A week has passed since then.

Honestly, it only feels long until the third day. From the forth day onward, days just fly by like seconds. So, I usually am already sleeping on a bed before I know it. Exactly like I’m doing right now.

Since I haven’t been home for so long, mosses are growing near the window. A room would normally be shared by ten people, but I’ve been given a small room for myself. It was actually Sheila who asked it.

“Jeed is always worked to the bones! He should at least have his own…“ or something.

That surely was a welcomed gesture but there really is no time to clean up so I actually think that sharing a room with other people was more convenient. If someone picky were to get in here, they wouldn’t even last 10 minutes. There are mold smells, dusts would go off every time you take a step, and mosses all over the window.

Even I don’t like this but there really is nothing I can do about it. I have neither the time nor the energy to clean it.

And now, that room has a guest.

It’s no ordinary guest though. Since they didn’t come from the door but the window instead.

“Who’s there?”

“Oh! So, you noticed even when you are laying face down? Leaves no room for disappointment, as expected!”

“I’m not just lying down. I’m also exhausted for working one week long without any rest.”

“What? It’s that bad in here, huh?”

The pity came from an awfully young voice.

It really is not a regular guest. …They don’t even know how it’s like in the Knight Order. I thought it was strange so I turned my head and opened one of my eyes to take a look.

I said I was sleeping but it’s not actually night yet, it’s in the middle of day.

It was quite the challenge due to the sunlight but after some times, I finally managed to open an eye and got to see the owner of the voice.

A small shadow was sitting on the window.

Slender purple hair reaching down to the knees, big golden eyes that could be mistaken for the sun– it was a cute little girl.

“Who the heck are you?”

“I am Riff the guild master. And I’ve come to recruit you!”

“……… ‘That so?”

“You don’t seem very surprised!”

The guild.

I’ve heard about it. It’s the organization one of my former colleagues used to work for. Apparently, people called “adventurers” take on these different kind of commissions or something. It was a system where you receive money upon completing a task.

I was quite interested but, the next day, that same colleague had either gone to the afterlife or had deserted. I have heard neither though.

“Well, whatever! You can’t just barge into one of the knight’s buildings like that. You should probably go home already. You’ll make your parents worry.”

“Ugh! You don’t believe me, do you?”

“How exactly am I supposed to believe a five year-old girl claiming to be a guild master?”

“I’m not five years old! Don’t only rely on what your eyes see!”

The cute little girl huffed angrily.

Smooth, tender, wrinkle-less skin. Eyes shining with innocence. ….No matter how you look at her, she’s just a little girl.

“Then, listen at this one! Someone asked “how old do you think I am?”. And anyone but their playing-buddies would said “ten years old at most”.”

“If that’s the case then… there would be no denying it. However! I am not five years old!”

“……. Is that so? You’re a full-grown adult then.”

I don’t really have time to waste arguing with some child. So, I closed my eyes again and slept. If I don’t sleep now, …

“You definitely don’t think that I’m an adult, do you? Fine then, just listen to me for now.”

She suddenly changed to a serious tone.

Frankly, I wouldn’t have lent her an ear if she kept the same mood as earlier but I couldn’t help but listen with the sudden change.

“I’ve already said this but, Jeed, I’m here to hire you!”


“You’ve already turned us down so many times but I came personally for the last offer. I’m sorry but I don’t think you can grow properly in this kind of environment.”


“We’ll give you a hundred gold coins as a signing bonus. And, of course, we’ll also give you an S-rank membership if you join the guild.”


“How about it? Any answer would do. Won’t you give me one?”

Coming down from the window and coming my way. The little girl asked pleadingly with her voice getting nearer.

“Just one thing, though. You said I turned you down many times but what was that?”

“We tried hiring you through the Knight but… you didn’t turn those down? Don’t the knights tell you anything at all?”

“Besides work, scraps of food or the Reaper, nothing comes from them.”

“…. I’ve already heard about it before but the Capital’s Knight Order really is rotten.”

This little girl’s offer is quite interesting.

I’ve hear a lot of stories about works on the outside world. A lot of my memories must have been embellished but they didn’t sound bad at all. Plus, this place is just the worst.

“I’d like it if I could get out of the Knight Order but I’ve always been here since I’ve been captured so I don’t really know anything.”

I unintentionally let out a small complaint. But this girl is very understanding… hopefully.

“Huh-huh! Don’t worry, I’ve already taken care of everything! All that’s left was your consent!”


I watched the overconfident little girl with a puzzled expression.

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