The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1004: She is only worthy of being a concubine

  Chapter 1004 She is only worthy of being a concubine

  In the end, Lulu still did not go to the town government office.

  Not only her, not even Xia Clan and Jiang Huaian.

  The cause is still Zheng Wangshu.

  Zheng Wangshu fell in love with Jiang Huailu, and even the Zheng family found out because of her loss of the top prize.

  After the death of the old lady of the Zheng family, the old lady of the Zheng family was in charge.

   is also Zheng Wangshu’s mother-in-law.

  The eldest lady Ye's has high hopes for Zheng Wangshu, and has been extremely strict with him since he was a child. There is no half of the room around him, and he is only worried that a woman will make him lose his composure.

  But he didn't want to. He didn't want to admire the last girl.

  And still keep the girl's posts for nearly ten years.

   Ye clan found countless portraits of women from his room, and Ye clan was mad.

  Originally preparing for his son to get the top pick, he opened a shrine for him, but only took the exam. That's all, that day, he actually told himself that he was going to marry Jiang Huailu.

  Yip's is really mad.

  If the Jiang family was the same as before, now only Jiang Huaian is the official in the palace.

  There are faint rumors in Beijing, and your majesty has strange thoughts about Jiang Huailu.

  Whether it is true or not, with this rumor, who in Beijing dares to propose marriage to Jiang Huailu?

  Zheng Wangshu got a slap in the face that day.

  I don’t know that after this, he actually went on a hunger strike to protest.

  Without eating or drinking for three days and three nights, Ye's was angry and angry. A gloomy and terrifying face.

   "Wang Shu, you disappointed my mother too much! Do you have to make your mother sad because of a woman?"

"Not to mention your Majesty's thoughts on Jiang Huailu, it is the Jiang family, and now it is not helpful to the Zheng family. The Zheng family has no your grandmother, and your father has his ears chopped off by your majesty. The Zheng family can only count on you. what!"

   "Your grandfather is very old, and he will return home if he can't hold it for two years. If you don't live up to it, the Zheng family will fall!" Mrs. Xie has already retired, and Mrs. Xie has taken care of him.

  Only the Zheng family is still strong.

  It is true that the next generation is unwilling.

"Jiang Huailu is a disaster, it's a disaster! Back then, she injured Lord Zhenguo's son, Lord Lin, and your sister Yaoguang, don't you have a long memory? Such a woman, how dare you marry her into the house? "Ye cried and scolded, Zheng Wangshu was full of guilt, but still refused to get up.

   Kneeled for three days, without eating or drinking, why does Ye's heart hurt?

   "Mother, what do you want your son to do, the son has never refuted or disobeyed. Only this time, is the only thing the son wants." Zheng Wangshu knelt and refused to get up.

   "Your Majesty is now twenty-one, and Ms. Jiang is only 14. Your majesty values ​​Ms. Jiang, it's nothing more than because of her, she has been the soul of your majesty, and she is kind to her."

   "Mother, my son wants to marry Ms. Jiang as his true wife. From now on, my son will listen to his mother." Zheng Wangshu was somewhat firm and pleading.

  Ye’s eyebrows are pulled, and the woman is very well maintained. She used to have a party with Xia’s.

  Since the Xia family and Jiang Yubai got together, they are no longer in their circle.

  She couldn't see Xia in her heart.

  But I can often hear the voices of people admiring the Xia family. For example, although the Xia family is peaceful, but the pair of children are obedient and sensible. The son got the top pick and married his wife, and now he is also firmly established in Chaotang.

  At this time, she hates Xia.

  What's more, her son missed the top prize in the exam this time, and she hated the Xia family more and more.

   "The regular wife, the head of the Zheng family civil servants, to be the regular wife of the Zheng family, do you think she is worthy?"

  (End of this chapter)

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