The Sapphire Prince

Chapter 23 - Late Hours III

Azure's POV

I woke up a minute before dinner. The platter has already been served just beside me but the tea was cold, it seems like it's been sitting there for a while. Apart from the drink, the food was still warm and the desert was still clean. I ate v

To my surprise, the fireplace along with several candles were lit. Seperated from the light, was an open paper on a small table sitting amidst the corner of bookshelves. Recognizing that the quill doesn't look like mine, I walked over it very slowly as I've only woken up.

"Meet me in the apple groom part of the castle grounds." This writing is Lance's...but the apple groom?

"The apple groom is far away though. I don't think I'll make it there by foot alone." I murmured.

The apple groom is the primary orchard of the palace. Sitting there are bountiful and healthy trees bearing the castle's entirety of rations and ingredients. Governed by Lady Mejava of course but still overlooked by the Dellawag personel as they are residing in a cottage located east of the orchard's heart. Why would Lance want to meet there...?

I sat at the fireplace, placing the teapot near the fire for it get warm. In the mean time, I dove into the deep sea of paragraphs. I sought my way through a short story. It wasn't a happy story as I've reread this a few times before sympathizing with the villain.

"The apple groom," I said to myself thinking how long I've never visited those parts of the palace. There's so much space in the bailey for where your feet might take you, it's honestly very spacious for anyone to keep.

This palace is built as the heart of the bailey. I admit, even though we have guards here, the palace seem to be impossible to defend as it wasn't built to showcase military dominance rather the castle was a trifle. A symbol of luxury throughout the seven kingdom it governs.

Overlooked by the Barracks and the Coraline building, there is this bright patch of grass, suitable for equestrian arts and open field training for the knights. At the south there's a lodge where the smiths work. I don't know much about the forgery, but I do know that the building is old and crusty.

The eastern parts, would be the compilation of gardens along with the riverside. How I missed those small trips down the riverbank, Lance and I would ride this lavish boat, then we would cycle the whole river as he plays me random songs with his harp.

I would sing sometimes though I may come off as off tune or perhaps my voice would crack a little, he'd be there smiling at me as if he heard the most beautiful melody in the world. Despite everything, he'd effortlessly try to make me happy.


I dressed lightly for the occasion. Something you won't find me wearing outside for anything. A simple white shirt and trousers accompanied with brown leather boots. As I made my way through the carpeted halls, I couldn't help but wonder how will I get there.

Maybe Lance is waiting for me there already. The obvious would be Lance seeking some refuge near the Dellowag the path and everything there is kind of dark.

"Where are you going?" I turned around. Finding my father in his housecoat, from the looks of it. He was just about to go back to his chambers. I'm presuming he again lost his way around the halls.

"I need some fresh air." I replied continuing to my path.

"The timing couldn't be more convenient. I was just about to visit your room. To my misfortune, Lance wasn't around to guide me." Father's footsteps came louder.

What have I gotten myself into. I was in no shape talking to this...tall...father of mine. I pretended to rub my temples, trying to stress to him that I wasn't in the mood. Acting out a headache as his shadow overtook my physique.

"Father, let's reserve this for tomorrow shall we? It's not the best night for us to talk." I replied.

Father did not say anything so I presumed the conversation was over. To my surprise, as I was walking, the man followed me from behind. I take a step, he takes a step. I go back, he goes back, imitating me childishly not even fazed as his nonchalant eyes constantly stared at me with judgement.

"Stop copying me..." I ġrȯȧnėd.

This went on for a few more moments until I've had enough. I stood to my father and grimaced out of frustration. Though imagine a hamster looking up to a lion. A very annoyed hamster stepping over a lion's foot as the feline bent his head over to hear the hamster squeak.

"You have your own terrace for you to get some air. Not to mention you don't enjoy brisk walks at such a late hour, and considering how obedient you are, I don't think you'd go out regardless of any importance..." He said.

"First of all father, I do enjoy nightly walks over the gardens and second, a walk on the terrace in comparison to contact with the gardens are critically different..." I replied crossing my arms.

"Just tell me where you're going." Father stood his ground also crossing his arms making me seem so small. I turned my head to side and pinched my shoulder, rubbing my sleeves before answering.

"The apple groom. I was told to meet someone there." I said.

"For what and with who?" He asked leering at me firmly.

"Lance invited me to meet near the Dellowag cottage. I know it's dark out there and the entree has been taken over by large brambles and thickets, but I am looking forward to a brief night out with whom I consider to be my brother." I looked down subsiding my pride. Father sighed before he stroke my forehead, it went on, travelling down, gently scratching beneath my rear hair.

"I can't let you out even in the castle grounds at this hour. Even with your anticipation, I don't think it's safe for you to up and about in the open." Father withdrew. Before reasoning with him, he walked away aimlessly. Still not knowing where he was, he opted to just leave me alone.

Having to say that, I think he was too tired to argue.

"So what am I supposed to do" I asked before he could disappear around the corner.

He halts for a moment. He thought to himself something and his lips unreadable from a distance, but he managed to voice an answer. A lingering sigh before the words followed...

"I did my obligation. Do what you want you will." He replied, turning back on his direction, disappearing to the east wherever room he might find.


I forgot to bring a lantern and it just so happens that for tonight of all nights. The ground torches weren't lit. That being said, I could cast myself a light, drawing a bland magic circle would be enough luminosity to get me at the barracks. At this moment I already knew I was late but not one bit of discouragement stressed my me.

"It's locked..." Perhaps joy flooded my mind that I didn't think the workers would secure the parameter before they left.

Without no one looking, I tried to draw a circle. Though I never learned how to pick on locks or all that, I think I could squeeze my way through it. It's perhaps a basic spell, all I need to do is analyze he Lock's anatomy then make a-

"Your grace?"

"Who goes there?!" I flinched then the silence came.

A studded figure came by, His silhouette was much taller and bigger than me. Luckily I was able to make out her face for the torches beside the stable door was lit. Approaching from the shadows were...

"O-Oh Sir Badger, fancy meeting you in this late hour." I flinched back revoking the magic circle from my wrist.

"Should I be saying that to you your highness?" The large masculine man, confused, scratched his head.

Sir Badger has been working here ever since I was five. He still has a young face. He looks as if he's in his late forties with the peach fuzz and faint wrinkles troubling his freckled face.

Appealing to the eye as many maids would come to see him jest with the horses, Vellore is from what I can recall a friend of his, knowing much from his dark oak hair which was too formal to endure the strains of horse keeping..

"Is there anything you need from this place your grace?" He asked radiating pure joy across the timid cold air. The puppy atmosphere etched across him was so invasive that it made me beam at him for one moment.

"I need a horse if you may." I replied.

"Well, your majesty. I can't give you a horse if you don't tell me where you're going. If anything would happen, I'd be the one held responsible." He said approaching the lock. Swinging the key around his finger as he stared at me sharply with his decadent eyes.

"I need to get to the apple groom. I'm not going to disclose anything further than that." I stated.

"Huh...I could recall the young Lance also prepping a horse for that same reason. Are you heading out with him?" He asked as my face looked to the side.


"So it's a date then!" The man sprung into joy.

"It is not!"

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