The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1057: Tampering with life and death book

  Chapter 1057 Tampering with the Book of Life and Death

  The imperial palace walked through the water late at night. This incident shocked most of the capital.

  Many people in the capital saw the soaring flames.

  Many people saw the palace being struck by thunder, and the silver light almost illuminated the sky.

  This fire took away all the emperor's tablets in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

  It was completely burnt and left in ruins.

  Lu Huaijiang stood in front of a deserted, smoky palace, his eyes full of gloom.

  He knew that this was a warning from God.

  He is trying to meddle with the goddess.

   "Your Majesty, please punish your Majesty." Grandpa Lu and a group of dusty palace people behind him knelt on the ground, burning many palace people to death last night.

  The fire was never extinguished when it touched the water. It was extremely frightening and could not help but doubt.

  Lu Huaijiang stood on the ruined wall and squinted his eyes slightly.

   Without saying a word, he returned to the Imperial Study Room.

   "The palace maiden on duty accidentally walked in the water last night. Everyone will not be forgiving." Lu Huaijiang glanced at Father Lu and instructed him.

  The sacrificial hall was struck by thunder and attracted a raging fire, and the flame did not go out when it met water, so naturally this matter could not be spread.

   Father Lu took a deep breath: "Yes."

   turned his head, and went to carry out his will.

  On the second day, the people involved in fire fighting in the entire palace changed water.

But Lu Huaijiang also left some thoughts: "Usually, the palace mates whom I serve up close and the palace mates that Lulu knows, try to look for similar looks. Their names cannot be changed, don't let Lulu notice. Lu Huaijiang whispered.

  President Lu nodded secretly, and he felt cold all over after leaving the gate of the palace.

   Soon, the people outside the capital learned about it.

  When the thunder fell, the palace palace was so scared that the candlelight fell on the ground and lit the gauze curtain. As a result of the water in the palace, when everyone heard that the fire was not a lightning strike, the reaction was not so strong.

  The moment Lulu left the palace, he didn't pay much attention.

   just hurried to the Hall of Salvation.

The evil servants of the Salvation Palace saluted her one after another, and Lulu waved her hands to let her leave.

   "What happened to those evil creatures? Where are Izumo and Guihai?" Lulu asked the door god.

  The face of the door is solemn: "Master, they seem to be planning something extraordinary. They killed Wuxi before, but they did not refine the dead people. On the contrary, they are..."

  Lu Luwei was a little confused: "What's the matter?"

  "On the contrary, it is a sacrifice to the heavens. They used those dead souls to sacrifice to the heavens. There is a thick **** fog everywhere outside the Great Zhou. The divine sense can't penetrate the dense fog, and it seems that everything is isolated."

  Lulu's brows are slightly condensed, what is this going to do?

   "Look up what Guihai and Izumo are doing these days, and then check again..." Lu Huaijiang swallowed as soon as he reached his lips.

   "That's it. It's just going to the cloud and returning to the sea." After speaking, Lulu waved his hand.

  The door **** glanced at her, and then retreated.

  Lulu took a deep breath.

  The glittering book of life and death appeared in front of her. The last page that could not be opened before was opened for some reason.

  The original book of life and death did not have Lu Huaijiang's name.

  At this moment, on the last page.

  On the book of life and death, it is impressively written, Emperor Lu Huaijiang of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

On the side of    there is also the Queen of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Guan Yingying.

  But the moment Lulu opened, Guan Yingying's name instantly turned into stars and scattered out of the air.

  There is an empty next to Lu Huaijiang's name.

  The book of life and death, only the emperor and queen can be named side by side.

  Lulu's eyes are slightly deep, and his lips are lightly pressed.

  With a heartbeat, a wolf with divine light appeared in her hand.

  (End of this chapter)

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