The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1098: Second-life self

  Chapter 1098 The second self

  Lulu was startled when he saw those eyes.

  His eyes were actually azure blue.

   "Do you still remember who you are? Your father is the lord of the demon world, and he has dozens of sons. You are the most talented and strongest among them."

   "As long as you follow your previous trajectory, you must be the next Demon King."

   "And I am a princess of the Devil Realm. If you and I are married, the creation **** must be a little jealous. And you..."

  The gorgeous woman's face is full of disgust and disgust.

   "And you are fancy to the goddess. What is the goddess? Envy is like a hatred, the little goddess who can't wait to kill when you see the demons."

   "God is the darling of heaven, and what are you? The future master of the demon world."

   "You are actually willing to steal the demon treasure for her!"

   "Where is the little goddess you are thinking of? She would like to take a look at you? She doesn't even know you are a monster, right? You covered your breath with a spirit weapon, do you really think you are a mortal? It's funny."

"If you know your mistake, I will ask the Demon King to release you once. As long as you take the head of the goddess and bring back the treasure of the demon race, I will still marry you. You will still be the king of the demon world in the future!" Looking at him sadly.

  If it weren’t for the **** goddess to appear, she and him would be the best match between the two worlds.

   "Go back. I am punished here, willingly."

  The man's voice was indifferent, and there was no movement between his eyebrows.

  The woman was furious.

"You don't have to know what is good or bad, do you know how the demon world wants to punish you now? That **** and demon are not at odds with each other until death, and you will never be able to do so. Go straight away.

   "I have released your news. If your little goddess has you in her heart, she will definitely come back." The woman's voice was full of malice and looked at him mockingly.

  After the Demon Princess left, the man sighed softly.

  Lulu was a little closer, and he could feel the suppressed demonic energy on his body.

  No wonder she didn't even notice it.

  The heavy object on his back is a spiritual weapon, which directly penetrated his lute bone and restricted all his power.

  Lulu looked at him sadly.

  Is this also Jiang Jiang’s past life?

   Their second life?

  Lulu didn’t seem to be waiting long, she looked at the desperate man who was kneeling on the ground and suddenly there was an explosion in her eyes.

  The whole person seems to have come alive.

  Lulu seems to have a feeling.

   raises his head.

   saw this repressive and cramped room, a woman with dazzling brilliance entered.

  The woman paused in her footsteps, and seemed to be biased towards the location of Lulu.


  Lulu hurriedly suppressed everything, but did not dare to look directly at the woman.

  Familiar but unfamiliar.

  I am familiar with the exact same face, with a dusty, non-cannibalistic scent of fireworks.

  What's strange is that her eyes are indifferent and alienated, as if a lot of mood swings are missing.

   "Why are you trapped here? Did they punish you? The monster you gave me last time is very helpful to me, thank you." The little goddess looked at the man with bright eyes.

   seems to want to use divine power to release him.

   "You don't have to work hard. This is the ban of the Yaozu and cannot be solved. It is mixed with a sky-filling stone, which is extremely hard." The man smiled, and the spring blossoms seemed to melt the snow and ice.

   "The treasure of the monster clan is useful to you."

   "Don't worry, I will release you." The little goddess sighed.

  (End of this chapter)

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