Chapter 1069: Congratulations to the control group

   "Oh, mother, you and the girl from the Jiang family still have a relationship between mother and child."

"She is almost your daughter. Speaking of which, she is much more beautiful than her daughter, and she is kind to Your Majesty. If my mother chooses her, it will be fine. Yingying hopes that someone can help the Guan family." Guan Ying Ying sighed lightly, seemingly guilty of not being able to help Guan's family.

  Xiao suddenly frowned.

   "What nonsense Yingying is talking about, what kind of mother-child relationship is she with me. That's something I don't want."

   "Yingying was born extraordinary, how can she compare? The Jiang family is so bumpy, it can't be said that she was the one to overcome it."

"I didn't know it was her before, but now I know that it can only prove that my mother did not choose the wrong one. Yingying is not allowed to think about her, her mother invited most of the capital for you, and there are very few people who don't give Guan Jia's face. You, birthday. It must be the most beautiful day."

   Guan Yingying suddenly lay in Xiao's arms with red eyes, and the years were calm for a while.

  Distance and 笄, there are still the last three days.

  The Guan family has prepared a lot.

  As long as someone says a blessing auspicious word to the Guan family, they can get a rich gift.

  Three days in advance, the whole city knew that the Guan family girl was going to be late.

  Every day, people line up at the gate of Guanjia to receive gifts and say good things. There are several streets in line.

  In comparison, the Jiang family is much more plain.

  Even most people don’t know that Jiang Huailu is on the same day.

   "Is everything ready? Be stricter, and don't have people with private pockets." As soon as Jiang Huailu gave instructions to Yang Dianfeng, he met two girls from the dealer asking for a meeting.

  The two girls humming angrily came.

"I'm so mad, Lulu, or you should prepare something so that someone can say auspicious words to you at the door. Guan Yingying is too arrogant. She also said..." What the second girl of the dealer wanted to say, Da The girl pulled her a bit.

   "Well, let's talk about it."

  Lulu pursed his lips and grinned, the two people flushed, and they hurriedly poured a cup of iced sour plum soup.

  There are a few red plums floating on it, which is a great relief from the heat.

"Guan Yingying also said, let us tell you, and apologize to you. He said that it robbed you of the limelight and left you with bad memories." With the domineering appearance at the time, the two girls of the dealer were about to explode. .

  Lulu is not annoyed at all.

   "Where everyone is going, we can't control it. We can't ask others to come to my ceremony, right? Lulu is very happy with you good friends."

   "Let's not engage in those vain things." People kowtow to themselves just for a blessing, Lulu doesn't need it at all.

  The disasters she has suffered in these years can circle this continent countless times.

   "It's still you girl who is sincere." Why don't the two girls of the dealer understand? This is for the Guan family to build momentum for their daughter.

  Not for the one in the palace.

  There are already rumors among the people that the little girl from the Guan family is a queen bestowed by God.

   had her own vision when she was born, and was predicted by an expert that she was the fate of the phoenix.

   Nowadays, because of the grand grandeur of the Jizheng Office, rumors have already spread in Beijing.

  Lulumu don’t care about it.

  Where did she know that Guan Yingying was still pestering her father, just for your majesty to come and walk around the house.

  The chief official of Fengjiang felt that he was making a fool of himself when he heard it.

   could not reach the wife and daughter of the house crying, he was a little afraid, so he boldly went to ask your majesty back.



   "Guan Houjing, are you confused? Who gave you the courage to say this to me?"

   "You tell me to put aside state affairs and congratulate a fifteen-year-old girl. You are afraid that your brain is confused. Your daughter has such a big face? You deserve to say this too!"

  "Since you are confused, go out and kneel, and go back when you are awake when you kneel!"

  The emperor scolded on the spot, shaking his sleeves and leaving.

  (End of this chapter)

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