The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 115: The prince was moved and cried

  Chapter 115 The prince was moved and cried

  At this moment, the sky is shining slightly.

  Jiang Huailu ran fast with short legs.

  She should get up in a while.

  The tip of his nose is sweating, and his thoughts are broken while walking.

  "This is the home that I spent a lot of money to build for you. You must be the most respectable family in the near and far."

  Lu Huaijiang couldn't help pursing her lips. This little girl was picky and stingy, and it was really raining in the sky to let her build a house for herself.

  Not to mention, how much money can this little girl have? I'm afraid it is for him to save money everywhere, right?

  In this place, the house is too much to talk about.

  Although she may have picked up something, about a few hundred taels of silver, is it her life's greatest effort?

   Honestly, Lu Huaijiang was moved.

   also wondered, now that he has a house, when Jiang Huailu leaves at dawn, he will have more places to go.

  An ordinary house, you can’t restrain him even if you want to.

  During the day, he can act at will.

  Lu Huaijiang suppressed the thoughts in his heart, this girl is too young. I don't know how much power I sit on, this difference between yin and yang, this palace of salvation, can almost create another world.

  Wait for him to master all this, treat her kindly.

  Lu Huaijiang followed Jiang Huailu to go further and further, and even the Salvation Palace was on the mountain, and she was still leading the way to higher places.

   "It's almost dawn, and you will be going back in a while. Your house is as high as it was built?" Lu Huaijiang guessed that this was probably a private courtyard.

   "I will be here soon. I planted flowers for you in front of the door, and built several floors for you. The neighbors on the left and right are far behind yours." Jiang Huailu said righteously.

   "Thank you very much." Lu Huaijiang paused slightly and replied solemnly.

  I'm afraid this is the attic.

  There is a garden in front of the door.

  A faint light appeared on the horizon, and Jiang Huailu was already sweating profusely, and he climbed straight to the highest position on the top of the mountain.

   "Here." Jiang Huailu's tired legs trembled, and he sat directly on the ground.

  The fair face was flushed with exhaustion, and the lining eyes were round and bright like a pearl.

  "Look, there is a wide field of vision, with water in front and mountains in the back. There are many chrysanthemums planted in front of you." Little Huailu pointed to the creek in front of him and the dark mountains behind.

   pointed at the clump of wild chrysanthemums under her feet.

  Lu Huaijiang's heart jumped, and suddenly he had a somewhat ominous premonition.

Before I could say anything, my cold hands were held by a pair of warm little hands.

   took him step by step.

  For some reason, there is always an abyss in front of him, but he knows it is an abyss, but he can't stop.

Step by step……

   walked to a round grave bag.

   "Lu Jiang's Tomb." Jiang Huailu thumped, pointed at the overbearing graveyard, with a look of credit.

   "Look, there are pitiful solitary graves on the left and right, only you are luxurious and domineering. I have built many layers of soil on this for you. The coffins inside are all made by workers who cut down trees."

   "In order to make you more spacious, I made a stand for you to turn over."

"Those uncles and uncles all laugh at Lulu, saying that they have never seen anyone with a coffin that can turn over. Lulu needs this anyway. Brother Lu Jiang, why do you have tears in the corners of your eyes? Are your eyes sweating too? ?"

  "Are you too moved?" Jiang Huailu poked the little brother lightly.

  Why the little brother’s face is a little blue.

  Are you too happy?

  Want to come, brother Lu Jiang is too happy.

  Such a big grave must surprise him too much.

  He also hung a wreath on it.

   is a moving gift for him.

    Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for comments, ask for popularity, today is the second day of PK... There are two days left before the first round is over...



  (End of this chapter)

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