The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1011: Marrying a wife and not being a good person harms three generations

   Chapter 1011

  This is serious.

  Speaking lightly, it was Zheng Wangshu who was admitted to Tanhua, who used Tanhua's body to bully the girl from the Qing white family.

  To put it more seriously, it was the Zheng family who bullied others. As the head of the civil servants, they actually bullied their colleagues.

   Ye family heard these words in the mansion, and a mouthful of silver teeth was crushed.

   "Damn things, it's her blessing that my son can fall in love with her. The Jiang family is not enough to enter the gate of my Zheng's house. She would be better, she just doesn't appreciate it, she even dared to shout in public.

   "My son, take a look at the people you like. Look at this, you don't like the flat wife we ​​gave you."

  "Tell yourself, where does the Jiang family deserve to be the in-laws of the Zheng family? I am afraid that girl Jiang is not a good thing." Ye's face was full of disdain, and a little angry.

  Zheng Wangshu's eyes flashed unpleasantly.

"My concubines in the Zheng family are better than the wife of the Jiang family. They can find any good people. Those who have the background, don’t look down on them. Those who don’t have the background are all from the last aristocracy, the Jiang family. It's not the former Jiang family anymore."

   Ye's sneered disdainfully.

   "Go, go out to send the group of people. Being a concubine to flatter her, she always values ​​her, and she is absolutely unworthy to be a regular wife!" The Ye family opened the door wide.

   Graceful and luxurious woman with an aristocratic face, behind her stood a young man in Tsing Yi.

  Jiang Huaian's eyes swept across Zheng Wangshu coldly, only to realize that he was really blind.

  Unexpectedly, it was such a dirty thing.

"Mrs. Ye, you just send your second daughter to the eldest daughter's house to be a concubine yourself. Do you really think everyone has the same mindset as you? Our Jiang family girls don't be concubines!" Wen's eyes were cold. The words made Ye's face changed drastically.

  Her second daughter mistakenly lost her innocence with King Xian. At that time, she concealed the matter and sent her second daughter to King Xian’s mansion in a small sedan chair.

  At this moment, when Wen's court was rioted by the public, Ye's face suddenly sank.

   Wen glanced at his mouth, you poke my Jiang family's backbone, I want to poke your heart and liver.

  When everyone heard it, their eyes widened.

  The appearance of eating a big melon.

  There are many gossips in Beijing, but if the family does not allow it to be spread, it will not spread wildly. But if it comes out, it can't stop.

   Ye's anger was so angry that he almost fell to the ground.

   "Mrs. Wen, how can you talk like that? My mother is also thinking about Lulu. She will marry a stubborn family in the future, where can she live in the Zheng family to enjoy her luck!" Zheng Wangshu couldn't help but said something...

  Wen turned his head and kicked Jiang Huaian.

   "Look how blind you are, you actually invited such a thing to the mansion to talk about the classics. If this kind of person marries him, I am afraid that the girl will be bad luck for eight lifetimes."

   "You still enjoy the blessing when you come to your house as a concubine, you are afraid that there is a throne to inherit!" Wen's hands are on his hips, and the fire is full.

  The last time Zheng Family Mansion heard this, his whole body was shocked.

  Master Zheng, who had just rushed back from the outside, fell from his horse as soon as his legs became weak.

   "This can't be said, this can't be said, my Zheng family has never been indifferent." Master Zheng kowtowed towards the direction of the palace as soon as his knees softened.

  The Zheng family took a look, and they knelt all over the floor.

  The cold sweat from Master Zheng's forehead went straight.

  Last time, your Majesty asked several adults to testify for him overnight. Master Zheng has a lingering fear.

   Jiang Huailu!

  That is untouchable, your Majesty is cautious in front of her.

  Zheng was trembling with popularity.

  He told the Ye family several times at the mansion to try not to conflict with the Jiang family, hey!

   Marrying a wife but not a good man will harm three generations!

  (End of this chapter)

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