The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1006: Come to say pro

   Chapter 1006

  Xia’s opened up early in the morning.

  Today, there was a full moon banquet at the town government mansion.

   Although she doesn't like Xia Qingqing, she can't resist Xia Qingqing's marriage to a loyal Zhenguo Duke. She still has to give this face.

  After breakfast, I thought about going there earlier.

  This has not yet gone out.

  The maid came to report: "Madam, there is a maid at the door asking to see you." The maid whispered.

  Xia's stunned: "Which grandma?"

   "It looks like it's the Zheng's nanny. Just say something good. Let the slave and maid come in to report."

  Xia’s heart is a little strange, she actually has no friendship with Mrs. Zheng.


  After returning to Beijing for the past two years, she always felt that Mrs. Zheng was faintly disliked by her, and some targeted her.

  It was clear that the two did not get along much.

   "Invite someone in." Xia waved his hand.

  "Go tell Huai'an and Lulu, wait and then come out." After speaking, he went to the main courtyard.

  The grandmother entered the mansion, glanced around, and a bit of disdain appeared in the bottom of her eyes.

  Compared with the Zheng family, which has a strong heritage, the Jiang family is far behind.

   "Mother, please inside. Madam is already waiting in the hall." The maid whispered.

  Grandma, there is quite a bit of disdain between her eyebrows.

  As the maid entered the room, she barely smiled and saluted the Xia family.

   "The slave servant has seen Mrs. Xia."

  Xia knew that she was Zheng’s nanny and had a good status in the Zheng family, so she was also polite.

The   mother became more and more disdainful, but she didn't show it on her face.

  The two of Xia and Nursing were polite, before Xia asked, "I wonder what is important for Nursing to visit today?"

  Grandma smiled and said, "It's a good thing. It's a happy event of course."

  Grandma looked around.

   "I really wronged Mrs. Xia, the former mistress of the Jiang family, and the example of the Beijing ladies. Now the courtyard is small and narrow, but I have wronged Mrs. Xia." The mother seemed to sigh.

   "My wife wanted to visit the house in person, but there are so many things in the house that she is really busy."

  The smile at the corner of Xia's mouth faded a little, and his tone became a little more indifferent.

  "Grandma laughed. No matter how good the Jiang family is, it is not Yurong’s home. Although it is not comparable to the previous Jiang family, you don’t need to look at anyone’s face. High-ranking family, the bitter Yurong has already been eaten."

  Grandma's eyes flashed a sneer, but it was fleeting.

   "That's the same thing. Now Mrs. Xia is enjoying the blessing with her son. That is, Young Master Jiang has no help in the court, and it is a little harder." The mother bowed her head and sighed.

  Xia's brows frowned slightly, and she became more confused about the reason why the mother came to the house today.

  The Jiang family has little to do with the Zheng family. If there is, it is at most that Zheng Wangshu has come to the door a few times.

  Xia’s eyelids twitched, Zheng Wangshu?

   Could it be that Lulu came to marry him?

  Xia’s strong spirits.

   "I'm just a woman in the court of Huai'an, no way can I help." Xia's smile was shallow, and he took a sip of tea.

   "Yes, we women only need to take care of the affairs of the house. But..."

  Grandma's tone changed.

   "But, if we can help, we must help more so that the children can avoid detours." The grandmother had a smile on her face.

  "Young Master Wang Shu admires Young Master Jiang's talents very much. He has to be recommended by the Zheng family. In the future, there is no matter if there is a helper in the court." The mother's tone inevitably brought some charity.

  The Zheng family is now the top power in the capital, if the original Jiang family could still compete.

  Now, the Jiang family can barely be considered second- and third-rate.

  (End of this chapter)

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