The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1018: Coveted goddess

   Chapter 1018

  The candlelight shook, Lulu seemed to be in a daze.

  The young man's eyelashes were slightly narrowed, and the emotions in his eyes were restrained. Only wholeheartedly warmed her feet.

  I don’t know why, Lulu seemed to be confused, his heart pounding.

   "Jiang Jiang...I, I'm not cold. I'm not afraid of cold." Lulu's voice was faint, his ears were red, and his eyes seemed to shine with water.

  Lu Huaijiang raised his eyes.

  With his eyes facing each other, they crashed into each other's eyes one after another.

  Lu Huaijiang stared blankly for a while.

  "Remember the last time my stomach hurts? The woman caught the cold, and her stomach hurts in the future." After speaking, she took a quilt and wrapped her white feet.

  Lu Huaijiang's fingertips trembled lightly.

  Lulu skin is like snow, a pair of jade feet are almost transparent, soft and creamy.

  Lulu looked away from Lu Huaijiang, and only whispered: "Then I will remember it later."

  Lulu's toes are slightly curved, is there any magic in Jiang Jiang?

  Why does Jiang Jiang feel panic on her face when she touches her?

  The little girl has a green silk hanging down. I don't know when her girl has grown up quietly.

  The girl who once only pulled him to tears, now has grown into a pretty girl.

   "Lulu..." Lu Huaijiang murmured lowly.

  Lulu only felt that he was feeling oppressive all over his body.

  She didn't even dare to look at him.

  She can even hear her heartbeat, which is thunderous.

   A little bit lost the original regularity.

  Lulu only felt a little flustered. He had never felt this way before. This feeling made her panic, yet...

   but there are a few faint expectations.

  She didn’t even know what she was expecting.

   "Lulu, what kind of person do you like?" The gentle voice sounded in Lulu's ears, he seemed to be very close, and it seemed to make her feel breathing on her cheeks.

  Shallow breathing, with a bit of warmth.

  There is some ambiguity that is unclear.

   "I like being able to... can cook."

  She only felt that Jiang Jiang was getting closer and closer to her before...

  The little girl panicked...

  The figure disappeared directly into the sleeping hall.

  Lu Huai Jiang was startled, she actually ran away?

For a long time, the young emperor couldn't help laughing.

   "What's so funny, she can't even thread needles." The evil spirit seemed to whispered mockingly in his mind.

  Lu Huaijiang’s lips twitched slightly: “Well, she won’t, I will.”

  The evil **** was silent for a moment: "Do you really want to...pretend to be a goddess?" Pretend to be a goddess, these four words are shallow, seem to be afraid of alarming the gods in the sky.

  Lu Huaijiang's eyebrows drooped slightly, and his whole body was indifferent and murderous.

   "Pretending to be a goddess is a felony, but if you want to break into the animal realm, you will never be superborn." The evil god's voice was low.

   "Heaven can't tolerate me." Lu Huaijiang chuckled lightly, his tone full of mockery.

   "But she married the Cthulhu, and has an affair, which is a capital crime. To be born and peeled off the roots and bones." The Cthulhu is rather indifferent.

  Lu Huaijiang looked at the palm of his hand, as if the warmth of deer still remained.

"I have not yet merged with the spirits, and now I am not considered an evil god. If she entangled with me for a lifetime in the mortal world, she would be deceived by me at best. That is also my sin, she is not considered abandoning the gods. This life is past, she is still She is still a goddess who is always on top of the nine heavens, and is always respected."

  Cthulhu finished listening, only laughed lowly, but didn't say a word for the rest.

  Planning so much is nothing more than to entangle her for a lifetime.

  Value and worthlessness, it's hard to tell.

  (End of this chapter)

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