The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1063: Your Majesty's Reverse Scale

   Chapter 1063 Your Majesty’s Inverse Scale

  Guan Yingying soon returned to the mansion.

  "You don’t want to think about what you have in the future. Your Majesty doesn’t care about you, so don’t remember her anymore."

  "Don't let parents send you into the palace again." Guan Qing's face was a little dark.

  He got married early, and he has not yet completed his marriage.

  Although she is married now, she has not had sex.

  Guan Qing's eyes were dark and he had to bear it. He was different from Jiang Huailu.

  But that person is too domineering.

  Guan Qing had to bury his thoughts deeply, in order not to let the mansion be implicated. Soon they got engaged and became pros. Just wait for one year older to complete the room.

  Guan Yingying's face was white, her eyes dropped slightly, and she said nothing.

  "The imperial doctor said that you were overthinking and couldn't stand the stimulation before vomiting blood. My brother also knows what you think about these years, but your majesty...he is not the person you should think about." Guan Qing took a deep breath.

  Guan Yingying bit her lower lip lightly: "Why not? He is now 22 years old. He has laid the ground, and all nations have come to Korea. He is an emperor through the ages."

   "His harem is empty, there is no queen, not even a concubine. It must be said that he has never spoiled anyone."

   "Yingying is related to him." Guan Yingying felt wronged, she felt that she should have been born to match that man.

  At first, the prince fell into a coma. At a young age, she felt that the young man was her victim.

   "He doesn't have someone to please, why can't Yingying..."

   "Who said he has no one to please?" Guan Qing gave her a cold look.

   Guan Yingying was startled.

An incredulous flash of light flashed across   .

   "Brother, are you talking about the girl from the Jiang family? Impossible! When I was a child, my Majesty was in a coma, and because she was a soul-saver, his Majesty treated her differently." Guan Yingying said seriously.

   then pressed his lips again.

   "And the Jiang family's status is low, how can he marry him as a queen. If he really likes it, he can also be a concubine in the future."

"Brother, you have met that mysterious expert. She said that Yingying was born for the second position. If it weren't for Yingying to do it, the world will be...oooooo." Guan Qing died before she finished speaking. She covered her mouth dead.

  Frightened and worried.

   "Yingying, you have said too much. How can you believable for more than ten years if you swindle and deceive? How did you know what your Majesty is waiting for!" Guan Qing gritted his teeth.

  The emperor would make Lulu a kid, he believed it or not.

  This capital city is full of the emperor's eyes and ears. Isn't she looking for death when she said this.

   Guan Yingying stomped her feet, snorted, and helped her sister-in-law go.

  The young lady turned her eyes green, shook her head slightly, and followed the sister-in-law back to the house.

Guan Qing sighed deeply.

  Brows were pressed to death, only to think that Yingying was messing around.

   Guan Qing was about to go out, so he heard the concierge report.

  Zhen Guo Gong Shi Zi came to the post.

  Guan Qing is also familiar with Zhenguo's elder son. Speaking of which, it is because of Jiang Huailu.

   Both of them were her defeated men, but there was also a feeling of sympathy.

   Guan Qing got on the carriage and went straight to the restaurant.

   "Brother Guan, you can get three cups of penalty for being late."

  The first son of Zhen Guo Gong saw Guan Qing, and his smile became a little real.

  "I haven't congratulated the son of Lin'er yet." Guan Qing arched his hands. In the early days of the son of Zhenguo, he had a child on the full moon, and Guan Qing was just married.

   then missed it.

  Zhenguo Shizi smiled and did not speak.

  The two looked at each other, everything was silent, and they sat down and drank a glass of strong alcohol.

  In this world, only they know.

  Jiang Huailu is the inverse scale of your majesty.

  Can not be touched at all.

  (End of this chapter)

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