The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 118: Everyone here is spicy chicken

  Chapter 118 Everyone in this room is spicy chicken

   "The name is really good."

   "Beads, pigs, they are as stupid as pigs."

   "We are all six or seven years old, but she is the only one who is still staying at her age. Since she is stupid, don't go out to school."

   "Are all the cleverness grown on her brothers and sisters." Behind, a few little girls covered their mouths and laughed.

  But the sound is not small, almost everyone can hear it.

  But the Zhuzhu girl was silent, as if she was living in her own world and couldn't get out.

  In the most central position, there is a pair of twin brothers and sisters.

  Looks exquisite and luxurious, wearing extravagant clothes.

  The son of the richest man in the deserted capital, everyone rushed to fawn. Only Zhuzhu, it seems that everyone loves to step on her. Everyone knows that her mother died early, and she is an abnormal brain.

  It is said that she fell ill from time to time and almost killed her father.

   "It's all people, why is the gap so big." The little girl behind her muttered, looking at the direction of the little Miss Wen Jia in a blink of an eye.

  Wen’s pair of dragons and phoenixes, the boy’s name is Wen Rujing, and the girl’s name is Wen Ruyu.

  This name is said to be taken by Master Wen.

  Everyone murmured secretly, and the lady loved to die and survived her life, and this daughter was also a bead.

  Now I am married to a steplady, but the child is called Wen Rujing and Wen Ruyu. I am afraid it is fake to say that I am not loving.

  The little girl Wen Ruyu stood up and looked at the direction of her elder sister with a sad expression: "You are not allowed to say that my sister is stupid. My sister is just clever and not obvious."

   "You mean, are you smart? Are you smart?" Jiang Huailu said crisply, his eyes flickering.

  Yang Dianfeng didn’t know how she would suddenly answer the conversation, but he didn’t recover for a while.

  He is the only son of the Yang family. One has no one to compete for favor, and the other has no brothers and sisters. He has never been so angry.

  Naturally, I don’t understand the sordidness of the little girl’s family.

   "That's not true. Maybe it's you who can be called smart." Yang Dianfeng was silent. Since she became a companion, his father would call him stupid every day.

  Jiang Huai'an suddenly lit his head.


   "What do you mean by this?" The little girl who had just helped Wen Ruyu speak flushed with anger, blushing, and stood up.

  I just satirized them for being stupid by doing a companion reading.

  "Do you mean that we are not smart enough?"

  The whole class looked at her.

  Jiang Huailu slowly collected the book on the table: "I didn't mean to target anyone, I mean, everyone here is stupid."

  "Just a few books are worth studying for a year or a half. It's an insult to cleverness to memorize an article, read it for a few days, and stumble."

   "I can't learn it in a year or a half, so don't study at all. Go back to herding the cows." Jiang Huai raised his mouth, embarrassed, in front of her, everyone is a spicy chicken.

  A room of little boys and girls are all frustrated.

  I only knew that this little girl was so blue-eyed that even Yang Dianfeng looked at her in awe.

  She has only been around for three days, and she doesn't know her details at all.

"It's like how good you are. Although you are only four years old, who doesn't know that you entered the academy with a companion. It's really a blow to your nose, I think you don't even know a few words, right? "Wen Rujing was spoiled at home, as if he was a bully, and immediately scolded.

  He is praised by his mother for being smart every day.

  Yang Dianfeng said nothing, silently covering his face with his hands.

  When Jiang Huailu was in the enlightenment class, those children were only three or four years old, so how do you know how bad she was?

  Master had taken the exam several times secretly, and he directly mentioned the Guoxue class.

  But she has only been here for three days. Where have these classmates been beaten by her? ? ?

  (End of this chapter)

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