The Sapphire Prince

Chapter 8 - The Contract III

He kept calm. The room with locked privacy, he ascended. Through the doors, he crossed meeting the wary count. He was there sitting, enjoying a perfectly brewed cup of tea. Claudius knew how innocent this man was, the very figure of hatred.

Every room in the palace had a large scale. It seems as if each room was a cottage of its own. It was very important for the edges to have this soft touch of blue, gold, and white. The most generic of royal colors etched on its grounds and the count hated it.

"Good to see you again old foe." The emperor said meeting him with a handshake.

The count looked at his palm than at the majesty's silhouette. He was reminded of the grandeur he could never topple long years back when they were mere scouts of politics. The passion they poured into their rivalry, now that they've graduated...his pride yields fȯrċɨbŀƴ as his hands twitched.

"I've heard you laid a finger on my son?" His warm welcome turned sour, withdrawing his arms.

"My hands moved on their own, great majesty." The count mocked as he sat down.

The emperor followed.

"You've given the noble faction a strong hope for rebellion. I could expect much coming from your standing. On par with Miranda's charisma, though I anticipated that it wouldn't be this early." The emperor said.

"Neither have I but I think it's only right we take what is ours. This grandeur foreign to yours is ours to enjoy. We, the noble faction, gave our skin, our sons and sisters to the war when they, the monarchy have committed nothing."

It's as if it was the old times. A simple talk, with tea and biscuits in a fine study surrounded by the warm silence. Of course, this matter would be taken in the imperial court by chance but for now, it's a friendly gesture between foes from the old generation.

"I do not share the same sentiment as my wife. This is not my land, even so, I wish to protect it by the responsibilities the crown bears. I'm a foreigner of these spaces but I give passion to creating a masterpiece." The emperor replied.

"I will relay my concern if your party will grant me an audience for the imperial council. I'm certain if all the factions even the foreign royals could attend, this matter won't escalate to a full-on civil war." The count meant well when he said that. it was his goal from the start...

The emperor sighed. Pouring some tea into his cup. He would prefer something more frigid like cider or coffee. His majesty drank before his remark. His eyes stared at Cacious' arms. "Pitiful," he said to his mind...

"My word stands on no promise. The other kingdoms have to consider the winter rations and trades. They have no time to deal with Rochileu's low arguments and as do we, regarding the same reason why we can't attend." The emperor replied.

"I do not control the faction's feelings but they need me to help them. History rings back dire emotions amidst the confusion and glory of the monarchy. Then at least do me a favor as to consider my stay here for the meantime we'll resolve this matter." The count smiled normally this time.

"You are a good man Cacious but I do not trust you anywhere near my office or the civils. Truly you are genuine? then you'll have the patience to wait." The emperor then stood up.

"I will have a word with my office along with the empress. I do not think this should be done but if Miranda persuades judgement then I'll consider." He added.

"When will I expect an answer?" The count asked.

"The moment your feet leave the palace tomorrow." The emperor was a few steps away from the doorknob.

Cacious played fair with the emperor. No tricks nor threats thus showing his respect. Though he was unfortunate, granting only of little resources to work with for the time being.

He expected an immediate audience. Despite his expectations declining, he was still joyous. He pledged to leave the palace the morning after and waited for an answer he knew will be arriving shortly before the first snow.

"Oh, poor majesty. Well, a dog is tied to a crown is very very unique. Though I might risk being offensive, no hard feelings if I suddenly misplace the is what it is..." The count muttered.

"I'll leave tomorrow and bid the young Azure a very small but grand farewell. I do still recognize him as one of mine, after all. She also did. It would be wrong of me not to cherish my wife's memories." The count grinned.

"Your majesty, your mouth may have made a mistake as to spout about winter when it's still the midst of autumn. Surely, if this is truly important, then I suggest considering Cacious' proposal." Said a court attendee.

"But he's asking for a full audience involving the representatives of each kingdom. For a local problem, I believe we don't need to invite those monarchs to satisfy his needs." Another attendee said crossing his arms.

"It is quite a small problem. The queen of Rochileu could maybe aid the count but I heard they are not on good terms and specifically that the Queen is the one who let this problem escalate..." Said the third.

"We will not badmouth any monarch as respect to the imperial highness."

"All of you be quiet. We are not yet in session until the empress joins us. We will remain silent, it is by our respect to the imperial court that we do not speak before the monarchs have laid their remarks first hand." Said the ever-polished Hugo.

"We will momentarily wait for all both courts to settle then we'll have the session begin. I'll be happy to remind you that this meeting revolves around the nobility and Lord Cacious'

proposal..." He added.

"But Sir Hugo. Should we invite the queen for this matter?" An attendee said raising her hand.

"We will have our moment with the Queen of Rochileu but as of now, the emperor along with the empress will draw their thoughts and if the queen grants us the privilege, will be presented in their court as well." Sir Hugo smiled, being proud of himself.

The long table was silent waiting for the monarchs. Though not everyone was pleased. Some of the attendees, in the back of their thick minds, hated the counts. Every opinion matters on the congress but for them to take on the count's meant a break in their sad needless pride.

"I'll inform his majesty about this later but I don't see why I was invited to this meeting," Lance muttered, leaning against the window staring outside the dark nightscape of the castle woods.

It was a dark blooming night. Where the fireflies clouded the lakeside and debauchery filled its toll on the city.. Confused but he knew, he wasn't there if this matter related not to his young Azure.

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