The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1054: An irresistible fate

   Chapter 1054 An Irresistible Fate

   "Peach Branch, you go out." Jiang Huailu said lightly.

  Taozhi paused, then blessed her body: "Yes."

   took the door to the room by the way.

   Quietly in the house, Jiang Huaiying just sat on the ground with a smirk, playing with his dirty hair on his head.

"Jiang Huaiying, do you want to find Mrs. Jiang after you die, how about your father and them? Come, they love you the most when they are alive, and they will remember you when they die." Lu Lu's eyebrows squinted slightly and flicked his fingers together A faint light flashed directly into Jiang Huai's eyebrows.

  Jiang Huaiying was shocked.

   "I think you understand, I have this ability." Jiang Huailu didn't want to talk to her.

At the moment when Jiang Huaiying's mind was clear, his body began to tremble.

  The experience of these years, little by little flashed in her mind, and almost made her die.

  Once she lost her mind, she could not bear torture and insult.

  Now, I am awakened again.

  In the past ten years of misfortune, Jiang Huaiying suddenly burst into tears.

  His throat has long been unable to speak, only a few words can be heard intermittently.


  Jiang Huaiying's eyes were full of fear, and he looked at her with fear and fear.

  Since she was foolish, evil spirits have come to scare her from time to time. Even her dead father had come back.

   "Let's talk about it, what happened when I was never awake in the previous life?" Jiang Huailu gave her a hint of magic, allowing her to recover part of her body for a while.

  Jiang Huaiying looked at her blankly, tears falling.

  If it weren't for her, why would I be here.

   "If you don't say it, I think you should understand that death is more difficult than life." Jiang Huailu's tone was full of threats, and Jiang Huaiying shivered.


   "Jiang Family, exile. You are dead, ruined temple. Sacrifice to evil." Jiang Huaiying jumped out almost in one word. Today's throat can't say anything.

   only said one sentence, coughing up blood in his throat.

  "After you died, Xia's death was on the way. Jiang Huaian...broken his leg. In the deserted capital, it is difficult, to survive."

  Jiang’s family has never waited for news of returning to Beijing.

  On the contrary, I heard that the prince was in a coma for several years and woke up to become extremely brutal and murderous.

  I also heard that he has been looking for someone, looking for a destined person.

  At that time, Beijing was looking for girls everywhere, and countless women were sent into the capital. But after all, the palace was blood-stained, and no one came out.


  Later, a woman appeared in the frontier and was sent to the palace.

  I heard that the woman was quite strange, and claimed to have met His Royal Highness in a dream for several years. Knowing everything about him, everyone thought at the time that that was his destined person.


On the day she entered the palace, she was chopped off by the teenager and only said: "You are worthy to replace her too? Wishful thinking!"

  Even he also hung the woman's head on the city gate. The wind and sun made the people afraid to enter or leave the city gate.

  Lulu explored her memory, Jiang Huaiying suddenly fell to the ground, and the whole person was agitated.

   "I think, sanity recovery, is my last gift to your sister, right?" Lulu looked at her indifferently.

  Jiang Huaiying screamed in horror: "No!"

  How can she bear such a day?

  Lulu calmly let Taozhi drag people out.

  The house was quiet, Lulu sat indoors.

  I just feel cold all over my body.

  Guan Yingying was originally to replace her.

  It's just that his soul is restored, and everything can't be worth the powerful destiny, pushing everything to the origin.

  The dove occupying the magpie’s nest is a delusion after all.

  Whether there is her Jiang Huailu, fake ones can't become real.

  (End of this chapter)

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