The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 110: Only reacted to her

  Chapter 110 Only react to her

  "Girl, where do you live?" Jiang Huaian asked patiently.

  Since Jiang Huailu was lost once, he has regarded his younger sister like eyeballs.

  At this moment, the girl looked straight at her sister, as if there was an attempt.

   "Girl, it would be too rude if you stare at the sister-in-law like this." Jiang Huaian's voice was two points harder, and the girl looked at the magnificent and magnificent. The eyes of Piansheng seem to be missing something, a bit missing...


   "What is your name?" Jiang Huailu showed a pair of eyes and hid behind his brother.

  The girl was wearing a moon-white dress, squatting in the corner at the moment, already stained with mud and stains.

   Hearing Jiang Huailu's voice, his eyes rolled.

   seems to be more agile.

  "Zhuzhu..." His throat was hoarse, and it seemed to come out of the throat one by one.

  Beads... Jiang Huailu murmured.

  "Brother, she is probably a girl from the Wen family.

   "At the Salvation Hall that day, I seemed to have seen her." Jiang Huailu had some impressions of her, and Yang Dianfeng said that she had no human nature on that day.

   "She listens to you, you first let her walk out of the alley. I will find someone to report to Wen's house." Jiang Huaian was less vigilant when he saw the two met.

  Jiang Huailu paused, then stepped forward and took the girl's cold hand.

  She seemed startled and wanted to resist, but in the end she passed her hand.

  She seems to resist contact with people.

  Jiang Huailu led her to the outside of the alley. After spending a few dollars, Jiang Huaian found someone to report to Wen's house.

   "Are you hungry?" Jiang Huailu saw her eyes staring at the wonton shop, Dang even touched a little bit of silver from the small box.

   Ordered her a bowl of dried shrimp wontons.

  When the Wen family came in mighty, that Zhuzhu was holding a bowl and drank all the soup.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang, I will definitely come to thank you in the next day. My girl will become manic every time she becomes ill, and she didn't watch it today and ran away." Steward Wen wiped the sweat from her forehead, and now it's in July. , The most intense heat.

   Seeing Zhuzhu actually ate a bowl of wontons, he was immediately shocked.

"She, she actually listened to the words of Young Master Jiang? My girl, since the death of her birth mother in her childhood, has recruited evil spirits. Since then, she has become silent, and the master looked distressed. The Taoists who have some skills in the deserted capital are invited to condemn evil. The girls have had fewer episodes in the past few years." Steward Wen sighed.

  Now that the Wen family has married a stepmother, she lives in a yard by herself.

   But even if it was Master Wen, who was rich in the world, Zhuzhu ignored him.

  "Evil?" Jiang Huailu widened his eyes slightly.

  Butler Wen looked lonely.

   "There was a lot of noise back then, I'm afraid that everyone in this city knows it."

   "Our master and wife have no guesses since they were young. For so many years, the husband and wife have shared the joys and hardships. The master has not taken up the concubine's house for many years, until we gave birth to our Zhuzhu girl."

  "Beads, beaded as precious as a child."

"It's just that our master has a big business, and there are no children in the house. The old lady forced the master to take a concubine, and the master did not want to. At that time, there was some estrangement with the old lady, and even said that as long as she is still alive, this life She is the only wife."

   "Just when Zhuzhu was three years old, that year on the Qixi Festival, Zhuzhu was clamoring to go see the lights."

   "At that time, the master packed a whole boat, surrounded by water lanterns placed by the people, it was very lively."

   "On that day, the boat went through the water and a fire broke out. The lady and Miss Zhuzhu were trapped in the fire and surrounded by fire." The steward took a deep breath.

    The subject had a birthday, and it was a day late. Hey... The update is coming, I'm asking for a recommendation ticket. PK started again today...Friday to Monday...



  (End of this chapter)

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