. Well deserved, I'd say considering the impression they've given her. My Father sat calmly then he raised his hand. Father commanded everyone to be seated. Hesitant, the courtiers went back to their arrangements.

"I do hope that my mother didn't send me here for nothing."

"I know of your parents, Let us spare the hindrances and have the meeting continue.", the emperor offers.

"I don't think these bastards would like me being within a seven feet radius of them though", she chuckles clearly exasperated yet amused.

"They'll learn to swallow. Everyone of them has no idea as they've only heard rumors about the supreme marshall, to be frank, I've never disclosed military information to these people," The emperor states.

The Marshall holds the line of command over the seven kingdoms. in this empire, the imperial marshall governs all including a kingdom's military regime.

They're acting like she carries a plague.

The cryptid looked around the room once again. She clears her throat.

"I would like to make myself known towards the council if you may, Emperor."

She speaks the formal language of Rochileu fluently. I almost gape at the amount of surprises happening in such a short amount of time. I turn to see Father, his brows narrowed a bit, he nodded as though he laid back casually.

"I am Asjaling Eoife Liev Hallvardur, present as the representative of the military faction as per request of my mother, Mejavah Liev Hallvardur. I apologize for my sudden entry and the inability of my older siblings to attend, therefore I was chosen instead."

The young girl firmly stated, ȧsserting dominance with flaring confidence through out the room. A voice that demanded respect alike the empress.

"I am not as merciful and patient with these type of behaviors as my mother, I do hope you understand that despite...", she seemed to think through her words before continuing.

"....your bȧrėly functioning pea-sized brains."

"I can ȧssure you despite their bearings to you. They are scholars of Whereana's highest institute. As per mentioned of the civils, we will not speak so poorly of each other in the range of this meeting. Be seated and save every insult you can after this." Father then ġrȯȧnėd.

"Any clue what she said?" I asked whispering to Lance's ears.

"I didn't understand that much either but from what I caught on, she may have said they're retarded bastards".

I looked back at the cryptid, now known as Eoife, finally seemed content insulting the council so she sat down. I don't expect any form of politeness nor any form of discrepancy, the courtiers did insult her harshly, but I digress. I just wish to continue the matter at hand.

"Shall we continue?", the emperor asked. The people responded by shuffling to their seats.

True to the cryptid's statement, they seem to not want her within the area. They kept inching their chairs as far as they could. Silent tension seemed to carry on. Father stared at them clearly discontent with their behavior. His eyes met mine and for an odd reason, he smirked.

"Let's get on with it shall we? If the young Hallvadur won't mind seating next to the imperials..." Father said playfully as his smile continues to be more obvious to the eye.

"Really?", she asks in a bored tone.

"Your Grace!"

"She's a threat!"

"We are running out of time. Please press aside your ridiculous fear and let the faction do what we need to do. Clearly it's been an hour since the passing and we're still on task number one!" I snapped slamming the table.

"Sir Hugo! Please summarize the matter at hand while Lady Hallvadur is attending to her seat. Honestly..." I laid back to my chair sweating. Lance gulped but quickly exhaled snapping back focus and as for the girl.

"Huh...Odd" Her lips moved then she sat.

Being silenced, the council grit their teeth. They all seemed furious, afraid and utterly disappointed. How dire they could be, she's a mere creature representing the military faction. At least I've relaid the focus back to the original topic.

Sir Hugo stopped at the exact spot where we left off. The Cryptid showed concern. Though in my doubts, her sloth shows more than her train of thought. She was perhaps confident? of her answer or at the situation.

"As you can see, we need the consultation of a military body for this. We can't have the opposing faction to have a number of our military force." Sir Hugo ended looking at the Cryptid slightly fazed but not too much he couldn't bear.

Before the the Cryptid could talk. A courtier raises his hand and speaks.

"Since the dissolution of the military still has their ground over our imperial table. We could safely concur that even residing in their Lord's respective area, they still work for us. The only problem we'd have to face would be their choice who to serve-"

Another one raises his hand to object.

"Can't we just propose that they return to us, We have the emperor's will and it is by his hand that we all answer to. They are our belongings, couldn't we just command them to return. The contract is by our hand as well, don't think we have a problem revoking it without causing anything." He said.

Once again the cryptid raises her hand. But once again interrupted.

"We can, can't we your grace?" The courtier than looked at father excitedly like a boy who was proud of standing up.

Father ġrȯȧnėd. He sees inexperience but a quarter of what they said was factual. The right of command is a paper stating that the split soldiers are to be governed by their lords. In order for us to retrieve those soldiers, we'll have to meet and have the Lord agree to us first before actually regaining the mentioned people.

"What do you think young Hallvadur?" Father asked.

"Who me? I thought they weren't done. Have their minds stopped already?" The Cryptid grimaced at the audience once more before standing up to meet the emperor's gaze.

"You're all very clueless aren't you. The emperor may hold command over civil grounds but in terms of this, shouldn't the marshall be taking the charge. Now, the right of command is one thing but forcefully breaking it is way too risky as it will affect all of the split soldiers." She said.

"We never said anything about breaking it though." I asked.

"What they stated is almost the same. Commanding the soldiers back to the palace without considering the contract. It would basically deem it inconsistent or even worthless for the time being. My Father mentioned that the command is signed by the Battalion leader, the imperial faction and the Lord of pasture...that means..."

"Finally someone decent enough to listen. That's my word your grace, if anything else, please dare to ask me again." She said sitting back down.

"But it wouldn't make a difference. The commanders would still submit to the emperor with certainty." A courtier replied.

"Loyalty is in the eye of the beholder. How can we be so certain that they could still return to us with no resistance. My genius tells me that, this, all of this shit..."

"They'll use it as an opportunity to demand something from the crown and if those demands aren't met then we'll be sobbing three feet underground with lonky nobles who can't even wield a proper blade." The Cryptid stated loudly for the room could hear.

"So what do you propose we do?" Asked a courtier who was smirking with confidence. Expecting the Cryptid to give a very improper answer.

"Wait you haven't figured out yet? From all what I've said you people didn't think of a solution?"

"Well you are the expert. So please do tell." The ċȯċky courtier replied.

The Cryptid looked at him with challenged eyes. The Cryptid sighed looking at him, she closely stared at everyone before releasing her fist from tension. She then looked at me before turning straight as her lips draw...

"The emperor is a master of evolution so why not bend the Right of command. Easy right? Just bend it to your favor. The contract is proposed by the imperials, tis quite sure that we could rule it out a bit." She said.

"State rotation...."

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