The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1073: Your Majesty

  Chapter 1073 Your Majesty Who Sees Out

   Jiang’s house across the street.

  Originally, the gate of the mansion was empty, but it could land with the honor guard of the emperor and the queen mother.

  This street has already been emptied.

  Many adults knew that His Majesty was out of the palace, and they hurriedly chased the Jiang family all the way to ask for peace.

  Lu Huaijiang seemed to be in a rare good mood, but he never scolded him, but instead invited many courtiers to join him.

  The courtiers who came to please Ann were flattered, but they had never seen your Majesty look so good.

  I learned that it is the little girl from Jiang’s family and the 笄. Your Majesty and the Queen Mother are here to participate in the ceremony.

  The courtiers suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

   "I heard that Madam was going to attend the ceremony early in the morning, I'm afraid it was already here. Fortunately..."

   "No, my family also left early to participate in the ceremony. I didn't expect it to be a place with Your Majesty."

   "However, why didn't I see my carriage outside." Several adults huddled together.

   "It is said that the Jiang family has fallen out of favor, but it seems otherwise." This beaming appearance of your Majesty has never been so happy when he became a throne.

   "We didn't offend the Jiang family anyway. I'm still at the Jiang family to participate in the ceremony today. If you want to come to your majesty, you won't blame it." The ministers couldn't help but nod.

  Fortunately, the lady in the backyard did a good job of diplomacy.

  Wait for a good reward.

  The ministers followed His Majesty into the house with great strength, and the Xia Clan and Jiang Huaian knew that His Majesty had come in person.

   was so surprised that he hurriedly led people to pick him up.

  But the emperor was familiar with himself, and he didn't give much courtesy at all.

   "Get up, it's your own family, you don't need to be polite." The words don't need to be polite, people's hearts are beating.

  The ministers saw that your Majesty’s words and deeds were somewhat...

   is not quite right.

  His Majesty entered the door and went straight to the backyard, seeming to be very familiar with the Jiang family.

  It is obvious that he only came once.

  And the attitude of the host, all the officials who looked at it were bewildered.

   "You don't have to be polite, just like you are at home." Lu Huaijiang smiled a little, and he was in a particularly good mood today. His Lulu has grown up and become a big girl.

   Seeing his Majesty’s appearance, the ministers couldn’t help but mutter: But that’s not your home? ? ?

  Jiang Huaian's mouth twitched.

  I always felt that he was too familiar with his own family, as if he had come countless times.

  Where did he know that when Lu Huaijiang came out of his body, he knew what Jiang’s family was familiar with more than their own family.

  You know where there is a dog hole and where there are more birds.

   "Hey, today... are you out of guest?" The Jiang family sat down to welcome the emperor and the queen mother.

  The emperor looked up, only to realize that there were very few people who came to give gifts.

   and most of them are from the Xia family.

  Master Xia's eyebrows bend, look, don’t have to do anything, isn’t this just glaring again.

Xia's complexion became stiff, but Jiang Huaian replied with a salute: "In response to your majesty, the ministers have already sent posts for the various prefectures. But each prefecture has important matters and cannot be there for the time being. But it's okay. Gathering is also happy." Jiang Huaian glanced at the emperor.

  Sure enough...

  The young emperor's face suddenly collapsed.

  The courtiers underneath were bewildered.

  Seeing the empty banquet, and not seeing my wife, my heart sinks. Can not help but have more ominous premonitions.

  Heard Jiang Huaian’s words...

   is even more buzzing.

   Both legs are trembling.

   Isn’t it? ? ?

Mrs.    didn’t come to Jiang’s house? Didn't even the Jiang family hand over the post? Haven't even sent someone to go through the scene?

  What are those girls doing! !

  (End of this chapter)

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