The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1202: Ask for grace

   Chapter 1202 Seeking Grace

   "No, no master!"

   "These decent gods are the most shameless, you can't believe them!"

  "Master, now they can't help you with the power of the gods. Now, Miss Tilulu, it's nothing more than letting you catch it!"

"Master, since you are conscious, we, the devil who was destined to be born, are waiting for you every day. You go down to the world for thousands of years, and we are looking for you in every life. I only hope that you can lead us to the gods. boundary."

  "You have gone through seven lives, and you have died for her in every life. The God Realm knows that you love Miss Lulu, this is because they deliberately calculated you to make you drill." Izumo and Guihai looked nervous.

   "Look at the Ziwei Emperor, you just figured that you can't afford to leave Miss Lulu." Izumo held the weapon tightly in his hand.

   He hates the God Realm to the extreme.

  They are born to be a demon seed, whoever wants to be born as a demon seed.

  Born to heaven to want them to be demons, but also to let everyone in the Three Realms shout and beat them.

  They don’t accept it, don’t accept it!

  Ziwei Emperor chuckled, he never concealed that he used Jiang Huailu as the lead to lead the evil god.

  He is the law enforcer of the Three Realms. If he can't defend the dignity of the law, then the Three Realms will be messed up.

"The deity has one more plea. If the deity understands itself, can you let go of the deity's subordinates? They are just a mob that can't make any waves. It is not what they wished to be born as a demon. If they can, I hope the God Realm can let them go. A way of life. The deity bears all guilt in one effort."

   "No! We swear to follow the Lord!" Izumo Guihai and the countless subordinates behind him decisively shouted.

  Lu Huaijiang gently shook his head.

  He didn’t know that it was Emperor Ziwei deliberately threatening him with Lulu.

  But he was willing to drill in.

  Lulu was born a goddess.

  All because of admiration for him, all because of their traction, changed from goddess to what it is now.

  A mortal without the power to bind a chicken.

  She often sees Lulu staring at the sky in a daze, and she also often sees Lulu unconsciously. But at that time, Lulu was startled. It seems that I just remembered that I have become a mortal now.

  Lulu is very good. She has changed her goddess habits for thousands of years.

  Everything is just afraid of thinking about it.

  Lulu gave up everything and followed him, holding on to the idea of ​​living through this life and never having another life to become a mortal.

  Lulu trusted him so much, but he was so cruel to make Lulu really be a mortal.

  From the beginning, he never thought of turning Lulu into a mortal.

  He was ready when he started.

  Taking all the guilt with one's own strength, returning the identity of the deer goddess, and returning to the realm of the gods.

Emperor Ziwei looked at him deeply and glanced at the subordinates behind Lu Huaijiang.

  Lu Huaijiang was right. They were all mobs.

  What if it is put.

  It’s just a breeze for the gods to destroy them.

  They couldn't do anything without Lu Huaijiang.

  When Lu Huaijiang never transformed, these demons dare not appear in the sun at all.

   "My lord promises you not to hurt your subordinates. But my goddess can't be the master."

  "She committed a serious crime, you should understand this. As long as..." Emperor Ziwei paused.

   "As long as the world and the creation gods don't care, this monarch can forgive her." Emperor Ziwei also took a step back.

  The God of Creation is the person who raised Jiang Huailu himself, and will leave her deity no matter what.

  As for the world, Emperor Ziwei knew it.

  The goddess in this world is the savior, and as the world's richest businessman, she gives back to the world.

   will leave her a way out in the end.

  (End of this chapter)

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