The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1052: The meaning of heaven

   Chapter 1052 The meaning of heaven

  Lu Huaijiang's eyes were indifferent.

  Under that gaze, Guan Yingying was frightened by his emperor's air, but she had love for her.

   Such a powerful man is a match made in heaven with her.

   "Your Majesty, actually... I saw you when Yingying was three years old." Guan Yingying's face was reddish, she peeked at the emperor, but couldn't see his expression.

  "Your Majesty fell into a coma when he was the prince. Yingying didn't know why at that time...until..."

  "Until Yingying fell ill. The spirit suddenly appeared in front of your majesty. I don't know your majesty, do you remember what happened when you were in a coma?" Guan Yingying held up his courage and looked up at the emperor.

  She believed that she was definitely different to him at that time.

  Speaking out, how bizarre, but surprising.

   "Of course I remember. I, when I was in a coma, I met the most important person in this life." Lu Huaijiang frowned, meaning something.

   Guan Yingying's face was reddish, and her heart seemed to be a little excited.

  But holding back the joy in his heart, he continued: "At that time, Yingying was only three and a half years old, and when he opened his eyes, he followed his Majesty. Yingying thought, that might be some kind of fate."

   "It's a pity that your Majesty was later taken in by a strange place. But he rejected Yingying and didn't want Yingying to enter."

  "After Yingying was sober, she became anxious. After hearing that, the prince fell into a coma, and even Yingying had the courage to look for the portrait of the prince. Only then did you are your highness."

  "Yingying woke up in a hurry, so she carried her small bag and wanted to leave home, wanting to go to Beijing to find her Highness. But at that time, Yingying was in poor health and became ill halfway along the way. In the end, her father found her back."

"Later, Yingying has been lingering between the sick bed. Later, I met an expert who traveled and gave Yingying a piece of jade, saying that it was for Yingying to fix her soul, and Yingying would get better." The expert also said. , She is born with a phoenix fate.

   Guan Yingying said, she took off the jade pendant from her waist.

  "The expert once said that this jade pendant is a token of love between Yingying and her future husband. This is a pair...If it is in the hands of its real master, it is a god. It can even restore peace to the world."

  Duke Lu personally presented it to His Majesty.

  Lu Huaijiang saw the appearance of the jade pendant, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

  This piece of jade is actually a pair with Lulu.

   "Who gave you this jade pendant?" Lu Huaijiang's tone was slightly cold.

  Guan Yingying frowned for a while and thought: "Father has checked several times, but he hasn't found any news about that expert. It seems that he has saved Yingying, but there is no news. It seems that it never existed before."

  Lu Huaijiang pinched the jade, his eyes were slightly cold.

  He looked straight at Guan Yingying, without a trace of affection, but full of disgust and disgust.

  Hidden killing intent.

   "So, what are you doing today?" Lu Huai Jiang said coolly, looking at her with cold eyes.

   Guan Yingying is stagnant...

  The shyness on her face disappeared, she...she came today to confess her fate when she was a child, naturally...

  The mansion said that she might be the destined person of your majesty, and that your majesty will not marry for many years, I am afraid that she will be waiting for her.

   can really walk behind the gate of this palace.

  She just found out...

  The young emperor who kills and decisively does not have the slightest nostalgia for her in his eyes!

Guan Yingying's heart sank slightly, her lips pressed tightly, and she said for a long time: "Your Majesty, Yingying just wanted to come and see you. It's great. Yingying has been thinking about it all these years, and seeing that you are fine with her own eyes, Yingying is relieved. "

  (End of this chapter)

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