The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1028: Cthulhu Face Jiang Family

  Chapter 1028 Evil God Slaps Jiang Family

When Lulu came out of the palace, many people saw her with red eyes.

  Until Jiang Huailu returned to Jiang's family, many families didn't talk about it.

  The outsiders don’t know yet, but they still know that your majesty is angry as a beauty, and he threw the Zheng family into a second-rate family.

  Even the King Xian brought his concubine into the palace to persuade him, and was kicked out of the Golden Luang Temple by his majesty.

   Outsiders think that the Jiang family girl's entry into the palace is already an ironclad matter.


  How come out red eyes?

  Could it be that your Majesty knew that she was entangled with Zheng Wangshu, lost her reputation, and was disgusted by her majesty?

  Everyone has different minds for a while.

  That night.

Cthulhu took advantage of Lu Huaijiang's plan to attack his mother-in-law and seized his initiative.

  Grandpa Lu was standing behind His Majesty.

   Suddenly, see your majesty's pen nib.

  The thick ink drops on the white paper, which is very dazzling.

  In that instant, Lord Lu felt his majesty's aura changed. From being overjoyed just now, it turned into a strong anger.

  As soon as he stretched out his hand, he tore the white paper on the table to pieces.

   "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this is what you have written to Madam Jiang with your hard work." Grandpa Lu was shocked. His Majesty, the emperor, was so troubled to make Xia happy.

  Everything was torn apart at this moment, and Grandpa Lu hurriedly persuaded him.

  Only after the words came out, Your Majesty turned his head abruptly.

  Grandpa Lu’s blood was instantly cold, as if that glance made him chill all over.

   shivered, in the cold and condescending eyes of His Majesty, Father Lu was trembling, and slowly fell to his knees.

  Not a word.

   "What is she? Let me give her a good face. But she is an ignorant woman, she deserves?"

  At this moment, the young emperor made Lu Gonggong a stranger.

  Obviously, he was the emperor who grew up with him, and he seemed to have never known him.

   "I will put away all the gifts provided to the Jiang family. They are not worthy. I value the Jiang family, so I uphold them." The evil god's eyes were full of ridicule.

   "I want to go out of the palace."

   "This world is all mine, I want to see, who dares to say nothing!"

   "Daughter of the Jiang family, I, want to do it. Don't, kill it." The emperor sneered faintly.

   Father Lu was shocked.

  Yes, you can see your Majesty striding out the door.

   could not help shouting: "Your Majesty, the palace gate is closed."

   "Turn it off and open it, and whoever stops it will chop off his head!" The emperor said coldly, and Grandpa Lu dared not say anything more.

  It seems that today’s Majesty, especially...


When he left the palace, the emperor never sat in a sedan chair.

  Instead, riding that sweaty BMW, arrogantly in the palace. The palace man who drew with a whip shed blood and opened his flesh and blood.

The sound of horseshoes went all the way to the outside of the palace.

  When Grandpa Lu rushed towards the gate of the palace.

  Sure enough...

   His Majesty chopped off the head of the guard.

When Grandpa Lu passed by, His Majesty had already gone to Jiang's house.

  The soldier knelt on the ground.

   Father Lu took a breath and hurriedly chased him.

  By the time he arrived at the gate of Jiang's house, the Jiang's mansion had already lit up. More than the Jiang family, the Jiang family is in the inner city, and the streets of the inner city are full of dignitaries.

  Your Majesty is in such a big battle, I'm afraid the whole street will be alarmed.

  Gong Lu has a hard time saying.

   hurriedly chased in, just in time to see the bright yellow side of His Majesty disappearing into the room.

  Qiantou Jiang's family members are welcome to enter the house.

  Young Master Jiang frowned, as if he was extremely puzzled by His Majesty’s late-night visit.

  (End of this chapter)

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