The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1045: Pocket money is rich in the enemy's country

   Chapter 1045

  Lulu always felt that the girl at this level seemed to have some kind of traction with herself.

  I just thought, when the matter is over, I will find out about Guan Girl’s characters.

  Test if there is any connection with her.

  At this moment, the Queen Mother asked her to take away the double-sided embroidery embroidered with her and the first emperor. The box was never opened, and she directly let her back.

  Guan girl felt more and more strange.

  If it is normal, it should be the queen mother opening the box at this moment, and then watching the portrait cry.

  The queen mother can be accepted with a calm face, and even eagerly moved away.

  It seems to be like seeing an enemy.

  But she can't find out where the problem is.

  "Miss Lulu, more than half an hour has passed. How come your maid hasn't come back, she doesn't know she can't complete the task, she ran away?" A girl smirked while covering her mouth.

  The appearance of the old deer **** is there, and there is no worry at all.

   "This banquet is about to end. We can't let us wait here. You don't plan to drag it over, do you?"

   "That is, there are banks everywhere, and there is one at the nearest city gate. How long does it take." Seeing the empress dowager, the girls looked a little tired, and even urged them.

  The appearance of watching a good show almost rushed out.

  Zhuang and Xie’s girls are a little anxious.

   "Probably, too soon..." Lulu whispered.

  The voice just fell.

   Seeing Taozhi walking in hurriedly, sweating profusely, he gasped and saluted.

   As soon as the Queen Mother raised her hand, Tao Zhi stood up.

   "Oh, this is a penny and I haven't brought it back."

   "These hands are empty, it doesn't look like they have hidden millions of dollars." The girls immediately mocked, and their fingers almost pointed to Lulu's eyebrows.

  The queen mother frowned slightly.

  Lulu blinked his eyes: "Peach Branch, are our poor millions gone?" Lulu was a little surprised.

  She remembered a million taels, the number she had seen when she was a child.

  Is it so poor now?

  After Tao Zhi entered the hall, everyone said a word to me, but she didn't have time to say a word.

   "You maid did not bring back a cent, but instead brought back a group of old men?" Miss Zhou almost burst into tears from her eyes.

  Ms. Zheng looked familiar with the group of old men.

  Looking at the people's unkind smiles, he said: "Yes, but... these old men are the big shopkeepers of the pawnshops of heaven and earth."

  ? ? ?

  Ms. Zheng said, the whole hall was silent for a moment.

  Death silence.

   "Ms. Zheng, what did you say?" Miss Guan couldn't help but asked.

  There was a bit of puzzlement between the eyebrows, and some uncontrollable discomfort.

Mrs. Zheng stood up and reported to the Queen Mother: "The Empress Dowager, the son of a courtier wife is the person in charge of the Tiandi Bank. I have always seen the treasurers of the Tiandi Bank. These old people are the people in charge of the various banks."

  The Queen Mother was startled.

  Taozhi then whispered back: “The shopkeepers said, I don’t know how much money the girl needs. So he came to ask in person.”

"They said that if it is less than three million, you only need to mobilize the girl's pocket money. If it is five million or more than eight million, some adjustments will be made. Collect all the money for the Great Zhou Dynasty. If you want more, it will take three months to transfer back the money from various countries."


  Miss Zhou fell from her seat.

  Small spend? ?

  Three...three million? ? ?

  (End of this chapter)

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