The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1043: Smash your face

  Chapter 1043 Break your face

  "It's a big joke, Miss Jiang, you just wait for me to talk nonsense to me if you love vanity. In front of the empress dowager, you dare to speak loudly. Seeing you are so bold." Girl Zhou laughed mockingly.

   "Does your Jiang family have that strength?"

   "Sold the entire Jiang family, I'm afraid I can't make up 300,000."

  Xia's complexion changed slightly, but Tao Zhi held her shoulders.

   turned his head and saw a smile on Taozhi's mouth.

  Xia’s family only serves as Taozhi serving Lulu all day, knowing some unknown inside stories of Lulu. He endured this breath.

   "Ms. Jiang, you can say a few words less. Too many is not a good thing after all." Miss Guan shook her head, seeming to be extremely considerate of Jiang Huailu.

   "As much as possible, I will do my best. If this is to blow out, let the people believe it, how can it be good to make the people happy?" Miss Guan was a little disapproved.

  Lulu stood up, only feeling that the girl Guan had a strange concern for her.

  Obviously they have never met.

  Even, she could perceive the inquiry and pickiness of the other party's eyes, and even faintly disliked her.

  The little girl has a smile on her eyebrows, obviously she doesn’t use pink and daisy, but she compares the dressed up girls to the dust.

  It’s really irritating the more I watch it.

   "What do you mean by Lulu's utterances, a shameless person who promised empty-mouthed?" Lulu smiled and stood in front of Miss Guan.

   "Miss Guan, you seem to be very concerned about whether the Lulu Mansion has this strength." Lulu said casually, causing Ms. Guan's eyebrows to jump slightly.

   "I'm just afraid that Miss Lulu won't come to Taiwan." Miss Guan looked at Jiang Huailu critically.

  The woman who is just in time for her budding, she has a graceful figure. This face is the king of flowers' peony, and she is eclipsed in front of her.

  It’s no wonder that her ineffective brother thinks of her all day long.

  I’m so close now, I can feel her skin breaking through the blow.

  Lulu glanced at her, not knowing why she seemed to look at her with more resentment.

   "It's not up to you to give it or not." Lulu turned around and left, obviously a petite person, with arrogance between his eyebrows, but the pressure of everyone being overwhelmed.

   "Peach sticks, take my jade pendant and go to the pawnshop in heaven and earth."

  "How much money can be withdrawn, please give me a precise word." Lu Lumeiyu was faint, she really didn't know how much money she had not withdrawn.

  But millions, shouldn’t be a problem, right?

  Yang Dianfeng, who used to hear often, said that the wealth of the whole world is in her hands, and she is always chanting how much money she has made this year.

  But it seems that I haven't talked about it in the past two years.

  Every time I was calm and quiet, I never talked about it.

   Even if it loses a little, the millions should be able to come out.

  Taozhi smiled and took the jade pendant with a smile, and then backed out with the jade pendant: "Please wait for the girl. The amount is huge, I'm afraid it will take some time."

   "It's true."

   "See how you will end up waiting."

  A girl sneered softly underneath.

  The ladies frowned slightly, and they could guess whether the Jiang family's wealth was thick or not. The giant of a million, how can the Jiang family be able to bear.

  This little girl from the Jiang family has been cultivating crookedness in the end.

  Being a regular wife is absolutely necessary.

  If the son likes it, at most he can only be a concubine.

  At least the color is delicate and tender, which can please the son.

  Many ladies shook their heads as they thought.

  (End of this chapter)

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