The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1205: Inescapable robbery

  Chapter 1205 The inevitable robbery

  The God of Wealth has seen her walk through the eighth life with his own eyes.

  The tough eighth.

When    hadn't come down to the world, she was still a child who was confused and innocent.

  Only because the Buddha left a tribulation, he went to answer the tribulation.

  When she went, she was innocent and innocent, her eyes were clear and bottomless, and she laughed before anyone had a word. She was the little goddess that everyone in the gods loved.

   is also the most noble little goddess in the God Realm.

   Ke Liji came back, she was always in a daze from time to time, and occasionally a touch of distress flashed in her eyes.

  When she came back from her second life, she began to sit in the clouds and cry.

In the third life, she was often in a trance, sometimes weeping for no reason.

  Fourth, fifth and sixth, he watched her getting worse from time to time.

   even steals the mortal world to set up a tombstone for Lu Huai and Jiang.

  Until the seventh life.

  That time, she really lost control.

  The evil **** turned into the founding emperor. He was only eighteen years old and he was on the battlefield. He took down the whole world but left everything behind, waiting for him all the time.

  At that time, Lulu had already discovered that something was wrong with him and was afraid to contact him often.

  The emperor waited underneath. She sat in the cloud and watched secretly. She cried silently when she watched.

  The God of Wealth looked at the two of them with heartache.

  Wait and wait until the other person is gray-haired and waits until he is old and dead.

  She stood in the dwarf country that she once created with her own hand, looking at each other eagerly across the sea.

  Waiting until she died, she wanted to send her to reincarnation personally, thinking that she would be able to see her.

  In the end, for some unknown reason, she was actually a magic sword inserted on the gate of the underworld.

  Closed the underworld passage, resulting in an imbalance between Yin and Yang, and there has been no reincarnation of Yin and Soul in the past thousand years.

  The God Realm made a lot of noise for her, and the Creation God personally recruited her back.

  After coming back, we had a long conversation with the **** of creation all night.

  The God of Wealth asked if there is anything unspeakable.

  Chuangshi Shen only sighed and shook his head lightly. Lovingly caressed her most beloved daughter: "Maybe, it will make you wronged once. It will be fine when the godmother sends you the next reincarnation. The godmother will solve it."

After    came out, as expected.

  The gods of the gods, please order her to punish her.

  Ziwei Emperor personally executed the punishment, she knelt on Zhuxiantai and was fined a thousand whips.

  I was beaten with blood and blood. Emperor Ziwei asked her if she knew it was wrong.

  She still said: "I never missed it."

  That time of divine punishment, let her lie in bed for a long time.

  When he experienced the catastrophe again, the God of Creation was really worried, fearing that she would not be able to pass this level. He closed her memory, and even felt distressed that her wound had not healed, and left her by her side to raise her for three years before being in the lower realm.

  At that time, the God Realm had great opinions on Lulu, and the God of Creation was also trying to protect her by covering up the small world.

  Unless you use the reincarnation mirror, you won’t be able to find her.

  The God of Creation has been protecting for so many years, I only hope that she can escape this disaster.

  But she didn't want to, she still couldn't make it through.

   "Lulu, don't be afraid. Don't be afraid." God of Wealth didn't know what to say, feeling her trembling all over, he couldn't help holding her.

   "I don't want him to explain himself, I don't want him to dissipate. Uncle, I can bear it, I can bear it. I don't want to be a goddess anymore, I don't want to be a goddess anymore."

   "He is right, he is right, it is the way of heaven, it is the fault of the Three Realms, and you bred him." Lulu roared at the sky.

  At the moment the sky was gathering, Lu Huai's Jiang Yi corner flew, and he pushed away his subordinates behind him with a palm.

  Look at Lulu one last time, then gently closed her eyes.

  The Deer Sword in his hand aimed at himself.

  (End of this chapter)

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