The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1014: Your majesty dare not provoke her

   Chapter 1014 Your Majesty Dare Not To provoke her

  Master Zheng really made a big deal this time.

   Hearing the words of the lady in the house, I felt really angry.

  I understand even more that if we don’t come up with a charter today, the emperor will have reason to punish the Zheng family tomorrow.

"Master, Shu'er is your own son! Three daughters and one son, so he has only one son. He just wants a woman, so he can't do everything he wants. Why are you cruel!" When I saw Master Zheng, tears burst into my eyes.

  Master Zheng entered the door with a calm face.

  As soon as Madam Ye stood up, Master Zheng kicked Madam Ye directly on the chest.

  Grandma Chen exclaimed: "Madam."

  After speaking, he rushed up and helped the pale lady who fell to the ground.

  "Master, you and your wife are a young couple. Your wife gave you four children, and you have a long-term friendship. How can you do anything to your wife..." The grandmother shed tears.

  Master Zheng is biting his teeth with hatred.

"Do you think I don't know you? Because it's her nurse, my eyes are higher than the top. I have always done evil in the house, and I gave her a face. But she doesn't know how to restrain you, and now she is going to Jiang's house to do something wrong. thing!"

  Mother Chen's face was pale, and she knelt on the ground with a thud.

   "Master, Wang Shu Gongzi went on a hunger strike for three days. The old slave was also looking for Gongzi Shu. Besides, the Jiang family has fallen into disarray, why..."

   Seeing the face of the old godly woman, Master Zheng immediately said loudly: "Come here, drag this woman out and blame it for fifty sticks."

  Grandma Chen's face changed drastically: "Master, the old slave knows his fault. You are killing the old slave... Madam, madam save the slave and maidservant."

   Ye clan struggled to get up to ask for affection, but Master Zheng looked at her with a little bit of chill in his eyes.

  Mrs. Ye didn't dare to persuade anymore, and she could still hear the wailing of Grandma Chen in her ears.

  "Are you still sure about it?"

   "I told you earlier, don't provoke the Jiang family. If you don't take it seriously, do you want the Zheng family to fall into the quagmire?"

"Father is very old, and now he can't last long in the court. My majesty cut off my ears, and now the only one who can stand up in the house is Hope Shu. You have to be spoiled in your life and ruin his life! "

   "You also reprimanded him for only taking a test, I'm afraid this can't be kept."

   "Fuzzy, confused!" Master Zheng was really anxious, and his mind was dizzy, and he immediately became unstable.

  The emperor got older and older, and it is false that the Zheng family did not regret it over the years.

  They have long regretted getting on the thief ship of the King.

  But the two daughters in his house are both married to the virtuous king, and they are already proper members of the virtuous king.

  Now that the virtuous king is still in peace, they can only try their best to keep a low profile.

  This idiot must go to your majesty.

   "Why, how come? Is he Jiang Huaian so important to your Majesty?" Madam Ye's chest hurt when she was kicked, her face was extremely bad, but she didn't dare to cry.

  Master Zheng sneered: "If it was Jiang Huaian, why would I be so afraid! It is the co-authored by Jiang Ge, there is still room for change in this matter."

   "Partial students... Your Majesty has not drafted for many years, you know..."

  "Do you know, how does your Majesty look like in front of the Jiang family?"

   "Your Majesty rules all countries, and a shake of your foot can make all countries tremble. Such a person, who is born in front of Jiang Huailu, dare not sit down."

   "So low and low, you actually want Jiang Huailu to be a concubine! I think you sent the Zheng family to your Majesty's death!" Master Zheng shouted angrily.

   Stupid! !

  PS; I’m back, hehe. The child is three and a half years old, and suddenly feels aggrieved that I have to code words every day. Want me to accompany you.

  I played with my children all day yesterday...Much, Chuanchuan rarely breaks changes, not in the future.

  (End of this chapter)

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