The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1036: Catastrophe is approaching

   Chapter 1036

  Spring blessing feast, just as the name suggests.

  In the afternoon, Jiang Huailu got into the carriage with Xia's.

  The location of the spring blessing banquet was set in a palace outside the capital.

  The empress dowager personally presided over the town.

  As a model for women in the world.

  The carriage drove out of the imperial city one after another, and everywhere you could see the refugees in ragged clothes lying on the ground, squeezing into a ball, life and death unknown.

   "Didn't your Majesty set a million silver taels? How can it be so tragic?" Everyone in each house took a deep breath.

  They are in the backyard, so naturally they don’t know the tragedy outside.

  "Madam, more than that. In the Great Zhou Snowstorm, countless people's houses collapsed, and countless people were buried in the cold snow. Your Majesty's money is allocated and scattered throughout Great Zhou, only to comfort it for a while."

   "Besides, there are constant natural disasters outside. Countless refugees are rushing towards the Great Zhou."

   "There are very few who can reach the capital of Dazhou. What we have seen is very few."

  Xia paused slightly, her brows furrowed, and a heart was pulled up.

  White snow, icy and snowy, at a glance, there are not many people who have died of freezing.

  There are also many refugees in tattered clothes who block the carriage, begging for clothes and food.

  How did it become like this?

   "Mother, mother, mother... woo woo woo..." A child's immature cry sounded.

  Xia raised her eyes and saw a three or four-year-old girl shivering with cold, and she kept shaking the woman who fell to the ground.

  The Xia family suffered a lot, and it was hard to see life and death.

  Dang even shed tears.

  It was this scene that really moved her, which resembled the helplessness and despair of her and Lulu in the deserted capital.

  "Reward the thick clothes and give some money." Xia sighed.

  The coachman shook his head.

   "Madam, how many do you see this carriage galloping out? There are countless carriages passing by, but no one dares to stay."

   "There are countless refugees. If you reward something, you will kill them. You can't keep it."

   "What's more, when you give alms, I'm afraid these refugees can instantly wrap up the carriage, I'm afraid..." Before the carriage's words were finished, Xia's complexion faded.

  Although he brought a guard, but the carriage was full of women.

  What's more, in such a situation, I am afraid that the refugees will regard her as the last straw.

   And seeing Lulu seem to be taking a nap with her eyes closed, she did not dare to take any risks.

  Xia sighed softly, still having time to speak.

   "Take her away. The Jiang family of Norwegian University can still afford a child." Lulu whispered, the groom had a meal, when even a guard stepped forward and sent the two to the carriage behind.

  The little girl raised her dirty head: "Thank you sister benefactor, sister benefactor."

   This scene seems to have attracted the attention of the refugees around them, and they tried to rescue them by surrounding the beggar.

  Lulu's eyes flashed, with a bit of cold light.

  The whole body was actually a few people in black flying down at some unknown time. Holding a sword in his hand, killing and cutting decisively.

   immediately shocked the refugees.

  Xia's brow raised, and he glanced slightly. This is your Majesty's.

  He sighed softly.

   "Let's go." Lulu whispered with a sigh.

  In fact, she has just returned to the Hall of Salvation. Checked the life and death book.

  In the world, there really was a catastrophe.

  What's more, she has faintly augured in the past few days.

  The disaster is approaching, and the corpses are everywhere. How many people can escape?

  Lulu has deep eyes, she is the savior, but she cannot save the world in the face of natural disasters.

  God, what are you thinking?

  (End of this chapter)

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